
  • 网络CIQ;commodity inspection authority
  1. 商检机构根据需要可以派出检验人员参加。

    The commodity inspection authorities may , when necessary , dispatch inspection personnel to take part in such inspection and supervision .

  2. 为出口危险货物生产包装容器的企业,必须申请商检机构进行包装容器的性能鉴定。

    An enterprise manufacturing packagings for dangerous export goods must apply to the commodity inspection authorities for a test of the performance of such packagings .

  3. 对进出口x,由所在地商检机构凭申请人提供的有关证明批准免验,并办理放行手续。

    X to be imported or exported may be exempted from inspection with the approval of the local commodity inspection agency which shall then perform the formalities for clearance on the strength of the relevant certificates presented by the applicant .

  4. 货物在交付运输之前,其品质及重量应由独立商检机构检验。

    The goods should be surveyed by an independent surveyor about the quality and weight before shipment .

  5. 向商检机构申请取得许可证后,才可进口或出口相应的商品。

    No import or export of such goods is permitted without the verification and license of the commodity inspection organizations .

  6. 商检机构对报关出口的货物应严格按规定进行商检。

    The institution of import and export commodities inspection should inspect the commodities declared for export strictly according to the regulations .

  7. 商检机构应当在对外贸易合同约定的索赔期限内检验完毕,并出具证明。

    The commodity inspection authorities shall accomplish the procedures for inspection and issue an inspection certificate within the period of validity of claims prescribed in a foreign trade contract .

  8. 获准免验进出口商品的申请人及免验商品,应接受商检机构和国家商检部门的监督管理。

    The applicant-as well as the import and export commodities exempted from inspection-shall be subject to the supervision and control of commodity inspection agencies and the State commodity inspection authorities .

  9. 商检机构应当在国家商检部门统一规定的期限内检验完毕,并出具检验证单。

    The commodity inspection authorities shall accomplish the procedures for inspection and issue an inspection certificate within the time limit as uniformly prescribed by the State Administration for Commodities Inspection .

  10. 各级商检机构对边地贸易和边民互市贸易出境的商品,一律实行检验。

    The institutions in charge of import and export commodities inspection at various levels should inspect and examine all the export commodities of the frontier and local trade and markets of exchange .

  11. 第三十条商检机构和其他检验机构依照本法的规定实施检验和办理鉴定业务,依照规定收费。

    Article 30 The commodity inspection authorities and other inspection organizations shall collect fees according to relevant provisions for carrying out inspection or performing superintending and surveying services in accordance with the provisions of this Law .

  12. 并按本办法有关规定到商检机构办理放行手续。天津开发区中外合资企业的中方伙伴负责办理有关项目审批手续。

    And perform the formalities for clearance with a commodity inspection agency in accordance with the relevant articles of these Provisions . The Chinese partner shall go through the procedures for examination and approval for the joint venture to be established in TEDA .

  13. 与港口、铁路、航运、航空、海关、商检等机构保持着紧密的联系。

    We are also well connected with the administrative organs or the ports , railways , shipping , air traffic , Customs and CCIB .

  14. 公司长久以来与海关,商检等贸易办事机构建立了良好关系,进一步做到让客户放心满意。

    Another , we was Establish good relations with The Customs and China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for a long time .

  15. 国家商检部门和商检机构应当收集和向有关方面提供进出口商品检验方面的信息。

    The State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the commodity inspection authorities shall collect information on the inspection of import and export commodities and make it available to the relevant circles .

  16. 申请人弄虚作假、隐瞒欺骗国家商检部门和商检机构,致使免验商品不符合免验条件的,应予以处罚

    An applicant that has obtained approval for exemption from inspection of disqualified goods by fraudulent means or by concealing the facts to deceive the State commodity inspection authorities and agencies shall be penalized

  17. 国家商检部门及商检机构对申请免验商品的生产企业进行审查,考核,抽查时,申请人应提供工作上的方便。

    When the State commodity inspection authorities and agencies examine , check or conduct sample inspection in enterprises producing goods for which exemption from inspection has been sought , the applicant shall help to facilitate their work .

  18. 经国家商检部门认可的国际有关组织实施质量认证,并经商检机构检验质量长期稳定的商品;

    If the quality of the commodity has been stable for a long time as confirmed by a competent international organization recognized by the State commodity inspection authorities and proved by a commodity inspection agency through inspection ;