
  • 网络Quality;Quality of Goods;commodity quality;Quality of Commodity
  1. 即使商品质量好,也不能漫天要价。

    Even quality goods must have a price ceiling .

  2. 这商品质量粗劣。

    The goods are bad in quality .

  3. 售出商品质量不符保证退款。

    Goods are sold with money-back guarantee .

  4. C2C网络购物虽然方便快捷,但也存在商品质量难以保证、消费者权利难以保障、配套服务难以跟上等问题。

    Although C2C online shopping is convenient , but there are also several problems , such as how to ensure the quality of goods , consumer rights , the supporting service .

  5. 1995年在国内贸易部的全国市场商品质量抽查中浓缩料系列瘦肉型(C18)产品被评定为质量信誉商品。

    In1995 , during a national product sampling for quality and quantity by Trading Bureau , President 's concentrate feeds series-brawn type ( C18 ) was credited for quality and quantity excellence .

  6. 第三部分,从分析商品质量信息对买方购买决策的影响出发,根据B2C交易模式中信息传播的特征,提出了区别于传统市场的形成逆向选择的成因;

    Part 3 , At first , this dissertation analyzes the impact of quality information on buyer 's purchase decision , and presents the causes of quality information asymmetry in B2C business mode to be different from in traditional markets .

  7. 加强环保意识树立现代商品质量观

    Strengthen consciousness of environmental protection and establish modem commodity quality value

  8. 酒类商品质量符合国家规定的质量标准和卫生标准;

    The quality of wine meets national quality and health standard ;

  9. 售货者无法保证对商品质量的承诺。

    A failure of the seller 's guarantee of good title .

  10. 你们不能不承认我们的商品质量优越,无与伦比。

    You cannot but admit our quality is superior beyond compairson .

  11. 商品质量监管是个政府管制问题。

    The supervision on commodity quality is a governmental governance issue .

  12. 提高玉米商品质量的农艺技术研究初报

    Preliminary report of agronomic technique on improving commodity quality of maize

  13. 不同采收期蜈蚣商品质量比较

    Comparison on the Quality of Scolopendra Commodities from Different Gathering Periods

  14. 消费者对商品质量的评定是相信事实。

    Customers evaluate the quality on the facts they have got .

  15. 如果商品质量不合格,我们该怎么办?

    What shall we do if the goods are found disqualified ?

  16. 商品质量检测技术专业实践教学体系改革的探索

    On Practice Teaching System Reform to Commodity Quality Inspection Technology

  17. 试论商品质量规律和商品价值规律

    Recounting the Quality Rule of commodity and the value Rule of Commodity

  18. 顾客抱怨商品质量差,价格高。

    Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices .

  19. 我们的零售商对商品质量的要求非常高。

    Our retailers are very critical about the quality of the products .

  20. 试论影响信息商品质量的因素

    Discussion on the Impact Index on Information Commodity Quality

  21. 一个商人的商品质量很好。

    A merchant 's merchandise were of high quality .

  22. 信息商品质量问题初论

    A Preliminary Approach to the Quality of Information Commodity

  23. 信息商品质量的供求关系分析

    Analysis of the Relation Between Quality Supply and Quality Demand of Information Commodity

  24. 网上购物的商品质量有保证吗?

    Can the quality of goods online be guaranteed ?

  25. 中国进出口商品质量认证中心

    China Quality Certification Centre for Import and Export Commodities

  26. 我国在国际贸易中的商品质量问题及对策研究

    On the Problems of Chinese Commodity Quality on the International Trade and Countermeasures

  27. 我们一直十分重视质量。商品质量好,才能不断有销路。

    Quality is something we never neglect . Good quality ensures continued sales .

  28. 服务质量与商品质量对美国人同样重要。

    Quality of customer service is as important as product quality to Americans .

  29. 还随着商品质量(优与劣)的变化而变化。

    as well as with variations - good and bad - in quality .

  30. 病案质量管理存在的问题及对策我国商品质量存在问题及改进措施

    A Tentative Approach to the Quality Problems of Domestic Commodities and Measures for Improvement