
  • 网络family culture;Home Culture
  1. 家文化曾经在华夏这片土地上取得了巨大的成就,它是中国传统文化的根基,是中国精神的源泉。

    Home culture had made great achievements in China , Which is the foundation of Chinese traditional culture and the source of the Chinese spirit .

  2. 然而时过境迁,曾经散发着耀眼光芒的家文化在西方文明的冲击下日渐衰微,尤其是在中国当代的现代化进程中,家的精神几经演变,似乎要从历史的舞台上悄然离去。

    However , things have changed , the home culture which used to distribute the blinding light is gradually declining , especially during the process of Chinese contemporary Modernization , the home spirit evolved several times , which seems to be leaving quietly from the stage of history .

  3. 家文化在东北电视叙事中的表征

    The Representation of " Family Culture " in Northeast TV Narrative

  4. 论道家文化在太极拳演进历程中的深层次影响

    The Deep Influence from Taoism Culture in the Development of Taiji

  5. 中国传统家文化对古代家庭教育的影响

    Influence on ancient family education from Chinese traditional family culture

  6. 家文化的突出作用,是它可以成为联系各个层次的纽带。

    The outstanding function of family culture is connection of different dimensions .

  7. 论道家文化对荣格分析心理学的影响

    On the Dao 's Culture Toward the Effect of Jung 's Analytic Psychology

  8. 去年他在一家文化公司工作。

    He worked for a cultural company last year .

  9. 家文化与现代企业文化的融合

    Blending of family culture and modern enterprise culture

  10. 在家文化传统的影响下,我国企业具有浓厚的家族化特征。

    Under the traditional families'culture , the enterprises in china are characterized by familization .

  11. 构建家文化助咨询设计企业做大做强

    Construct " Family Culture " to Promote Consult and Design Corporate Larger and Stronger

  12. 中国传统民居中的家文化偏向

    The Family Culture Preference in Chinese Traditional Residence

  13. 岳麓山融儒道释三家文化集于一体,成就了各自文化精髓的体系。

    They three integrate together like a unit , and also form different culture system separately .

  14. 家文化变革谋求的是整体性的变革,关涉到整个学校生存方式的改变和意义结构的转变。

    Family cultural changes seek the whole changes , which concern the whole changes of living style and the meaning construction .

  15. 和谐竞争理论、特定基本经济制度和家文化传统将决定中国公司治理模式的特色。

    The corporate governance with Chinese characteristics depends on the harmonious competitive theory , special basic economic system and family cultural tradition .

  16. 从家文化和现代企业文化的融合过程出发,将家族企业的发展分为四个阶段。

    The development of family enterprises is divided into four stages according to the blending of family culture and modern enterprise culture .

  17. 而且,我还代表了美国许多家文化和艺术基金会,因为我相信文化和艺术也影响政治。

    There has been no other country impacted by as much legislation coming out from the Senate and the House of Representatives .

  18. 现在,中国的1万多家文化出版机构必须与600家国营出版公司捆绑出书。

    At present , China's10,000-odd culture studios must team up with one of the600 companies with state ties to put out books .

  19. 我国几千年的家文化传统则是家族企业生长的社会文化温床。

    " Jia Culture " tradition of several thousand years of our country is then social cultural hotbed of the family business growth .

  20. 中国传统文化中家文化居于核心地位,家文化既包括整个大家族系统内部的文化,又包括个体的家庭内部的文化。

    Family culture is the core of Chinese traditional education , which including the inner culture ofthe whole household system and individual family .

  21. 曾任职于一家文化经纪公司,有演出经纪、演出策划、现场执行、舞台监督方面的经验。

    Once worked in a talent management company , and had experiences on performence management , performence planning , live operation and stage management .

  22. 我是一名大学英语老师,同时也正在经营一家文化中心,组织一些社会与文化活动并为西方人介绍中国文化。

    I am a university English teacher , as well as running my own business and cultural centre , organizing social and cultural events and introducing westerners to Chinese culture .

  23. 因此《西游记》中道家文化元素的翻译在中国传统文化的传承和其在国际社会中的民族形象发挥着重要作用。

    Therefore , the translation of the traditional Taoist culture in Xi You Ji plays a significant role in the ethnic cultural heritage and national identity in the international community .

  24. 家族企业应建立现代企业制度,变小家文化为大家文化,改革用人制度,实行专业化管理。

    The family business should establish the modern enterprise system , change " little family culture " to " everybody culture ", reforms personnel system and carry out the specialized management .

  25. 此外,对《西游记》中道家文化元素的翻译研究也有助于不同文化的学者更好的学习中国传统道家文化。

    Furthermore , the study of Taoist cultural translation in Xi You Ji will also be helpful for those scholars who come from different cultural background to better learn the traditional Chinese Taoist culture .

  26. 盂兰盆节是中国古代三大传统祭祀节日之一,是有着儒释道三家文化背景的重要的宗教节日。

    The Yu-lan-peng festival is one of the three big traditional festivals offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors in ancient China , an important festival with a cultural background of Confucianism , Buddhism and Daoism .

  27. 首先在分析日本、韩国、港台地区家族企业文化转型的经验基础上,进行深入思考,归纳出我国当代家族企业在进行家文化转型过程中可以借鉴的启示。

    The author firstly introduces the successful experiences of transition of the enterprise culture of Japan , Korean , Hong Kong and Taiwan and concludes the enlightenments used for reference for family firms of our country .

  28. 中国家族企业处在一个家文化传统最为悠久和深厚的国家,其基于感情逻辑的私人信任倾向十分明显,在基于利益逻辑的社会信任短缺的情况下,缔结了家族企业的优势。

    Under long-term and profound " family culture " in China , there is an obvious tendency of private trust based on emotion in the family enterprise management . It creates advantage of the enterprise in the emerging stage .

  29. 企业的制度变迁又存在传统“家文化”观念、独特的人际交易模式、社会信任资源短缺、市场发育与法制不健全等供给制约。

    In the institutional vicissitudes of the enterprise , there are supply restrictions such as traditional family culture conception , unique mode of interpersonal deals , shortage of social confidence resource , and unperfect market development and legal system .

  30. 全真道既是对传统道教的改革与创新,又是对儒佛道三家文化的综合与创新,给我们提供了文化创新的范例。

    The entire real road is not only to the traditional Taoism reform and the innovation , is also to Confucian Buddha said that three cultural the syntheses and the innovation , have provided the cultural innovation model to us .