
  • 网络off-job training;off-the-job training;OFFJT;off-jobtraining;Off-JT
  1. 这个公司提供很多的脱产培训或在职培训吗?

    Does this company offer a lot off-job training or in-job training ?

  2. 同时通过各个方面的详细分析,优化培训的体系,形成了完善的脱产培训需求分析流程。

    Meanwhile , by analyzing all related aspects and optimizing training system , this thesis makes the perfect OFFJT needs analysis procedures .

  3. 培训类别主要分为岗前培训、在职培训和脱产培训。

    Training type is including new employee orientation , on-the-job training and off-site training .

  4. 设计者必须记住脱产培训并不是满足培训需求的唯一办法;

    Designers must also remember that off-the-job training is not the only way to meet learning meeds ;

  5. 校本培训与脱产培训的结合是少数民族教师继续教育的良好形式。

    Th , collated and corrected copy training and the out of production training union is a good form to the national minority teacher continuing education good form .

  6. 12月份的劳动法草案要求,要使这种协议能够强制执行,企业必须提供最少1个月的培训,而且必须是专职脱产培训。

    The December draft requires that , for this type of agreement to be enforceable , there must be a minimum training time of one month and it must be full-time , off-the-job training .

  7. 从组织建设、制度建设两方面健全教师信息技术培训体制,采用集中脱产培训与校本培训相结合的方法,加大培训力度;

    Perfecting the information training system of middle school teachers from two aspects which are organization and system , using the method which the centralism out of production training and collated and corrected training are combined , increases the training strength ;

  8. 针对脱产培训中存在的问题及原因,本文尝试对培训方案和流程进行改进和优化,提出了脱产培训优化的原则,包括战略匹配原则、系统性原则、激励原则和成本效益原则。

    According to the problems and reasons in OFFJT , this thesis tries to improve and optimize the training project , and proposes the principles for project optimization , which includes principle of strategic matching , principle of systematicness , principle of motivation , and principle of costs and effects .

  9. 随着现代社会信息科技的日新月异,目前中小学教师继续教育运用的传统面授、脱产提高等培训形式已难以适应当今信息社会的高速发展要求。

    With the development of information technology in modern society , the traditional continuing education methods for teachers of primary school , middle school and high school , such as face to face training , full-time training , are not suitable any more .