
  • 网络Total tourism revenue;total tourism income
  1. 去年,中国贡献的旅游人次最多,达45亿;而美国的旅游总收入最高。

    Last year , China contributed 4.5 billion tourist arrivals , the most , while the US reaped the highest total tourism income .

  2. 2010年,民俗旅游共接待国内外游客1000余万人次,实现旅游总收入58亿元,吸纳就业人员3万余人次。

    In 2010 , the folklore tourism has received domestic and foreign tourists travel more than 10 million people . Realization of total tourism income of 5.8 billion RMB , induct obtain employment personnel more than 30,000 people .

  3. 2000年,我国旅游总收入达到4519亿元,占GDP的比例首次突破5%,是我国旅游经济发展的重要里程碑。

    In 2000 , it was an important milestone of tourism economic growth that the income of tourism gross achieved 451.9 billion Yuan and broke through 5 % of the proportion of GDP for the first time in China .

  4. 2001年全国旅游总收入达4960亿元,比上年增长9.76%。

    In 2001 , the country 's tourism revenue totaled 496 billion yuan , up 9.76 percent on the previous year .

  5. 国际国内旅游总收入7686亿元,增长12.4%[1]。

    The total income of international and domestic is RMB . 768.6 billion , and increases by 12.4 % [ 1 ] .

  6. 2004年全省累计实现旅游总收入566.23亿元人民币,同比增加34.6%。

    In 2004 , the whole province realized 56.623 billion Yuan of total tourist income , and increased by 34.6 % compared with the same period of last year .

  7. 但是,农业生产总产值、农民人均年纯收入与旅游总收入、国内游客人次呈负相关。

    However , total output value of agricultural industry , farmer annual net income were a negative to total income of tourist industry and total number of domestic tourists .

  8. 国内旅游总收入超过3000亿元人民币,约合470亿美元,同比增长8.2%,相当于疫情前水平的59%。

    The total domestic tourism revenue exceeded 300 billion yuan , roughly 47 billion U.S. dollars , up 8.2 percent from a year earlier and equal to 59 percent of pre-COVID-19 levels .

  9. 据统计,到上世纪末,全区旅游直接总收入占全区当年gdp的6%左右。国内旅游人数达到839.3万人次,旅游收入71.8亿元。

    According to statistics , in 2000 , direct tourism revenue made up 6 percent of the region 's GDP . It also hosted 8.393 million domestic tourists , and earned 7.18 billion yuan .

  10. 另据统计,3年7个黄金周,中国旅游业总收入不下1800亿元。

    The total tourism revenue during the seven golden weeks in the past three years has exceeded 180 billion yuan .

  11. 国际国内旅游业总收入达4519亿元人民币,相当于中国国内生产总值的5%。

    The country 's international and domestic tourism revenue totaled 451.9 billion yuan for the year , accounting for 5 percent of the GDP .

  12. 2005年,我国国际国内旅游业总收入为7686亿元,比上年增长12.4%。

    In 2005 , the outbound and inbound tourist industry of China yielded 7.686 trillion RMB , which increased by 12.4 % compared with that of last year .

  13. 运用旅游业总收入占第三产业的比重、旅游收入依存度、旅游收入对经济的贡献率和旅游收入拉动经济增长率等指标来分析旅游业对新疆经济的拉动效应。

    Analyze the drawing effects of tourism to Xinjiang economy by using the proportion of gross from tourism in Tertiary industry , dependency on tourism income , the role of tourism income in economic progress rate .

  14. 总体上看,资本、劳动力、工业产值、旅游业总收入经济影响力均显著为正,且旅游业经济影响力远大于前四者。

    Results show that , capital , labor , industrial output , total income of tourism economic impact is significant and positive , the economic impact of tourism is far greater than the capital , labor and industrial output .

  15. 旅游购物收入占旅游总收入水平的高低反映出一个国家或地区旅游业的发展水平。

    The proportion of tourist shopping revenue in the total tourism revenue reflects the development level of a country 's or a region 's tourism .

  16. 旅游纪念品收入在旅游业总收入中的比重,往往能显示一地旅游业经济效益的好坏。

    Tourist Souvenirs income in the tourism industry in the proportion of total income often can show a good or bad economic benefits to the tourism industry .

