
  1. 论环境影响评价中网络公众参与存在的问题与对策

    The Problem and Strategy on Internet Public Participation in Environment Impact Assessment

  2. 首先界定了网络公众聚集的涵义,定义为一种集体行动的方式,基于此把微博客公众聚集分成三大类。

    It is a pattern of collective action . So , we classify the aggregation into three sorts . First one is that Network public get together to use Micro blog .

  3. 也正因为他们的笔耕不辍和奋力呐喊,才使得网络公众舆论影响到了事件的发展进程,并最终促成了问题的解决。

    Also because of their pen stopped working and struggling to cry , it makes the public opinion to influence events in the development process , and ultimately contributed to the solution to the problem .

  4. 但互联网上的网络公众并非是消极被动的,他们能发挥积极性和自主性,利用日常生活中的智慧,采取策略性的抵制战术进行反抗,在与权力资本的博弈中维护公共性的纯洁。

    However , they are positive and independent . They will make use of the wisdom acquired from the practice of everyday life to revolt by adopting strategies and tactics of resistance , and maintain purity of the public in the game with the power and capital .

  5. 监督管理通过信息网络及公众传播的视听节目。

    Regulatory networks and the public through information dissemination of audio-visual programmes .

  6. 网际网络:公众存取的计算机网络,由来自世界各地许多较小的网络连接而成。

    Internet : Publicly accessible computer network connecting many smaller networks from around the world .

  7. 电子政务建设的目标主要有两个:一是提升政府内部的效率,二是通过网络为公众提供更多的优质的电子化服务。

    Improving the work efficiency inside government and providing more electronic service with high quality are main aims of e-government .

  8. 网络为公众提供了更加广阔的舆论空间,使公众将现实生活中的意见和看法便捷的投射到互联网上。

    Networks provide the public with a broader public space , so that the public would in real life views and opinions convenient projected onto the Internet .

  9. 像Northlands这样的水务公司拥有庞大的管道网络,公众日夜都需要用水。这意味着必须有一个庞大大而复杂的施工作业,

    Water companies like Northlands have a large network of pipes , and the public needs access to water day and night . This means there has to be a large and complex field operation ,

  10. 数字图书馆虽然是通过网络向公众服务,但是它公益性的本质并没有变,因此在不损害著作权人利益的基础上,应该继续受到合理使用制度的保护。

    Although the digital library services to the public through the network , but it is the nature of public welfare and has not changed , and therefore without prejudice on the basis of the interests of copyright holders and should continue to be fair use protection .

  11. Facebook社交网络开始向公众开放,用户通过电子邮件即可注册,同时推出“好友动态”服务,可以显示用户们正在忙些什么。

    The social network opens itself up to anyone with an email address and introduces the news feed , a list highlighting what users are up to .

  12. 网络传播中公众自我议程设置的道德预警

    Morality Pre-warning Set By Public Self-authorized Agenda within Internet Communications

  13. 网络应用在公众日常生活中扮演的角色越来越重要。

    Network in the public daily life is more and more important .

  14. 网络传播对公众政治生活的影响

    A Research on the Influence of Internet-Based Communication on Public 's Political Participation

  15. 最后,本文总结了网络条件下公众政策参与效能的优化策略。

    Finally , this paper summarizes the optimization strategies involved the public policy under the network conditions .

  16. 通过信息网络擅自向公众提供他人的作品、表演、录音录像制品的;

    Providing others'works , performances , or audio-visual recordings to the public through the information network without permission ;

  17. 网络上的公众表达不仅形成了一个公众讨论空间,而且在某种意义上,也形成了一场社会运动,对现实进程产生影响,不过,对于网络讨论的这种影响力,我们不应该高估。

    Although public opinion appeared in the internet could affect society , its influence should not be overstated .

  18. 因此电子政务系统必须同时考虑政府内部网络和面向公众服务网络安全。

    So the E-government system must consider both of the government internal network and the public service network security .

  19. 网络班具有公众化程度高、宽区间、准分离等特征;

    Network class has various characteristics , ranging from high level of publicity , no space limits to great independence .

  20. 网络条件下公众参与政策过程是把双刃剑,有积极作用也有消极作用。

    With the network , public participation in the policy process is " double-edged sword ", which has positive effects as well as negative effects .

  21. 调研对象为积极参与网络活动的公众,具体问题根据深入访谈法设计。

    Investigation objects are those who actively participate in the activities of the network , and design the question according to the deep interview method .

  22. 网络媒体为公众提供了一个自由、平等的交流空间和平台,公众可以在这里进行信息传播和意见发表。

    The network media provides the public with a free and equal exchange of space and platform for the public dissemination of information and opinions published here .

  23. 通过网络平台,公众可以自由表达观点看法和利益诉求,很大程度上影响着政府政策制定和实施。

    Through the network platform , the public can freely express their opinions and interests , to a large extent influence the government policy formulation and implementation .

  24. 男主持:一段由来自(华盛顿州)斯潘诺威的五名小学生制作的视频使网络暴力引起公众的注意。

    When Your Classmates Really Hate You Host : The world of cyber-bullying has been put in the spotlight by a video made by five elementary students in Spanoway .

  25. 建设国际化世界级城市的目标要求上海的外事工作有职业化和专业化的外交人才、国际化和科学化的外交方式、网络化和公众化的外交信息。

    The goal of constructing an international metropolis demands professional talented diplomats , scientific diplomatic means and public and network diplomatic information in the fields of Shanghai foreign affairs .

  26. 另一方面,网络不仅为公众提供了一个自由发表言论的平台,同时也为公众与政府的平等交流创造了舆论环境。

    On the other hand , network has not only provided a platform for audience to speak freely , but also created an environment for public communications between audience and the government .

  27. 通过该网络系统,公众不仅可以查询和浏览详细的地理信息,还可以添加、删除、修改空间要素和属性,实现信息的及时更新。

    Through the website system , public not only can browse and query detailed geographic information , but also add , delete and rectify the spatial features and attributes , to updata the information opportunely .

  28. 近些年来,由于网络的盛行公众参与政府管理的热情日益高涨,要加强政府社会管理能力的声音不绝于耳。

    In recent years , due to the growing enthusiasm for the prevalence in the network of public participation in government management , we should strengthen the voice of the social management capabilities of government .

  29. 在网络空间,公众的利益和著作权人的利益不可避免要发生冲突,因此必须建立和完善网络环境下著作权合理使用和法定许可、强制许可制度。

    Therefore , considering inevitable conflict of interests between the public and copyright owner in cyberspace , it is necessary to establish and develop copyright system of fair use , statutory license and obligatory license under internet environment .

  30. 传统的口碑传播方式主要是线下的人际沟通,互联网的出现及普及将网络口碑带入公众视野。

    The traditional way to spread word-of-mouth ( It is called WOM for short in the following context . ) is mainly interpersonal communication in offline . The emergence of the Internet and popularization bring online WOM into public view .