
  • 网络passenger throughput
  1. 机场旅客吞吐量的影响机理与预测方法研究

    Forecasting Method and Its Mechanism of Impacts on Airport Passenger Throughput

  2. 基于支持向量回归的机场旅客吞吐量预测

    Predicting the Airport Passenger Throughput Based ona Support Vector Regression Model

  3. 该小型飞机场的旅客吞吐量很小。

    The aerodrome can only meet the needs of a small number of passengers .

  4. 年旅客吞吐量200万(含)人次以上机场从明年起也将禁止使用此类用品,2023年起实施范围将进一步扩展至全国机场和国际客运航班。

    Airports with an annual throughput of at least 2 million passengers will also stop providing such products next year , and the ban will be extended to all airports and international passenger flights in 2023 , the administration said .

  5. 通过实际数据的检验及与BP神经网络等方法的预测结果比较,证明应用支持向量回归方法对机场旅客吞吐量进行预测具备可行性,同时具有较高的预测精度。

    With a comparison of the actual data to the result of the BP neural network , it is proved that using the support vector regression method to predicate the passengers throughput of an airport is workable , with a comparable precision .

  6. 首都机场:旅客吞吐量稳步回升

    Beijing Capital Airport : Passenger Handled Volume Picking up Steadily

  7. 机场旅客吞吐量的人工神经网络预测方法

    Artificial Neural Networks Method for Predicting the Airport Passenger Throughput

  8. 我们预计全年公司旅客吞吐量增长12%,货邮吞吐量增长12%。

    We expect the passenger throughput in the whole year will rise by12 % .

  9. 我国机场旅客吞吐量增长动态的区域分析

    Regional Analysis of Passenger Handling Capacity Improving Trends

  10. 我国机场旅客吞吐量预测方法及其现状

    Measures to Forecast Chinese Airport Passenger Capacity

  11. 机场旅客吞吐量预测的组合方法研究

    Combination Forecasting for Airport Passenger Throughput

  12. 通过运用桂林机场的实际数据进行检验分析,证明改进后的模型在对机场物流吞吐量和旅客吞吐量的预测上均具有较高的准确性和敏捷性。

    The practice of Guilin Airport has proved that the forecast of the model is accurate and quick .

  13. 结果表明,模型能够较准确地预测出机场的旅客吞吐量。

    Experimental results show that the model can be exactly applied in the forecast of airport passenger throughput .

  14. 罗得岛上位于沃里克的T.F.Green机场每天能够处理的旅客吞吐量只有几千人。

    The T. F. Green Airport in Warwick , Rhode Island , handles a few thousand passengers a day .

  15. 目前,对于旅游机场旅客吞吐量的研究多是关于影响因素的定性分析,缺乏量化预测。

    At present , the study of tourism airport passenger throughput focuses on the qualitative analysis , while its error is large .

  16. 本文试图通过对机场旅客吞吐量预测的相关文献的分析,找到一种能对旅游机场旅客吞吐量做精确定量预测的方法。

    This paper attempts to find an accurate method of quantitative prediction of tourism airport passenger throughput on the basis of past airport literature .

  17. 根据该机场的设计,到2025年,机场的旅客吞吐量将达到7200万人次,货邮吞吐量200万吨。

    According to its design , the airport will be able to handle 72 million passengers and 2 million tons of cargo by 2025 .

  18. 2001年完成旅客吞吐量200多万人次,货邮吞吐量达4万吨。

    In 2001 the passenger handling capacity is more than 2 million man-time , while cargo and mail transportation handling volume is 40000 tons .

  19. 汕头机场开通国际国内航线四十四条,旅客吞吐量在全国民航系统居十一位。

    Shantou airport has opened 44 international and domestic air routes , and its passenger throughput ranks 11th in the nation 's civil aviation system .

  20. 为了验证灰色关联预测理论在旅游机场旅客吞吐量预测中的适用性,论文特通过建立四种基本的灰色关联预测模型并选取九寨沟黄龙机场作为典型的旅游机场进行验证分析。

    This paper specially selects Jiuzhaigou Huanglong Airport as a typical tourism airport to verify the applicability of the gray association-prediction model in the passenger throughput forecast of tourism airport .

  21. 客货吞吐量继续增长2009年北京首都机场旅客吞吐量同比增长17%,一跃成为全球第三大客运机场。

    Passenger throughput keeps growing . In2009 , BCIA 's passenger throughput increased by17 % . As a result , Beijing Capital Airport ranked the third busiest passenger airport in the world .

  22. 首先,分析选取九寨沟机场旅客吞吐量的十四个具体关联因素,利用灰色关联度分析法找出机场的主要关联因素。

    At first , we analyze and find fourteen actual factors associated with the passenger throughput of Jiuzhaigou Airport , and sort out the main factors by means of the gray association analysis .

  23. 西安咸阳国际机场是国内十大机场之一,年旅客吞吐量超过400万人次,拥有较为丰富的航空业务资源和较强的商业市场潜力。

    Xi'an Xianyang International Airport is one of the ten largest airports , and its annual throughput has exceeded four million passengers in 2001 . The huge passenger-flow brings a potential commercial market .

  24. 随着机场的扩建与扩容,旅客吞吐量的不断增加致使当前机场的生产应用系统日趋饱和,已经逐渐不能满足哈尔滨国际机场信息化发展及运行的要求。

    With the airport expansion , the increasing passenger throughput of the airport made the production and application system becoming saturated ; it can not meet the information requirements of development and operation .

  25. 北京空港全年旅客吞吐量达到2417万人次,比上年增长11.5%,进入亚洲最繁忙空港行列。

    In 2001 , incoming and outcoming passengers to and from the air harbor of Beijing totaled 24.17 million person-trips , up by 11.5 percent over the previous year , making Beijing among the busiest air harbors of Asia .

  26. 连同现有的北京首都国际机场每年9600万的旅客吞吐量,将让北京拥有世界上最繁忙的城市机场系统之一,足以与世界第一的伦敦机场系统媲美,伦敦六个机场2017年的数据是接待了1.7亿人次的客运量。

    That , along with the existing Beijing Capital International Airport 's annual capacity of 96 million passengers , would make Beijing one of the world 's busiest city airport systems , rivaling for top spot the 170 million carried by London 's six airports , based on 2017 figures .

  27. 其次,分别对旅客及货邮吞吐量、交通方式分担率进行了预测,在此基础上,对陆侧交通量进行了预测,并对预测结果进行了敏感性分析。

    Second , the passenger and freight volume and the share rate of transportation modes were predicted , on the basis , the landside traffic volume was predicted , and then sensitivity analysis of the predication results were made .