  17. 从宏观层面看,中国旅游业发展形势良好,旅游总收入和旅游人数快速上升;

    Analyzed from the macro level , the statistic of tourists and tourism income does show its good trend .

  18. 但据有关部门统计,海南旅游商品的销售收入一直是旅游业总收入的薄弱环节。

    According to concerning sectional statistic , hainan tourism product sales income has been the weak link of tourism revenue .

  19. 加快旅游纪念品的发展对增大旅游商品在旅游业总收入中的比重,提高旅游业的经济效益具有重要作用。

    Developing of tourism souvenirs plays a great role in extending the proportion that tourism merchandise is to the whole revenue in tourism and increasing the economic benefit of tourism .

  20. 2005年陕西省的旅游外汇收入为4.46亿美元,全省旅游业总收入298.1亿元人民币,均跌出前10位。

    In 2005 , the number of Shaanxi 's foreign exchange is 4.46 billion dollar and it is the eleventh in our country ; the number of Shaanxi 's entire province tourism gross income 29.81 billion Yuan .

  21. 随着旅游业的发展,旅游购物收入已成为旅游经济总收入的重要组成部分。

    Along with the development of tourism , tourist purchase income has become an important part of tourist economy gross income .

  22. 改革开放以来,我国旅游业得到了快速发展,十一五期间,旅游业总收入年均增长15%。

    Since the reform and opening , the domestic tourism industry gets rapid development . In the period of the eleven Five years , the tourism revenue grew by an average of15 % annually .

  23. 旅游产业作为青岛市国民经济的支柱产业,至2007年旅游总收入已占青岛市国内生产总值的10.57%。

    As a pillar industry of Qingdao city , in 2007 , the total income of tourism industry accounted 10.57 % of gross domestic product for Qingdao .

  24. 为了表示旅游业在国民经济中的地位,学术界和业界普遍采用旅游总收入占国内生产总值的百分比这一指标。

    Nowadays , the percentage of tourism gross income to GDP is applied in tourism academe and industry to show the tourism 's contribution to national economics .

  25. 与此同时四川省的旅游产业规模也不断壮大,旅游收入逐年增加,2009年的旅游业总收入是2000年的5.7倍。

    In the meantime , tourism scale is growing steadily ; income from tourism is increasing each year , and gross income of tourism in 2009 is more than 5.7 times of that in 2000 .

  26. 全世界40大旅游目的地中有37个是沿海国家和地区,其旅游收入占全球总收入的81%。

    Among the 40 large tourist destinations in the world , 37 of those are the coastal countries and regions , and their tourism revenues account for 81 percent of total global income .

  27. 当人均国民收入增加1美元时,入境旅游人数将增加10.218万人次,国内旅游人数将增加71.595万人次,旅游总收入增加6.938亿元人民币;

    When the national income per capita increases 1 US dollar , the international tourist arrivals will increase 102,180 people , the domestic tourist arrivals will increase 715,950 people , and the gross revenue of tourism industry will increase 693.8 million yuan .

  28. 国家统计局的统计结果表明:2002年,我国入境旅游、国内旅游、出境旅游三大市场全面快速增长,国际国内旅游业总收入达5566亿元。

    The statistic outcome of the National Statistic Bureau indicates that the three major tourism markets , namely inbound travel , outbound travel and domestic travel , have fully made a rapid progress in 2002 . The whole revenue of tourism industry numbered 556.6 billion .

  29. 长期以来,世界上旅游业发达的国家和地区都十分重视发展旅游商品,旅游商品收入在旅游总收入中所占的比重大小也一直被旅游界视为衡量旅游业发展水平的重要尺度。

    For a long time , the developed countries and regions in tourism have always paid more attention to developing tourism commodity .

  30. 国家旅游局发布2009年旅游经济运行报告显示,2009年我国旅游业总体保持较快增长,旅游总收入实现较大幅度增长,旅游产业对经济社会带动作用进一步加强。

    The report National Tourism Administration released in 2009 showed tourist economy and the overall tourism industry maintain rapid growth , tourism achieve more substantial growth in total revenue , the tourism industry on the economy and society further strengthen the leading role .