
  • 网络sale;Merchandising;Merchandise sales
  1. 就一个具体的商品销售分析统计的Web应用项目进行了分析和设计,并用Struts框架对其中的模块进行了具体的编码实现。

    Analyzing , designing and implementing a concrete Web application of commodity sale analysis using Struts framework .

  2. 基于ASP技术和SqlServer技术构建了一个在线商品销售系统。

    We have set up an on-line merchandise sale system based on the ASP and SQL Server technology .

  3. 本文讨论了一个WEB商品销售系统的开发过程。

    This paper describes the developing process of a WEB online trading systems .

  4. 基于Markov模型的贵重商品销售策略研究

    The Commodity Marketing Strategy Based the Markov Model

  5. 节庆期间的POP广告在浓郁的节庆氛围下能起到促进商品销售的作用。

    The POP advertisement during the festival promotes the distribution of products under the atmosphere of festival .

  6. 描述了JSP的特点和优势以及利用它怎样来实现在商品销售系统。

    This paper aims to describe the feature and superiority of JSP and accomplish commodity marketing system by JSP .

  7. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)旗下的淘宝网为零售商提供互联网店面,在中国网上商品销售市场占据主导地位。

    Taobao , owned by Alibaba , provides internet store fronts for retailers and dominates online merchandise sales in China .

  8. 基于季节ARIMA模型的华北电网售电量预测研究商品销售环节中不正当竞争行为之认定

    Study of electricity sales forecasting for North China Power Grid based on seasonal ARIMA model

  9. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻伦敦的农业大宗商品销售总监史蒂夫杰西(SteveJesse)表示,食品公司态度上的主要转变发生在过去6-9个月内。

    Steve Jesse , director of agricultural commodity sales at Barclays Capital in London , says the main shift in attitudes has happened over the past six to nine months .

  10. 法拉利(Ferrari)、保时捷(Porsche)、阿斯顿•马丁(AstonMartin)也有利润丰厚的副业:销售贴牌服装和珠宝,但他们大多不愿过多透露他们的周边商品销售业务。

    Ferrari , Porsche and Aston Martin also have lucrative sidelines selling branded bling , though most are reluctant to say much about their merchandising businesses .

  11. 长期以来为美国品牌与中国供应商牵线搭桥的中国电子商务企业阿里巴巴(Alibaba),如今希望帮助商家将商品销售给美国消费者。

    Alibaba , the Chinese ecommerce company that has long # 173 ; connected US brands to Chinese suppliers , now wants to help sell goods to American # 173 ; consumers .

  12. Facebook称其大部分资金来自在线广告,但同时还表示,希望从虚拟商品销售中收取费用,包括社交游戏中使用的电子产品,而不是实物产品。

    Facebook says most of its money comes from online advertising . But the company also says it expects to earn money from fees charged on the sales of goods . These are digital products used in social games , not physical goods .

  13. 然后,论文借助了VAR工具,运用概率统计知识和数学软件Matlab分析了沪铜指数年波动情形,并得出了基于商品销售周期不同价位点的商品价格波动率博弈分析模型。

    Continuing , with the tool VAR and knowledge of probability and statistics and mathematical soft MATLAB , the copper fluctuation law in Shanghai Futures Exchange is analyzed , and a Game-Analysis model of commodity price fluctuations is presented based on different price site in commodity sales cycle .

  14. 在零售行业,随着电子商务和商业POS系统的广泛应用,数据库中收集了大量关于商品销售情况的数据,为商家提供了更为深入地了解客户需求信息和购物行为特征的可能性。

    In the retail sales profession , along with the electronic commerce and the commercial POS system broad application , in the database has collected massively about the commodity sale situation data , provided thoroughly has understood the client demand information and the shopping behavior characteristic contingency for the merchant .

  15. 作为G-III服装集团的总裁,她为公司管理着市场营销、商品销售和产品开发等环节,监督着公司的每一个人,包括从各部门的副总裁道设计师。

    As president of G-III Apparel Group she supervises marketing , merchandizing and product development for the company , keeping close tabs on everyone from division VPs to designers .

  16. 圆形城市商品销售的空间受限模型

    The spatial limitation model of the commodity sales in circular cities

  17. 基于回归技术商品销售趋势预测模型的实现

    Implementation of Transaction Trend Prediction Model Based on Regression Analysis

  18. 企业商品销售在纳税问题上的调整分析

    On the Adjustment Analysis of Paying Tax for the Enterprise Commodity Selling

  19. 商品销售中立行为的帮助之可罚性探究

    Study on Punishment of Assistant Behavior of Neutral Action during Goods Sales

  20. 三是加强企业进出口商品销售价格的风险管理;

    Thirdly , strengthening risk management in sale price of import-export goods ;

  21. 受春节因素影响,吃穿类商品销售旺盛。

    Spring Festival stimulated the sales of commodities like clothes and foods .

  22. 能否请您简单一下贵方的商品销售说明书呢?

    Can you explain your sale literature to us briefly ?

  23. 西方国家的商品销售中以信用为基础的赊销占90%以上,而我国的信用销售也开始迅速增长。

    In our country , the credit sale also starts a quick growth .

  24. 基于无线传感器网络的商品销售自动化系统

    Merchandise Marketing Automation System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks

  25. 就共同的商品销售来说,你个人的想法怎么会被接受呢?

    How will your ideas go down as far as corporate marketing is concerned ?

  26. 耐用商品销售的数学模型

    The Mathematical Model for Durable Goods ' Sales

  27. 商品销售结算中的税收问题探析

    Analysis on the Taxation in Commodity Sales Settlements

  28. 阿里巴巴旗下有一家小公司专门负责促进面向美国消费者的商品销售。

    Alibaba has a small business facilitating the sale of goods to American consumers .

  29. 同样,相关商品销售目前保持良好,但夏季可能走弱。

    Similarly , merchandise sales are holding up well but may weaken in the summer .

  30. 香港市场的商品销售包装

    Consumer package of commodities in Hongkong market