
  • 网络Crisis Marketing
  1. 危机营销的魅力

    Glamour of Crisis Marketing

  2. 从“三鹿奶粉”事件看企业危机营销

    Crisis sales viewed from incident of " sanlu powdered milk "

  3. 近几年,一大批知名企业被营销危机和营销失败笼罩,过去曾经是领导市场潮流的风云企业,现在却陷入亏损甚至破产的困境。

    In recent years , lots of famous enterprises are veiled by marketing crisis and failure . Some well-known enterprises which used to make the running in the market are in the awkward situation of deficit or bankruptcy .

  4. 我国企业应对金融危机的市场营销策略探讨

    Discussion on Marketing Strategy of Chinese Enterprises Treating Financial Crisis

  5. 接下来结合公司的内部管理分析危机管理、营销管理、执行能力三方面的因素。谈企业领导的危机管理&企业领导者与突发事件

    Thirdly , he analyzed the management of crisis , marketing management , and execution . Management of Crisis of Business Leader ── Business Leader and Urgency

  6. 浅析金融危机对中国市场营销的影响

    Analysis on the Influence of the Financial Crisis on Chinese Marketing

  7. 公益机构的危机传播与品牌营销:以壹基金为个案

    Crisis Communication and Branding for Nonprofit Organizations in China : The Case Study of One Foundation

  8. 本文则将详细的针对企业内外两方面营销危机建立一套营销危机预警机制。

    While my paper will set up a set of marketing crisis forewarning system from both external and internal aspects .

  9. 首先,介绍了国内外关于危机管理理论与营销渠道危机管理理论的研究现状。

    First of all , the author introduced the research status about crisis management theory and marketing channel crisis management theory .

  10. 为了避免这种状况,作为市场经济主体的企业,首先要建立内部的营销规范,建立起企业营销危机责任制度和营销危机预警与防范机制。

    In order to avoid such kind of circumstances , our business , being the main part of market economy , firstly should build the internal marketing rules , responsibility system and forewarning mechanism .

  11. 本文旨在分析营销危机原因的基础上,提出防范危机和处理危机的营销策略。

    This article , based on the analysis of causes of marketing crisis , has put forward marketing strategies which are considered effective in preventing and resolving marketing crisis .

  12. 本文首先简单介绍了营销危机管理的相关理论和系统基模的相关理论,涉及到了危机、危机管理、营销危机管理、系统基模等理论;

    First of all , the essay briefly introduces the relevant theories of MCM and SA , involving crisis , CM , MCM , SA and so forth .