
  • 网络Labor cost;service cost
  1. 医疗劳务成本构成的变化趋势与规划成本

    The Trend of Changes in the Medical Service Costs : An Important Basis for Planning the Costs

  2. 据此对医疗劳务成本进行合理规划后,便可寻求努力降低医疗劳务成本的有效途径。

    In the light of these findings , medical service costs can be planned rationally , and ways of lowering the costs sought effectively .

  3. 结果社区卫生服务的劳务成本消耗最多,约占50%;

    RESULTS The results showed that the labor service cost is the most which is near 50 % .

  4. 结果社区卫生服务总成本中劳务成本占8015%,固定资产折旧和维修成本占1051%。社区卫生服务中临床类服务的成本约占5000%。

    Results The results showed that the labor service cost is 80 15 % of the total , the clinical service cost is 50 % in community health service .

  5. 看着英国人大幅贬值英镑,而相对工资成本亦随之而落,挣扎于高劳务成本与低生产率之中的意大利、西班牙等国是否会眼红呢?

    Are Italy , Spain and the other countries struggling with high wage costs and low productivity eyeing Britain enviously , as its currency slumps and its relative wage costs fall with it ?

  6. 将各作业成本库价值按作业动因分配计入最终产品或劳务成本计算单,计算完工产品或劳务成本。

    The expenses in the operating cost base are then distributed and reckoned to the finial products or the labor services ' account according to the motive resource , and lastly the cost is calculated .

  7. 任何产品或劳务的成本都是由原材料、人工和间接费用构成的。

    Material , labor and overhead make up the total cost of any product or service .

  8. 通过分析每项劳务的成本,就能定出价格,使利润最大化,并排除无利可图的劳务。

    By analyzing the cost of each service , prices can be set to maximize profits and eliminate unprofitable services .

  9. 第五十三条企业应当正确、及时地将已销售商品和提供劳务的成本作为营业成本,连同期间费用,结转当期损益。

    Article 53 Enterprises shall convert the cost of commodities sold and service provided into operating cost accurately and timely , then account current profit and loss together with periodic expenses .

  10. 尤其对劳务队的成本意识、考核和激励做了重点研究,以求对如何加强施工中的主力军&劳务队的成本控制执行力有参考价值。

    In particular , it focus on the cost awareness , assessment and incentives of the labor force in order to provide a valuable reference on how to strengthen the cost control executive ability of the main force - " peasant workers " in the construction .

  11. 企业与其关联方共同开发、受让无形资产,或者共同提供、接受劳务发生的成本,在计算应纳税所得额时应当按照独立交易原则进行分摊。

    As regards the costs of an enterprise and its affiliated parties for jointly developing or accepting intangible assets , or jointly providing or accepting labor services , they shall , when calculating the taxable income amount , apportion them according to the arms length principle .

  12. 劳务派遣用工的成本优势与风险防范

    The cost superiority and risk precautions of labor dispatching-recruiting-using service

  13. 每项劳务有不同的成本。

    Every service has different costs .

  14. 这无疑增加了劳务输出公司的成本,最终导致成本转嫁给劳务输出人员的现象。

    This will undoubtedly increase the cost of labor export company , which eventually led to the rising costs onto the phenomenon of export workers .

  15. 许多小型劳务公司不分析它们的劳务总成本,因此也就不能定出有利可图的价格。

    Many small service firms fail to analyze their services ' total cost , and therefore fail to price them profitably .

  16. 应由生产产品、提供劳务负担的职工薪酬,计入产品成本或劳务成本。

    The compensation for the employee for producing products or providing services shall be recorded as the product costs and service costs ;