
  • 网络index system
  1. 根据NERI指数体系测算,东北老工业基地落后的根本原因在于市场机制落后、市场化水平不高。

    Surveys according to the NERI index system , the basic reason of northeast old industrial base backwardness lies in the market mechanism backwardness , the marketability level is not high .

  2. 目前我国仅电信业已开始试编SPPI,尚未形成完备系统的服务业生产者价格指数体系。

    At present our country has only started to compile an experimental SPPI for telecommunication , and it has not formed a complete index system .

  3. 关于中点法综合指数体系之我见

    My Opinion about " Mid-Point Method " of Composit Index System

  4. 指标体系和指数体系是因素分析法的理论基础

    Target & Index System - Basics of Factor Analytical Theory

  5. 上海市建设工程质量指数体系构建与应用

    Establishment and Application of Quality Index System for Shanghai Construction Engineering Industry

  6. 金融证券价格指数体系三维一体研究

    An Entity with Three dimensions Study on the Financial Securities Price Averages System

  7. 建立中医药课程评价指数体系的研究

    A Study on Establishing the Evaluation Index System of the Chinese Medical Subjects

  8. 铁路运输成本费用指数体系及计算方法

    Exploration on Index Calculating Method of Railway Transportation Cost

  9. 上海顾客满意指数体系的原则和方法

    Principle and Methodology of Shanghai Customer Satisfaction Indices Framework

  10. 浅谈社会经济现象中指数体系及因素分析的应用

    On the Application of Index System and Factor Analysis in Social Economic Phenomena

  11. 现行统计指数体系的缺陷及改进模型

    The Defects of the Statistical Index , Number System and Its Modified Model

  12. 总量指标与平均指标指数体系的结合运用

    The Combination and Application of the Gross Index and the Average Index Systems

  13. 政府服务的公众满意度指数体系研究

    Research on Public Satisfaction Index of Government Services

  14. 上海市人才指数体系及其应用研究

    Shanghai Talent Indices System and Its Applicable Study

  15. 城市燃气输配管道风险评价指数体系的建立

    The Establishment of Risk Evaluation Indicator System for Urban Gas Transmission and Distribution Pipeline

  16. 社会经济现象之间存在的错综复杂的联系,多数可以用指数体系来描述。

    The complicated relations between social economic phenomena can mostly be described with index system .

  17. 中国顾客满意度指数体系的构建

    Constructing the China Customer Satisfaction Indices System

  18. 重庆航运指数体系结构设计

    Design on Index System of Chongqing Shipping

  19. 本文以具体事例介绍了指数体系及因素分析法在煤炭采购经济活动分析中的运用。

    This text introduced the index number system and factor analysis applying in coal purchase analysis .

  20. 指数体系内的不一致性问题分析

    Analyzing Inconsistency of Integrated Index System

  21. 而高效质量评价体系正是提高服装贸易公司服务质量的保证;正因为此,需要有一套切实可行的服装贸易公司质量指数体系来进行指导和借鉴。

    The highly effective quality evaluation system undertakes the improving the service quality for clothing trade corporations .

  22. 该指数体系包含有效需求与供给指数、潜在需求指数、潜在供给指数。

    The index system includes effective demand and supply index , potential demand index and potential supply index .

  23. 指数体系分为政治、经济、科教文化和社会和谐四个大类。

    The index system is divided into four parts : politics , economic , culture and harmonious society .

  24. 利用传统的综合指数体系从事因素分析虽方便,使用,但也存在一些不足。

    Though it is convenient to use the traditional composite index system to do factor analysis , some insufficiency still exits .

  25. 因此在我国建立农产品进出口价格指数体系具有重要意义。

    So it is significant to establish the system of price index of imports and exports of agricultural products in our country .

  26. 拓展了投资组合性能评价指数体系;

    This paper acquires the following achievements : ( 1 ) This paper extends the system of methods of performance evaluation of portfolio .

  27. 本文提出用其他指数体系进行因素分析的思想,以弥补传统综合指数体系在因素分析中的缺陷。

    This paper puts forward and carries on the thought of analyses of the factor with other indexes system in order to remedy the traditional defect .

  28. 指数体系的完善:现有的人力资源指数基本以单一指标形式出现,本研究将所有指数项目都进行了完善,使之系统化,规范化。

    Perfection of the indices . The present human resource indices are normally unitary , but this index perfects all the items and makes those systematic and standard .

  29. 本文对多因素指数体系编制采取了将同度量因素所属时期一律固定在基期。

    This research focusses on the index system establishment of multi - factors which sets the factors of the same measurement in the same period in a fixed base period .

  30. 针对利用传统的指数体系进行因素分析时存在的问题,通过理论分析和实例讨论,构造了一个新的指数体系。

    Focusing on the problem found in using the traditional index system to take up the factor analysis , a new and feasible index system is set up through theory analysis and illustration .