
  1. 它们都是决定并影响商事登记效力的重要因素。

    These are commercial decisions affecting the effectiveness of the most important factor .

  2. 第一章笔者系统研究了商事登记法律效力的一般情况,认为商事登记不是单层次而是一个多层次的效力结构,对商事登记的法律效力进行研究应该从不同的角度、不同的层次来进行分析。

    In first chapter , the author systematically researches the general condition of legal efficacy of commercial registration .

  3. 商事登记的效力有生效主义与对抗主义两种理论。

    The effect of registering in commercial affairs has two kinds of theories of doctrine of coming into force and opposes .

  4. 我国商事设立登记法律效力研究

    Research on the Legal Effectiveness of Chinese Commercial Establish Registration

  5. 笔者认为商事登记的法律效力不是一个单层次的而是一个多层次的效力结构,对商事登记法律效力进行研究需要从不同的层次进行分析。

    The author considers that the legal efficacy of commercial registration is not a single-order structure but a poly-order structure and the research for legal efficacy of commercial registration should be analysed from different orders .

  6. 对于商事不实登记的效力及其责任承担问题,我国相关立法存在严重缺陷。

    There are no detailed regulations on the effectiveness and responsibility of false registration .

  7. 认为商事设立登记的法律效力就是商事设立

    And the commercial establish registration legal

  8. 为维护交易秩序、保障交易安全,我国立法应当明确规定商事不实登记的效力及其责任承担。

    To maintain then market transition order and to grantee the safety of commercial activity , the relevant law in China shall clearly define the effectiveness and responsibility of false registration .