
  • 网络Online Community Marketing
  1. 网络社区营销传播的信息要素是与营销对象相关的话题、传受双方是同一社区的网民,传播媒介是社会化网络软件,与传统营销方式的传播要素相比具有明显的特征。

    Transmission elements of the Internet community marketing include topics related to marketing object , netizens amassed under the flag of community and socialized internet software , which is obviously different from traditional marketing ; 3 .

  2. 网络社区营销中信息传播以人际传播为基本形式,意见领袖在信息传播过程中具有关键性的推动作用,网络社区营销的信息具有无限的扩散潜力。

    The basic form of the information transmission in the Internet community marketing is interpersonal communication . The opinion leader plays a key part in promoting information transmission , and boundless proliferation potential lies with the information of Internet community marketing .

  3. 第五部分首先简单介绍网络虚拟社区中的行为哲学,然后着重介绍怎样借助网络虚拟社区开展网上营销。

    The fifth section first simply introduce the behavior philosophy in the network fictitious community , then emphasizing on how to develop the network marketing with the aid of network fictitious community .

  4. 尤其是针对网络社区的两面性,从辩证两方面解读、归纳相关策略以实现网络社区的营销价值或是应对其带来的挑战。

    Especially considering the dual character of on-line community ( virtual community ), this article will interpret both dialectical sides , in the hope of generalizing some correlated strategy to realize the marketing value of community or face the challenge of that .