
  • 网络Designated Operations;Designated Undertaking
  1. 指定经营企业名录由外经贸部公布。

    The directory of the designated trading enterprises shall be promulgated by MOFTEC .

  2. 第四章国营贸易和指定经营

    Chapter IV State-run Trade and Designated Administration

  3. 第四条外经贸部按照公正、公开、公平原则确定指定经营企业。

    MOFTEC shall determine the designated trading enterprises in the principles of justice , openness and fairness .

  4. 这些成员针对中国对实行指定经营管理产品的关税配额制度表示了相似的关注。

    Those members expressed similar concerns about the operation of China 's TRQ system for products subject to designated trading .

  5. 第六十九条国营贸易企业或者指定经营企业违反本条例第四十八条、第五十二条规定的,由国务院外经贸主管部门予以警告;

    Article 69 Any state-run trade enterprise or designated management enterprise violates the provisions of Articles 48 and 52 of the present Regulation shall be given a warning by the foreign trade department of the State Council ;

  6. 第四十九条国务院外经贸主管部门基于维护进出口经营秩序的需要,可以在一定期限内对部分货物实行指定经营管理。

    Article 49 The foreign trade department of the State Council may , upon the demand for maintaining the management order of import and export , exercise designated management over some of the goods during certain periods .

  7. 缔约各方有权指定一家经营协议航空服务的航空公司。

    Each Contracting Party shall have the right to designate one airline for the purpose of operating the agreed services .

  8. 其中发行进口报纸、期刊的,必须从新闻出版总署指定的出版物进口经营单位进货。

    Among whom those distributing imported newspapers and periodicals must purchase goods from the publication import entities designated by the State Press and Publication Administration .

  9. 有关进出口业务由化学工业部和对外贸易经济合作部指定专门的企业经营;是专门为前后玻璃和车窗玻璃设计的险种;此险也分国产或进口玻璃,投保时要注明。

    Business related to such imports and exports is handled by specialized enterprises designated by MCI and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ( MOFTEC ); This includes of both the front and back windscreen and all windows panels . Please indicate as Imported or Local production glass .

  10. 32.中国代表进一步指出,自1994年1月1日起,外汇指定银行成为外汇交易的主体。(六)具备外汇指定银行资格和经营人民币业务资格;

    32 . The representative of China further noted that since 1 January 1994 , designated forex banks had become major participants in forex transactions . ( 6 ) No material breach of foreign exchange regulations for the recent three years .