
  1. 负责本部门员工的上岗培训及生产管理知识培训。

    Responsible for the training of employees in this Department .

  2. 法国的安全生产管理与培训

    Work Safety Management and Training in France

  3. 组织成员个人价值观具有社会导向时,对组织和生产管理层面培训需求持肯定态度;具有和谐导向时,对组织与企业文化层面持肯定态度;

    When the staff 's individual value described as free and harmonious guidance , they will take an affirmative attitude towards training demand .

  4. G发电企业生产类管理人员培训方案探讨

    Discussion of Production Managerial Staff Training in G Power Plant

  5. 负责车间主任和班组长的精益生产和管理知识的培训。

    Responsible for training workshop leader and team leader about Lean and management .

  6. 生产团队的管理和培训。

    Managing and training production team .