
rén jūn guó mín shōu rù
  • per capita income;national income per capita
人均国民收入[rén jūn guó mín shōu rù]
  1. 在很多情况下,构成新兴市场的那些国家,已经是世界艺术舞台上的主角了。世界银行(WorldBank)的全球发展地图将人均国民收入低于12746美元的国家定义为新兴国家。

    The countries that constitute the emerging markets of the world - defined for these purposes by the World Bank Atlas categorisation of a gross national income per capita of less than $ 12746 - are , in many cases , already leading players on the world 's arts scene .

  2. 当人均国民收入增加1美元时,入境旅游人数将增加10.218万人次,国内旅游人数将增加71.595万人次,旅游总收入增加6.938亿元人民币;

    When the national income per capita increases 1 US dollar , the international tourist arrivals will increase 102,180 people , the domestic tourist arrivals will increase 715,950 people , and the gross revenue of tourism industry will increase 693.8 million yuan .

  3. 与中国7990美元的人均国民收入相比,印度去年人均国民收入仅为1617美元,这意味着iPhone超出了绝大多数印度人的价格承受范围。

    Per capita income of $ 1617 last year , compared with China 's $ 7990 , means the iPhone is beyond the means of the vast majority of Indians .

  4. 我们发现,认证数量与国民收入、直接投资的流入量及劳工标准之间存在相关关系,但在发展中国家,主要的影响因素是人均国民收入水平的高低和FDI的流入。

    We discover that per capita GNI , inflow of FDI and FACB rights affect the number of certification , but for developing country , the key determinants are per capita GNI and the inflow of FDI .

  5. 世界银行对中高收入国家的定义足以将中国囊括其中,其下限仅为年人均国民收入(GNI)(该指标与国民生产总值(GDP)略有差异)4086美元。

    The organization 's definition of upper-middle income is sufficiently generous to include China , with a lower threshold of just $ 4086 a year in gross national income ( a slightly different yardstick from the more often used gross domestic product ) .

  6. 人均国民收入的增长必定有个去处。

    Growth in per capita national income must go somewhere .

  7. 人均国民收入的增长和经济发展,首先取决于生产力的发展,依赖于教育及其发展。

    Growth in GDP per capita and economy depends on the development of productivity and education .

  8. 按人均国民收入计算,中国在全球仅名列第90位,很多观察家不正视这一点。

    Many observers do not appreciate that China ranks only 90th internationally in per capita income .

  9. 比起发达国家来,人均国民收入还是很低的。

    Compared with the developed countries , China still has a very low per capita national income .

  10. 近40年来,韩国经济取得了前所未有的惊人发展,人均国民收入从1962年的87美元上升到2004年的14100美元。

    In the past thirty years , the economy of Republic of Korea have made a rapid development .

  11. 中国充其量只是一个中等收入国家,人均国民收入比秘鲁还低一点。

    China is a middle-income country at best , with per capita income somewhat below that of Peru .

  12. 第二类机构是来自36个人均国民收入在1250&3500美元的国家。

    The second group includes institutions in36 countries with a GNI per capita US $ 1250 – 3500 .

  13. 海地人均国民收入总额仅为560美元,是西半球最贫困的国家。

    With a GNI per capita of a US $ 560 , Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere .

  14. 加勒比海国家指出,不能单纯考察人均国民收入指标,而忽视了这些人口通常不超过150万的超小国家存在的弱点。

    The Caribbean countries argue that focusing merely on national income ratios ignores the vulnerabilities confronting mini-states , which typically have populations of 1.5m or less .

  15. 人均国民收入对金融深度的影响为正,通货膨胀对金融深度的影响为负,它们对金融宽度没有影响。

    While GNI per capita are associated with better financial depth , inflation associated with worse one , GNI and income disparity are associated with better financial breadth .

  16. 文章描述了云南的经济结构的变化,并用钱纳里模型对经济结构与人均国民收入、人口增长的关系进行回归分析。

    A change in the economic structure of Yunnan Province is discussed , and the relationships among NI , population growth and economic structrue are analysed by using Chenery Model .

