
  • 网络External marketing
  1. 第三部分实务分析,主要围绕TF独立学院的背景与现状分析、环境分析、目标市场定位、内部营销策略、外部营销策略展开。

    The third part develops mainly on the basis of the analysis of background and the current situation , environmental analysis , target market positioning , internal marketing strategies and external marketing strategies .

  2. 对企业整合内部营销与外部营销的思考

    Thinking on Integrating Internal Marketing and External Marketing in Enterprises

  3. G公司是成都医药行业一家股份制企业,现阶段在公司内部管理、外部营销都遇到了发展瓶颈,有人力资源方面也有其特殊背景本身所带来的问题。

    G Corporation is a Chengdu pharmaceutical share-owned company , the present stage in the company internal management and exterior marketing had all met the developing the bottleneck , which was brought by both the human resources aspect and its special background .

  4. 其中,外部营销策略包括4Ps、服务有形展示、服务过程以及营销整合;

    Among them , exterior marketing strategy includes 4Ps , service visible demonstration , service process as well as marketing conformity ;

  5. 第三章着重于讨论东方有线的外部营销环境,我们通过PESTEL模型、产业生命周期以及价值链分析和指出了目前是大力发展数字电视业务的有利时期。

    The third chapter discussed the OCN marketing environment . We figured out that it is a good opportunity for OCN to promote the DTV business based on the analysis of PESTEL , value chain and the Industry Life Circle .

  6. 内部营销与外部营销的整合一致性。

    The integrating consistency of internal and external marketing .

  7. 而其外部营销即宏观营销方面也可以商业街为主体进行整体营销的创新。

    On the macro marketing sides , It can also make overall marketing innovation .

  8. 其中,外部营销策略包括产品、渠道、促销、服务有形展示、服务过程等;

    Among them , exterior marketing strategy includes product , channel , promotion , process as well as material display ;

  9. 银行应严格按照本指导意见的有关规定使用和管理外聘外部营销人员。

    The bank shall hire and administer the latter in strict accordance with the relevant provisions in these Guiding Opinions .

  10. 该框架包含四个基本要素:市场导向(关注客户)、内部营销环境、外部营销环境、产品营销战略。

    This forum include four basic element : focus the customer , inner marketing circumstance , outside marketing circumstance , marketing strategic .

  11. 服务品质是在服务过程中实现的,而作为服务行业之一的银行服务,服务品质是通过内部营销和外部营销来实现的。

    Service-quality could be finished in the process of service , also bank service by the way of internal marketing and external marketing .

  12. 对于外部营销,提出设立市场部、建立客户经理制的办法来对企业的客户关系资源进行管理。

    For external marketing , the author advises that the market departement must be established to manage the relationship between the enterprise and the clients .

  13. 结论上海瑞金-哈佛心脏中心将以上海以及长江三角洲地区的特需和外籍的心血管疾病成人患者为目标市场。中心的营销策略是将外部营销、内部营销和交互营销有机结合起来。

    Conclusion The center will focus on the adult patients in Shanghai and Yangtze Delta , and combine the external , internal and interactive marketing strategies .

  14. 方法采用外部营销、内部营销及互动营销方式,培训护理人员营销理念,推行六西格玛质量标准及“五星级”服务。

    Method Using the approach of internal marketing , exterior marketing and interact marketing to train the nurses with marketing principle , and carried out6 σ quality standard and " five-star " service .

  15. 品牌二手车运作必须实现信息化,建立高效的内部二手车管理体系并与外部营销平台结合提高内部管理和营销的效率,提高库存周转,降低经营风险。

    Brand-used-car must operate to achieve development , establish efficient used car management system and with external marketing platform to improve internal efficiency in management and marketing , improve inventory turnover and reduce business risk .

  16. 其次,打造良好的外部营销环境。重塑营销理念;提高营销人员的理财业务知识;积极诱导客户的理财需求;培养客户的风险意识。

    Secondly , to create a sound external marketing environment , banks can remold marketing idea , improve the financial business knowledge of marketing personnel , actively induce financial needs of customers , cultivate risk awareness of customer .

  17. 因此,企业传统主要依赖自身营销资源、非常有限的借助外部营销资源的营销模式越来越难适应新的环境需要。

    Therefore , traditional enterprises rely mainly on their own traditional marketing resources , and very limited use of external marketing resources , but this traditional marketing model is becoming increasingly difficult to adapt to the new environment .

