
  1. 三资企业(中外合资合作、外商独资经营)独资、合资或股份有限公司。

    Three kinds of enterprises with foreign investment : sino-foreign joint venture , contractual joint venture proprietorships , partnerships , or corporations .

  2. 从重庆不同投资方式的利用效率上看,近几年来,外商独资经营方式在未来发展中,显示了极强的增长态势。

    From the utilization efficiency of different investment perspective in Chongqing recent years , foreign equity method shows strong growth in the future development . 3 .

  3. 随著外商独资经营领域放宽,外商独资企业和外商投资股份公司双双上升,中外合资、中外合作企业双双下降。

    With the broadening domain of sole proprietorship , both forneign ownership enterprise and foreign investment stock company raise up but drop down in Chinese-foreign joint venture and Chinese-foreign cooperation enterprise .

  4. 这主要是由于外商独资企业经营方式自主、灵活,因而备受外国投资者青睐;而中外合作企业受制于一些合作因素的干扰,使投资者成本大增加。

    This due to the self-determinated , flexibility ways of running are the most favours to foreign investor ; while being disturbed by some restriction , Chinese-foreign cooperation enterprise investor need to add up their cost greatly .

  5. 从目前的宏观和微观环境来说,外商在华直接投资总体上仍将以独资的方式为主,而外商在华独资经营带来的影响也不一而足。

    FDI will continue to choose wholly owned subsidiaries in China based on current macro and micro environment .