
  1. ozminerals数月来一直在努力出售资产、削减成本、筹措大宗商品资金和为其债务进行再融资,以便安抚那些威胁将把其纳入破产管理的金融家。

    Oz minerals has for months been struggling to sell assets , cut costs , raise commodity funding and refinance its debt to appease financiers who have threatened to place oz minerals into administration .

  2. (商品或资金)免税的。

    ( of goods or funds ) not taxed .

  3. 商品流动资金周转率

    Turnover rate of merchandise current capital

  4. 每个购物者购买商品的资金,都会给更多的孩子带来医疗救助服务。

    With each item purchased , shoppers generate funds that bring these health services to more children .

  5. 福建省新一轮林改后商品林资金筹集的影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Commercial Forest 's Fund Raising in Fujian Province after the New Round Reform of Forestry Rights

  6. 就商品和资金的进出口而言,中国经济对与其他国家交流的依赖程度越来越大。

    Increasingly , your economy depends on exchanges with other countries – both imports and exports , of both goods and capital .

  7. 国际商品和资金流动壁垒降低;而理论上欧盟则是一个单一市场。

    Barriers to the international movement of goods and money had fallen ; the European Union was , on paper , a single marketplace .

  8. 如果家庭需要把更大部分的收入用来买房子,当然就会更多地占用消费其它商品的资金。

    If families need to allocate more and more of their income to housing , that drains away the cash that 's available to buy other consumer goods .

  9. 商品和资金的跨国界流动在使越来越多的国家享受到全球经济一体化带来的好处之同时,也把原先局限于一地一国的风险带到世界经济这一更为广阔的舞台。

    The flow has brought benefits to more and more countries , but at the same time it has already brought risks from one country to the world .

  10. 首先是9/11事件,一些末日论者认为,该事件标志着毫无节制的全球化进程已穷途末路,他们预言,随之而来的对人口、商品及资金流动实施的安全管制,会阻挠全球经济前进的步伐。

    First was September 11 , which was hailed by some doomsters as the end of the line for unfettered globalisation , predicting that the ensuing security clampdown on the movement of people , goods and money would throw sand in the wheels of the global economy .

  11. 如果这种商品是研究资金,人们就会更不愿意支持高风险的工作。

    When the commodity is research funding , people are more reluctant to support highly adventuresome work .

  12. 商品房预售资金也成为房地产企业的一种融资方式。

    At the same time , commercial housing presale capital has become a real estate enterprise financing style .

  13. 而在实际经济中,是由商品流和资金流相结合共同决定汇率的。

    But in the actual economy , the exchange rate is decided by flow of product and fund together .

  14. 问题是,现在有许多人声称被吸引到大宗商品上的资金人为的推高了物价。

    The problem is that many now claim that the money this attracted into commodities helped push up prices artificially .

  15. 担保物权在担保债权实现、保障金融安全、促进商品流通和资金融通方面具有重要的作用。

    Security interest is very important for the secured creditor to protect the financial security , the promotion of circulation of commodities and financial intermediation .

  16. 他表示,通过把他们与互联网上的供应商商户联系起来,批发商可以更可靠地获得商品并节约资金。

    By connecting them to suppliers storefronts on the Internet , he said the merchants can get a more reliable stream of goods and save money .

  17. 港口已逐步转变为综合运输体系网络中的核心节点,并成为了商品流、资金流及信息流的中心。

    Ports have become the core links in the integrated transportation network , and they have been the centers of the flow of goods , funds or information .

  18. 分别从规范和实证研究的角度对影响新一轮林改之后商品林经营资金筹集的主要因素进行分析论证。

    From the perspective of norms and empirical research , analyzes the major factors of commercial forest fund raising after the newest round of forestry rights ' reform .

  19. 企业并购作为资本市场上的一种交易,与一般商品买卖或资金拆借不同,其内容、形式、过程都较商品市场或资金市场上的交易复杂得多。

    Enterprise merger as a kind of transaction in the capital market is deferent from the normal commodity deals or internal lending in the content , style and course .

  20. 除了从中国购买商品、把资金存入低息账户和债券,或者兑换成其它货币,外国企业几乎没有使用人民币的渠道。

    Foreign companies have few ways to use Renminbi besides buying goods from China , depositing it in low-yielding accounts and bonds , or swapping it into other currencies .

  21. 中韩两国在资源、劳动力、产业结构、商品市场、资金、技术及企业管理等方面有很强的互补性。

    China and South Korea has strong compatibility on resources , labor force , industrial structure , and commodity market , funds , and technology and enterprise management and other aspects .

  22. 对于商品房预售资金监管、预售风险分担等事中、事后的动态监管必须从谋全局并且谋一时的态度来完善它。

    For the commercial sale of capital regulation , pre-and risk-sharing and other things , after the dynamic supervision must be to improve the " overall situation " and " seek temporary " attitude .

  23. 目前,积极的一面在于,如果市场屈服于对出现经济停滞的担忧,应会降低大宗商品价格及资金价格(通过降低债券收益率)。

    The positive spin at present is that if markets succumb to fear of economic stagnation , this should reduce the price of commodities and of money ( through reducing the yield on bonds ) .

  24. 对于无限可分商品,在资金一定前提下,首先对采购商无风险行为情形给出了基于标价上涨威胁的在线反向拍卖策略,通过竞争分析得到了其最优竞争比及整体需要曲线;

    For an infinite divisible goods and under the premises with fixed fund , firstly , without risk behavior , online strategy of up-tender threat is presented so as to obtain its competitive ratio and the curve of market demand by using competitive analysis .

  25. 我国经济增长一直居于高位,但已有几种伴生现象,主要是商品过剩、资金过剩和失业率上升,正蕴育着一些风险或危机。

    In recent years , the economic growth of our country is still being fast , but there exist some kinds of phenomenon , mainly , merchandise excesses , capital excesses and the rising of unemployment rate , which maybe cause some risk or crisis .

  26. 中国正向大宗商品领域投入巨额资金。

    China is committing huge capital to the commodities sector .

  27. 几乎没有证据表明,投注大宗商品价格指数的资金是价格上涨背后的推手。

    Hardly evidence that inflows into commodity indices are behind the rise in prices .

  28. 依照此条约,在欧共体成员国内,商品、劳务、资金和人员的流通是自由的。

    The movement of goods , services , capital and persons between Member States has been liberalized pursuant to this treaty .

  29. 进出口银行向国外购买者以优惠利率扩展长期贷款,从而为他们购买美国的商品和服务提供资金。

    The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers , thus financing the purchase of US goods and services .

  30. 供应链管理指对商品、信息和资金在由供应商、制造商、分销商和顾客组成的网络中的流动的管理。

    Supply chain management is a mobile management on merchandise , information and capital in a network consisting of suppliers , manufacturers , retailers and consumers .