
  • 网络merchandising;sales promotion;commodity promotion;product promotion
  1. 时尚的流行并不取决于商品促销活动。

    Fashion movement is not dependent on sales promotion .

  2. 现代租赁集融资与融物于一身,具有促进投资、商品促销等功能,已经发展成为发达国家设备投资的第二大融资渠道,为经济建设和产业结构调整起到了巨大推动作用。

    As it can incorporate the finance into physical goods and has the functions of investment and product promotion , modern leasing has acted as the second largest financing means and made great impetus to economy development and industry structure adjustment in many developed countries .

  3. 商品促销与产品折扣同样意味着可能会省下一大笔钱。

    Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings

  4. 基于Clementine神经网络的商品促销效果预测模型应用

    Application of BP Algorithm Based on Clementine for Forecasting Effects of Commodity Promotion

  5. 和某些大型食品公司做交叉商品促销。

    Do a cross-promotion with some of the major food companies .

  6. 以质量保证为前提的商品促销策略

    The Strategy of Advancing Sell of Goods on the Premise of Quality Assurance

  7. 商品促销依赖于广告,新产品的发展更依赖于广告。

    Successful promotion of products , especially newly developed products depends heavily on commercials .

  8. 其最主要的目的是为企业经营和商品促销服务。

    Its main purpose is serving for the deal in enterprises and the goods promoting .

  9. 这种旅游也有一些不太好的地方交通堵塞和商品促销。

    There are also the less positive aspects of Tourism - the traffic jams and merchandising .

  10. 我们要特别来看下这种方法在商品促销中是如何用的。

    In particular , we 'll look at how this approach can be applied in the Merchandizing business .

  11. 商品促销涉及到衣服及家用商品的设计和制造。

    Merchandizing is the trade name for businesses involved in the design and manufacture of clothing and household items .

  12. 综观过去学者对于商品促销语意的研究,多数以参考价格和语意线索为主题。

    Price promotions , discounts accompanied by higher external reference prices , are extensively used in all types of stores .

  13. 在我三年的大学生活过程中,我利用课余时间做过家教,商品促销员以及招生人员,这些实践让我获得不少宝贵经验。

    I took the free time after study to do some part-time job as private teacher , promotion worker and recruiting stuff , the working experiences treasured me a lot .

  14. 一个好的茶叶包装离不开好的装饰图案设计,这是商业包装设计的根本,也是销售商品促销宣传的重要手段。

    A good tea cannot be separated from good decorative packaging design , This is a fundamental requirement for commercial packaging design , Is also an important means of promotional goods .

  15. 开发中间商品牌有助于企业实施灵活的价格与促销策略,增加商业利润,减少单位商品促销费用,发展连锁经营。

    The development of middleman brands can be helpful for firms to carry out flexible price and promotion tactics , increase profit , reduce promotion cost per unit and enhance chaining operation .

  16. 近代社会生产的发展带动了包装设计的发展,现代包装设计一方面提供产品保护和商品促销的作用;另一方面,它还逐渐成为一种文化消费与审美愉悦。

    The development of social production promotes the packing design , which functions to protect and promote commodities on the one hand and gradually become a sort of cultural consumption and aesthetic pleasure on the other .

  17. 微博用户数量爆发式增长背后带来的巨大用户群及蕴藏着的潜在商机被国内外一些企业逐步认识,随即开始利用微博进行商品促销,新品发布和品牌推广。

    The explosive growth of micro-blog users behind the huge user base and contains the potential business opportunities by both domestic and foreign enterprises gradually understand , began using micro-blog for promotion , new product releases and brand promotion .

  18. Marks还说当商品在促销时购物者应该去比较大、小包装上的单位价格看看哪个更划算。

    Marks added that when items go on sale , shoppers should always compare the cost per unit on both the big and small packages to see which is a better deal .

  19. 季节性商品的促销定价模型与算法

    Model and Algorithm of Promotional Pricing for Seasonal Commodities

  20. 市场经济下的商品价格促销策略

    Commodity-price-based Sales Promotion Strategy under the Market Economy

  21. 浅谈低迷时期的商品房促销

    On House Commodities Promotion in Depression Period

  22. 玉林城区及周边县市商品降价促销的调查报告

    Survey Report at the Commodity Markdown Promotion in Urban Area of Yulin and Peripheral Counties and Cities

  23. 这一手法大家已经很熟悉了:每周挑选20种左右的商品进行促销。

    The technique 's familiar : cut the price of twenty or so selected items each week .

  24. 随着市场经济的发展,设计成为企业营销活动的重要手段,产品与消费者接触的载体,对商品的促销及企业的品牌建设起着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of market economy , designed for the enterprise marketing activities , the real terminal products and consumer goods , the carrier to contact the sales promotion and enterprise brand building plays an increasingly important role .

  25. 现代社会里,女人要比男人了解更多特定商品的促销信息,并会花费更多时间挑选优质的布料,颜色以及质感。

    In modern terms , women are much more likely than men to know when a specific type of item will go on sale . Women also spend much more time choosing the perfect fabric , colour and texture .

  26. 商品换季降价促销的经济学分析

    Economics Analysis on the Promotion of Seasonal Commodities on Sale

  27. 基于供应链的季节性商品的商业促销策略研究

    Study on the Trade Promotion of Seasonal Items Based on the Supply Chain

  28. 通过改善在销售点的商品陈列做促销。

    Promoting products through development of Point-of-Purchase displays .

  29. 月份牌是被商家企业借用进行商品广告或促销的重要手段。

    Calendar Picture was an important means for advertisements or goods promotion that was used by enterprise .

  30. 除了衣服,每年特定时间都有很多商品会进行促销。

    Except the clothes , there are all sorts of things that go on sale at particular times of the year .