
  • 网络Household income;Family income;Annual Household Income
  1. 因为如果中国成功实现经济转型,家庭收入增速将超过gdp增速。

    Because if China successfully rebalances its economy , household income growth will exceed GDP growth .

  2. 7.indigenousa.本土的,土著的,国产的澳大利亚土著居民的平均家庭收入是非土著居民的60%。

    The average household income for Australia 's Indigenous population is 60 % of the non-Indigenous average .

  3. 为了想法子增加家庭收入,她开始制作洋娃娃。

    While searching for a way to augment the family income , she began making dolls .

  4. 所有的孩子不分种族、居住地及家庭收入,都应有权利接受高质量的教育。

    All children are entitled to a high-quality education regardless of their race , zip code or family income .

  5. FinancialAnalystsJournal最近的一个分析显示,以房价与家庭收入比来衡量,与历史水平相比,全美国范围内的房价仍不便宣。

    A recent analysis in the Financial Analysts Journal suggested prices nationwide still weren 't cheap by historical standards in relation to household incomes .

  6. 最后,得出了住房价格、人均居住面积、GDP和家庭收入是影响大连市住宅市场长期需求的主要影响因素,大连市住宅市场长期需求潜力巨大和短期趋于过热的结论。

    Lastly , the dissertation finds that house price , per capita living space , GDP , family income are key influence factors of market demand .

  7. 如此看来,在纾困期间,在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占比例本已相对较低的家庭收入会降至令人担忧的水平,或许也就不足为怪。

    It is perhaps not surprising , then , that during the period of the bail-out household income , already a relatively low share of gross domestic product , declined to alarming levels .

  8. 野村证券(nomura)的迈克尔库尔特(michaelkurt)表示,提高家庭收入的方法之一,可能是取消长期以来对一些国企的补贴。

    One way to boost household incomes would be to cut some of the longstanding subsidies for state-owned enterprises , says Michael Kurt at Nomura .

  9. 据麦格理(Macquarie)数据显示,自2000年以来,农村家庭收入一直在增长,去年增长了10%。

    Rural household incomes have been rising since 2000 and last year rose by 10 per cent , according to Macquarie .

  10. 社会科学研究资助机构&罗素塞奇基金会(RussellSageFoundation)的主席谢尔顿丹齐格(SheldonDanziger)表示:比起2000年,今天贫困更严重,家庭收入更低。

    Poverty is higher today than it was in 2000 and household incomes are lower , said Sheldon Danziger , president of the Russell Sage Foundation , which funds social science research .

  11. 这项调查没有显示家庭收入是否与SIDS风险有关,结论是否适用于死于SIDS的其他婴儿。

    The study doesn 't show whether household income affected SIDS risk , or whether the findings apply to other babies who die of SIDS .

  12. 包括个人收入,家庭收入和贫困率。

    It includes personal income , household income and poverty rates .

  13. 瑶族家庭收入分配研究

    The Home The Study of Yao Nationality 's Domestic Income Distribution

  14. 第三,中国居民家庭收入流动性有助于降低长期收入不平等。

    Thirdly , household income mobility can help reducing income inequality .

  15. 社会资本累积与家庭收入分化

    Family The Home Social Capital and Household Income : An Investigation

  16. 房价与家庭收入中值正指向相反的方向。

    Prices and median household income are pointing in opposite directions .

  17. 其次,家庭收入状况是私人信息。

    Secondly , family income is a kind of private information .

  18. 她找了一个兼职工作以补充家庭收入

    She get a part - time job to supplement the family income

  19. 美国的平均家庭收入为51017美元。

    The average household income in the United States is $ 51,017 .

  20. 农村家庭收入及其差异原因分析

    Analysis of the family income and causes of their differences

  21. 零花钱的多少应根据家庭收入情况而定。

    The amount should be what the family can afford .

  22. 家庭收入与中国城镇已婚妇女劳动参与决策分析

    Family Income and Labor Force Participation of Married Women in Unban China

  23. 调低工资税会增加家庭收入,刺激支出。

    A payroll tax cut would put income into households and boost spending .

  24. 中国城镇居民家庭收入差异的回归分解

    Regression-based Household Income Inequity Decomposition of Chinese Urban Residents

  25. 他明白,他妻子所挣的钱可能是家庭收入的主要来源,他接受这一事实。

    He knows and accepts the fact that his wife may be the breadwinner .

  26. 大中型城市居民家庭收入对服务性消费结构的影响

    The Influence of Household Income of Large and Middle Urban on Service Consumption Structure

  27. 结论不同家庭收入对中小学生的口腔健康和口腔卫生行为有重要影响。

    Conclusion Different family incomes affect students ' oral health and oral health behaviors .

  28. 用在孩子身上的开支随家庭收入增长而增加。

    Money spent on child-related costs increases as a family 's income goes up .

  29. 很明显,这句话的意思是为了增加家庭收入,夫妻双双都去工作。

    Both husband and wife go to work inorder to augment the family income .

  30. 租赁者家庭收入中位数:$26100

    Median household income for renters : $ 26,100