
  • 网络Commodity price risk
  1. 利用金融期货规避商品价格风险的研究

    The Research of Utilizing Financial Futures to Avoid Commodity Price Risk

  2. 商品价格风险就是商品价格朝不利方向变动可能造成的潜在损失。

    Commodity price risk is simply the potential for adverse movements in commodity prices .

  3. 行业官员表示,根据拟议的美国衍生品规定全面改革方案,用大量衍生品合约来对冲利率、汇率和大宗商品价格风险的公司可能面临更高成本。

    Companies using trillions of dollars of derivatives contracts to hedge interest rate , currency and commodity price risks could face higher costs under the proposed overhaul of us rules on derivatives , industry officials say .

  4. 这位法国总统还希望争取新的控制措施来限制重要商品的价格风险,还要取缔保税区和离岸银行。

    The French President also hoped to negotiate new controls to limit price volatility on essential commodities , and clamp down on tax havens and off-shore banking hot spots .

  5. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为,无论如何,大宗商品价格的上行风险仍大于下行风险;该组织还警告称,资源稀缺引发的担忧是真实的、普遍的。

    In any case , the International Monetary Fund believes that commodity price risks remain tilted to the upside and warns that genuine resource scarcity concerns are now widespread .

  6. 三是加强企业进出口商品销售价格的风险管理;

    Thirdly , strengthening risk management in sale price of import-export goods ;

  7. 或因对主要大宗商品价格波动的风险敞口而倒闭;

    or they crash thanks to exposure to major commodity price swings ;

  8. 为了应对金融危机,在严峻的环境下生存与发展,套期保值成为我国企业规避商品价格剧烈波动风险的明智选择和理想的风险管理工具。

    For survival in the serious external environment , the hedging becoming a wise choice and ideal risk management ways for Chinese enterprise to avoid commodity price risk .

  9. 在食品加工行业,经营者因过于依赖一个顾客、结果供应合同遭取消而被摧毁;或因对主要大宗商品价格波动的风险敞口而倒闭;又或者偶尔因工厂火灾或类似灾难而停止生意。

    In the food processing sector , operators are ruined by becoming too dependent on one customer & who then cancels their supply contract ; or they crash thanks to exposure to major commodity price swings ; or occasionally they cease trading owing to factory fires or similar catastrophes .

  10. 无论是建立空头套期保值头寸还是建立多头套期保值尺寸,进行套期保值交易的主要目的均为对冲伴随买入、卖出或持有商品而引发的价格风险。

    Whether establishing a short or a long hedge , the main objective of hedging is to offset the price risk associated with buying , selling , or holding grain .

  11. 市场经济中商品经营者经常面临价格风险,如果价格波动风险得不到有效地转移,就会影响企业正常的经营活动和企业持续的经营利润。

    Merchandise proprietors are always facing price risks in market economy . The price fluctuating risks would influence the normal operation and profit earning if it can not be transferred effectively .

  12. 衍生品市场的发展为解决这一问题提供了有效方案,期货市场的一个重要功能是通过期货套期保值锁定商品价格,规避价格风险。

    The derivatives markets provide an effective solution to this program ; an important function of futures market is locking the commodity prices and avoiding price risk through the futures hedge .

  13. 从商品的需求因素出发研究商品价格的概率和风险模型。

    Probability and risk models for the price of commodity are studied from the demanding factor .