
  1. 实施过程中,应注重校企合作机制法规及企业培训师队伍建设工作,同时应加强学生的劳动培训保护。

    Meanwhile , students ' labour training protection should be strengthened .

  2. 贫困山区初中毕业生劳动技能培训的思考

    Thinking of Labor Skill Training of Junior Middle School Graduates Living in Impoverished Mountain Areas

  3. 他说,政府削减了劳动能力培训的开支而又抱怨劳力短缺是自欺欺人。

    It was hypocritical of the Government to cut funding for training and then complain about skills shortages , he said .

  4. 北京地区不同营养状况初中毕业生血压状况贫困山区初中毕业生劳动技能培训的思考

    Blood Pressure of 958 Adolescents Under Different Nutrition Status in Beijing ; Thinking of Labor Skill Training of Junior Middle School Graduates Living in Impoverished Mountain Areas

  5. 劳动预备制培训模式探讨

    An Inquiry into the Training Model of Labor Preparation System

  6. 目前,湖南农村人力资源素质相对较低,农村劳动职业技能培训不能满足社会需要,农村劳动力转移较缓慢。

    At present , the quality of the rural human resources is relatively low , the vocational technical training for rural labors fails to meet the social need , and the labor force in the countryside is transferred slowly .

  7. 接着对项目配套工程建设要求、投资预算及资金筹措、劳动定员与人员培训以及项目建设进度安排等进行统筹安排。

    Then , supporting construction of the project requirements , the investment budget and funding , and personnel work and personnel training , and project construction schedule and other co-ordination arrangements .

  8. 浅谈劳动技能教育在素质教育中的促进作用贫困山区初中毕业生劳动技能培训的思考

    The Promoting Effect of Labour Skill Education on Quality Education ; Thinking of Labor Skill Training of Junior Middle School Graduates Living in Impoverished Mountain Areas

  9. 当前工会劳动保护工作的重点是源头参与、机制建设和现场监督以及加强工会劳动保护宣传教育培训等。

    This article also expounded participation to it , construction the mechanism , supervision and trade unions ' propagation of labor protection .

  10. 发展职业教育是落实劳动预备制度的基本途径针对未能升学的初高中毕业生等新生劳动力,全面实行一至三年劳动预备制培训;

    Developing Vocational Eduction Is the Basic Method to Carry out Reserve Labour System ; Pre-job training courses of one to three years are offered to secondary-school graduates who have failed to gain higher education .