  17. 中国的人均国民收入远超印度,中国的消费信贷更加发达,国民使用计算机的能力也强于印度。

    Per-capita income levels are significantly higher in China than in India , Chinese access to consumer credit is more developed , and computer literacy is generally higher in China .

  18. 中日两国都是人口众多的国家,日本的人均国民收入居于世界前列,中国的人均国民收入也在迅速提高。

    Both China and Japan have much population , per capita income of Japan ranks first line in world , and per capita income of China is also rapidly getting more .

  19. 日本经济经历了多年的持续低迷,表现在经济增长率,人均国民收入水平、物价、失业率等宏观经济指标。

    Japanese economy has been experienced a long-period recession , which is represented by all kinds of macroeconomic index such as growth rate , national income per capita , price level and unemployment .

  20. 得出人均国民收入、人力资本、市场结构、规模经济和资本劳动比均对我省产业内贸易产生促进作用,国外直接投资、产业结构对我省产业内贸易有负向作用。

    The result is GDP per capita , human resources , market structure , economies of scale and capital-labor ratio have positive effects on Hunan intra-industry trade , and foreign direct investment and industrial structure have negative effects .

  21. 人均国民收入建国初是二十几美元,不如印度的一半,不如亚洲的平均水平。

    By the early days after the founding of New China , the national per capita income was only a little more than 20 U.S. dollars , less than 50 % of India , below the average level of Asia as well .

  22. 回归结果显示规模经济、外国直接投资、伙伴国贸易开放度以及经济发展水平差异对中国农产品产业内贸易水平的影响较大,而人均国民收入差异对于中国农产品产业内贸易水平的影响相对较小。

    Regression analysis shows that scale of economy , foreign direct investment , partner trade openness and economic development level differences have great influences on the intra-industry trade level of agricultural products of China , while differences in per capita national income have relatively less influence .

  23. 依据发展水平划分的区域,在发达国家,只有出口是显著的决定因素;发展中国家,人口规模和人均国民收入都很显著;在欠发达国家,则只有人均国民收入影响较为显著。

    Grouping by the level of GNP per capita , only export is the important factor while the host country is developed ; population size and GNP per capita are key factors to developing countries ; the lowest developing countries , GNP per capita is relative important determinant .

  24. 研究结果特别提示,人口增长对海洋资源的影响突出表现在人均国民收入的增长上,即人们消费水平的增加是影响我国海洋资源变化的最直接因素之一。

    Our findings turn out that the impact of population changes on marine resources is mainly characterized with that the rising national income per capita , namely , the growth of consumption level is one of the most direct factors affecting the changes of marine resources in China .

  25. 在赞比亚,创办一个企业需消耗掉人均国民总收入(GNI)的6%,而在乍得,这一数字为19%;

    It takes six percent of GNI per capita to start a business in Zambia and19 percent to start one in Chad .

  26. 截至2012年,中国的人均国民总收入(GNI)只有巴西的一半。当然,几十年前,中国人均GNI排名还要落后得多。

    As of 2012 , China 's per capita GNI was about half of Brazil 's. Still , a generation ago , China lagged much further behind .

  27. 每个美国公民的年产出(即人均国民总收入)是47140美元。

    The annual output attributable to each US citizen – gross national income per capita – is $ 47,140 .

  28. 2018年中国人均国民总收入超过9700美元,高于中等收入国家平均水平。

    Gross national income per person reached over 9700 U.S. dollars in 2018 , higher than the average level in middle-income countries .

  29. 如果结果低于按照孟加拉国人均国民总收入(单位为美元,470美元)计算的最高值,那么就认为是具有成本效益的。

    Results were deemed cost-effective if they fell below a ceiling ratio based on the per capita gross national income of Bangladesh ( United States dollars , US $ 470 ) .

  30. 利用90年代的截面数据,分析了国际旅游支出与人均GNP(国民收入)的关系,建立一个回归模型可作为国际旅游支付标准线;

    The relation between the national tourism payout capacity and personal GNP is analyzed on sectional data of 30 countries in ′ 90s . A regression equation as a standard line of national tourism payout capacity is put forward .