
  1. 网络经济风险及其防范

    Risks on Network Economy and Its Prevention

  2. 中国网络经济风险管理初探

    The Management of Network Economic Risk

  3. 基于随机网络的工程项目经济风险分析

    Study on Economic Risk of the Engineering Project Based on Random Network

  4. 网络经济下的审计风险模型重构

    Reconstruction of audit risk model under network economy

  5. 本文从网络经济的基本规律出发,论述了网络经济风险的类型、重要特征及其产生的根源,并以此为基础,对政府在风险防范中的作用提出一些看法和建议。

    This paper classifies network economy 's risks into five types , and discusses its important features and sources of network economy 's risks on the basic law of network economy . In the end , this paper poses some proposals to the government in preventing such risks .