
tuō xiāo
  • out of stock;sold out
脱销 [tuō xiāo]
  • [sellout;run out of supplies;short of supplies;drain on supplies;deficient supplies;insufficient supplies] 某种商品卖完,暂时缺货

  1. 很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。

    I 'm afraid we 're temporarily out of stock .

  2. 东京的StrawberryLinux公司的业主落合雅宏说,他公司的产品已经脱销。

    Strawberry Linux , a Tokyo-based company , is out of stock , said its owner , Masahiro Ochiai .

  3. 有时商店里的某些杂货会有脱销的现象。

    The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries .

  4. 本周六,苹果公司的新产品iPad一上市,就立即脱销。

    Apple 's new iPad goes on sale this Saturday . It 's already sold out .

  5. 如果说iPad和被大肆宣传的iPhone有什么相似之处,那就是专家早些时候的预言,说iPad很有可能会脱销,斯腾山大学的同学也许要多等等了。

    If it 's anything like the much-hyped iPhone , analysts say iPads might be in short supply in the early weeks , those students in Seton Hill better hope for a good place in line .

  6. MadewellxBiltmore巴拿马草帽,售价47英镑,非常受欢迎,现在已经是脱销商品了。而梅根同款SarahFlint凉鞋现在也只有35码(英国尺码2.5)的了。

    The £ 47 Madewell x Biltmore Panama hat has proved so popular it is listed as out of stock , while Meghan 's Sarah Flint sandals are only available in a size 35 ( UK 2.5 ) .

  7. 虽然在苹果的季度盈利报告中,iPhone销量是投资者最关注的数据之一,但分析师还预期手机平均销售价格将增加,这归功于iPhone7Plus的畅销,几周来该手机在苹果网站上一直脱销。

    Although iPhone unit sales areamong the most closely watched figures among investors when Apple reports itsquarterly earnings , analysts are also anticipating an increase to the averageselling price of a handset owing to the popularity of the iPhone 7 Plus , whichis sold out for weeks on Apple 's website .

  8. AliceandOlivia的创始人斯泰茜·本代特(StaceyBendet)称,在马莉娅那个造型曝光后,那件连衣裙几乎脱销,不过在提升销量方面,“美国第一夫人依然首屈一指”。

    Stacey Bendet , founder of Alice and Olivia , noted that the dress nearly sold out after Malia 's appearance , but that " Flotus is still the queen " when it comes to rousing sales .

  9. 《脱销》(TheSellout),保罗·比蒂(PaulBeatty)著(Farrar,Straus&Giroux出版社,26美元)。比蒂的讽刺小说用一种强有力而亵渎神圣的风格讲述私人笑话与黑暗的秘密,但并不是逃避主义。

    THE SELLOUT . By Paul Beatty . ( Farrar , Straus & Giroux , $ 26 . ) Beatty 's satire breaks open the private jokes and secrets of blackness in a way that feels powerful and profane but not escapist .

  10. KFC一些餐厅的免费吮指原味鸡在奥普拉·温弗瑞代言肯德基优惠券之后脱销,肯德基向那些下载免费优惠券的人们做了书面致歉并提供延期票。

    All right , KFC 's free chicken offer was apparently a little too good . Some restaurants actually ran out of chicken . A KFC , can you believe it ? This was after Oprah Winfrey told viewers about the internet coupon . KFC has released a statement apologizing to its customers and is now offering a rain check .

  11. 这本书早就脱销了。

    The book has been out of print for sometime now .

  12. 河北石家庄生肖猪一度脱销发泄球颇为抢手

    Hebei Toys of Santa Claus and Pig Sold Like Hot Cakes

  13. 然而,合适的衣服似乎总是脱销。

    Yet appropriate attire always seems to be out of stock .

  14. 上货工人:看起来已经脱销了。

    Stocker : It looks like we 're out of stock .

  15. 这种型号的空调已经脱销了。

    Air-conditioners of this model are already dull of sale .

  16. 现在它脱销,你不可能买到的。

    You can 't buy it because it 's out of stock .

  17. 很抱歉,蝴蝶牌缝纫机已经脱销。

    We is sorry that butterfly sewing machine is out of stock .

  18. 上海充气玩具狗卖脱销

    Inflatable toy dog in Shanghai fall short of supplies

  19. 日本名牌香烟柔和七星脱销。

    The famous brand of cigarettes in japan-mild seven was out of stock .

  20. 中华牌牙膏已经脱销。

    Tooth-paste of Zhonghua brand is out of stock .

  21. 我们上周有一些豆宝宝毛绒玩具,但现在脱销了。

    We had some Beanie Babies last week but now we 're all out .

  22. 这个系列名为“灿烂酸果红”,卖得很好,总是脱销。

    Fiesta cranberry , it 's called . couldn 't keep it in stock .

  23. 这种蓝衬衫已脱销。

    The blue skirts are out of stock .

  24. 全部这些产物都是我们的脱销货。

    All these articles are best selling lines .

  25. 这部词典当时已脱销,很难弄到。

    The dictionary was then out of print and was hard to come by .

  26. 在仍然开放的少数几个市场,米团和瓶装水已经脱销。

    And in the few markets remaining open , rice balls and bottle water are

  27. 其原因是,此货品在我处已经脱销。

    The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock .

  28. 奔驰牌的车已经脱销了。

    The Benz cars are out of stock .

  29. 上周,北方的羊绒在纽卡斯尔已经脱销。

    The fine wools in the North were coming off last week 's Newcastle sale .

  30. 写的书全脱销

    He 's written all these bestsellers .