
  • 网络Income distribution system
  1. 国有企业收入分配制度改进问题研究

    The Research on the Improvement of State-Owned Enterprise Income Distribution System

  2. 收入分配制度不合理,收入差距过分悬殊;

    The irrational income distribution system and extreme disparity in income ;

  3. 人力资本产权与收入分配制度创新

    Property Right of Human Capital and Institutional Innovation of Income Distribution

  4. 股份合作制企业收入分配制度及其模式

    System and Model of income Distribution in a Stock Cooperative Enterprise

  5. 企业收入分配制度的理论探讨

    Theoretical Study and Conceptual Composition of Income Distribution System for Enterprise

  6. 我国公立医疗机构职工收入分配制度研究概述

    Project Summary of Study on Wage System of Public Hospitals in China

  7. 组织融知渠道研究论知识经济的收入分配制度

    Study on knowledge acquisition approach On the Distribution System in Knowledge Economy

  8. 建立科学合理的经营者收入分配制度

    Constructing Scientific and Reasonable Earning and Distributing System of Operator

  9. 收入分配制度变迁对居民消费行为的影响

    The Impact of Income Distributional Systematic Change on the Residential Consumption Behavior

  10. 其中收入分配制度的变迁是核心。

    The focus of the change is the adjustment of distribution system .

  11. 科研院所收入分配制度探讨

    An Inquiry into Distribution System in Scientific Research Institutes

  12. 构建知识导向型的公立医疗机构职工收入分配制度

    Establishing Knowledge-oriented Wage System for Public Hospitals in China

  13. 合理有效的收入分配制度应该具有公正性、公平性、合理性。

    Reasonable and effective income distribution should be impartiality , fairness and rationality .

  14. 关于改革我军军官收入分配制度的研究

    A study of the officers income distribution system reform

  15. 试论社会主义社会个人收入分配制度

    On the Distributing system of Personal Income in Socialism

  16. 浅析地勘单位收入分配制度

    The system of income distribution in geological prospecting units

  17. 我国社会主义收入分配制度理论逐步完善

    The Revenue Distribution System in China is Developing Gradually

  18. 深化海事系统内事业单位收入分配制度改革探析

    Discussion on deepening the reform of income distribution system of maritime public institution

  19. 收入分配制度是经济制度的一个重要特征。

    The system of income distribution is an important property of economic system .

  20. 浅析人民公社时期的农民个人收入分配制度

    On the Peasants Personal Income Distribution System in the People 's Commune Period

  21. 试论收入分配制度改革与和谐社会建设

    On the Reform of Income Distribution System and Construction of a Harmonious Society

  22. 改革收入分配制度。

    We will reform the income distribution system .

  23. 我国收入分配制度的法律思考

    A Legal Consideration on our Income Distribution System

  24. 与此同时,收入分配制度改革也逐步推进。

    At the same time , the income distribution system reform step by step .

  25. 和谐视野下我国个人收入分配制度的改革与完善

    Harmonious Vision of Our Country under the Personal Income Distribution System Reform and Improvement

  26. 因此,我国的收入分配制度还有待于进一步完善。

    Therefore the income distribution system of our country still remains to be perfected .

  27. 60年代调整后农村人民公社个人收入分配制度

    Personal Income Allocation Institution of Rural People 's Community After Adjustment of 1960 's

  28. 美、日、德三国层级政府间税收收入分配制度及借鉴

    Tax Revenue Distribution Systems in US , Japan and Germany and Implications for China

  29. 二要深化垄断行业收入分配制度改革。

    The second is to deepen institutional reform of income distribution in monopoly industries .

  30. 贵州省和谐社会目标下的收入分配制度研究

    The study about the income distribution system under the Guizhou Province harmonious society goal