  18. 第三章进行轿车行业的宏观环境的分析,从人口与经济、自然、政策与法律和社会文化环境等方面分析了目前汽车行业的外部营销环境;

    Chapter ⅲ is the analysis of macro environment for the auto industry , from the population and economic , natural , policy and legal and socio-cultural environment to analyze external marketing environment of the current automobile industry ;

  19. 笔者运用市场导向理论,收集带式数据存储器同业市场的数据资料,通过详细分析隆辉所面临的内、外部营销环境,进行准确的市场定位,制定出符合公司新产品实际营销目标。

    The author collected and analyzed cartridge data storage market when implementing theory of market orientation and new product marketing , defined a hit target based on accurate market position after analyzing external and internal marketing environment of Lafe .

  20. 针对港口拥挤现象对经济的消极影响进行了分析,从港口的战略规划、港口的生产组织及外部营销等方面提出了消除港口拥挤的措施和方法。

    The negative impact of port congested on economics has been analyzed . Based on the strategy of port , the ( production ) of port organizes and exterior marketing etc , the measures and methods that prevented port congested are proposed .

  21. 根据服务品质和服务利润链原理,笔者结合商业银行服务营销的特点和我国商业银行服务营销发展的现状,提出了完善服务营销的途径:1、搞好外部营销,提高客户忠诚度;

    According the law of Service-Profit Chain and service quality , I have expatriated a new way of Service-marketing from the development condition of Chinese commercial bank : ( 1 ) External marketing must be promoted better , and clients ' level of loyalty raised .

  22. 但是,大多数航空维修服务企业在营销策划时,往往只注重外部营销,进行促销、价格战或采取不道德的商业行为,以获得企业的短期利益。

    But , the majority of the aviation maintenance service enterprises at marketing plan , usually pay attention to an exterior marketing and carry on promote sales , price war or adopt immoral of business behavior with acquire a business enterprise of short date benefits .

  23. 本文通过研究国内外关于商品电子商务适合度的研究成果,总结出了目前主流的两大研究方向,即基于商品自身属性的内部指标评判法和基于商品外部营销环境的外部指标评价法。

    Through study the latest achievement about this problem home and abroad , this paper summarize two major direction of the research , those are : inner index evaluation based on commodities ' own properties and outer index evaluation based on the marketing environment outside the commodities themselves .

  24. 然后通过对外部的营销环境的分析,剖析专卖制度下烟草营销的管理体系及新的形势和市场环境对烟草营销的影响。

    Then it analyzes the external marketing environment , the management system under the state monopoly system , and the affect of new environment on the tobacco marketing .

  25. 实践证明,企业的文化建设不仅对于企业内部成员的精神信仰起着良好的凝聚作用,而且它还直接影响着企业外部的营销力,决定着企业未来的经营、发展业绩。

    Practice proves that Corporate Culture development internally not only has the good cohesiveness for the spiritual belief of the enterprise 's staff but also externally influences its marketing power , future management and wealth achievement .

  26. 其次,将公司用于外部市场的营销手段和方法运用到公司内部,以营销学观点为基础管理组织人力资源,通过开展内部营销,提高公司的整体素质。

    Secondly , organizing the human resources from the marketing stand point by applying company 's outside marketing means to its internal marketing , and improving the company employees ' quality through the inside marketing .

  27. 第三部分是市场营销分析,主要分析通药公司的内部条件、外部环境和营销现状,找出制约和影响公司发展的主要因素。

    The third part is marketing analysis , through analysis on the internal conditions , the external environment and marketing of the status quo , to identify constraints affecting the company and the main factors .

  28. 内部营销实施目的在于对外部顾客开展营销前,必须确保企业员工理解并接受外部营销活动及企业提供的产品或服务的内容,以便同时满足企业的目标和顾客的需求。

    Internal marketing aims to develop marketing external customers , employees must ensure that understand and accept external marketing activities and provide products or services , in order to satisfy the content of the target enterprise and customer requirements .

  29. H公司从客户细分管理、服务营销组合和品牌营销三方面探讨和设计了H公司外部客户的服务营销。

    The enterprises have been probed and designed service market for exterior customer from three aspects , including customer segment management , service marketing combinations and brand marketing .

  30. 本文提出企业核心竞争力是由内部能力(包括内部管理与技术创新)和外部能力(市场营销)组成。第三章引进创新,本文着重讲述了在DSF整体战略指导下的新产品引进创新策略。

    Chapter III-Introduction and innovation contributes more efforts in the introduction and innovation policy of new products guided by DSF general strategy .