
  1. 而聚合物锂离子电池设计评估系统正是基于可视化的设计理念,并结合6σ质量控制标准而设计的一套适用于设计工程师、产品经理及材料认证人员的电池设计评估系统软件。

    The polymer lithium-ion battery design evaluation system is based on visual design , and quality control standards and 6 σ designed to apply a set of design engineers , product managers , and certified personnel of the battery material design evaluation system software .

  2. 焊接程序规范(WPS)和程序检定记录(PQR)由独立第三方认证机构人员负责核准。

    Both WPS & PQR shall be approved by the independent , accredited organization personnel .

  3. 参加认证的人员需要具备一定的经验,以及通过持续的接受教育保持他们在各个领域的知识水准。

    Those certified are required to demonstrate that they have experience , as well as maintain their knowledge through continuing education in the various domains .

  4. 从机械故障诊断、机械安全设计、机械安全法规及标准、煤矿安全认证和人员培训等方面,简述机械安全技术的现状及发展趋势;

    A critical review on present situation and developing trend of mechanical safety technology is made from the aspects of mechanical failure diagnosis , safety design of machinery , safety regulations and standards , safety accreditation of coal mines and the staff training .

  5. 罗颖佳女士现为美国建筑师学会香港分会会长及绿色建筑LEED认证的专业人员。

    Lee is currently the President of the Hong Kong Chapter of the American Institute of Architects this year and a LEED accredited professional .

  6. 经过认证的专业人员必须参与最新的培训并能够演示新技能的应用。

    A certified professional must keep his related education up-to-date and be able to demonstrate the application of new skills .

  7. 这对被审核方在取得独立第三方认证以及审核人员搞好第一阶段的审核工作是有好处的。

    This is why it is beneficial for an organization to be visited prior to its certification audit and for a1st stage audit to be conducted .

  8. 监管控制系统必须确保这些药物达到可接受的质量标准,仅凭处方出售,并且只能由获得资格认证的从业人员开具处方。

    Systems for regulatory control must ensure that these drugs meet acceptable quality standards , are sold on prescription only , and are prescribed only by accredited practitioners .

  9. 宠物用扫描标准认证,研究人员注意到从事认知治疗的病人有明显的变化,就像病人为宠物扫描以氟西汀。

    Using the accredited standard pet scan , researchers noticed that patients who engaged in cognitive therapy had changes just as marked on the PET scan as patients taking prozac .

  10. 在打算调节温控器之前,请确保您已经阅读并理解“水温调节”章节的内容。任何其他调节都必须由有资格认证的维修人员进行。

    Before attempting to adjust the thermostat , make sure you read and understand the section of " Water Temperature Regulation " . Any other adjustments must be made by qualified service personnel .

  11. 他是Oracle认证的Java专业人员,担任Rational产品的软件设计师。

    He is an Oracle Certified Java Professional and works as a software designer for Rational products .

  12. 在有形的方面,CertificationMagazine每年的薪金调查表明,通过认证的IT专业人员的薪金比没有通过认证的要高。

    On the practical side , the Certification Magazine annual salary survey consistently shows that certified IT professionals make more than those who are not certified .

  13. DaandeVries是Utz认证机构的工作人员,该认证体系试图为农产品创建一个公平贸易市场。

    Daan de Vries is with Utz Certified , a program that tries to create a fair marketplace for agricultural products .

  14. 认证供应商正在试图通过让从事工作的专业人员获得认证来清理业界队伍,同时承认仅仅认证无法造就专业人员。

    Certification vendors are making an effort to clean up the industry by keeping working professionals certified , recognizing that certification alone does not a professional make .

  15. IBMXML认证:了解如何成为XML以及相关技术的IBM认证的开发人员。

    IBM XML certification : Find out how you can become an IBM-Certified Developer in XML and related technologies .

  16. 《中国环境管理体系认证国家指导委员会》组建方案公布认证工作即将启动指导委员会下设认证机构国家认可委员会和认证人员国家注册委员会,办公机构及下设委员会办公机构均将设在国家环保局

    National Guiding Committee of China Environmental Managing System Approval Announced , Its Organizing Scheme Approval Working Will Start