
  • 网络R&D;R&D expenditure;research and development;research and development expense
  1. 其中,政府研发支出对企业研发投入的影响程度最大。

    Among them , the impact of the government R D expenditure on business R D investment is the highest .

  2. 从地域来看,北美企业的研发支出增长率为9.7%,略高于全球平均值9.6%,而日本企业的增长仅为5.4%。

    Regionally , companies based in North America grew their R D spending by 9.7 % slightly above the global average of 9.6 % while Japanese firms grew theirs at 5.4 % .

  3. 不过,该公司首席科学家马哈穆德·康恩博士表示,在过去5年中,百事可乐公司的研发支出增加了一倍,并称该公司将“继续保持投资”。

    However , Dr Mehmood Khan , chief scientific officer , said the company had doubled research and development spending in the past five years and was " committed to sustaining investment " , adding that companies cannot cost-cut their way to increasing sales .

  4. 去年,中国的研发支出达到了GDP的2.1%;

    Last year , R & D spending reached 2.1 per cent of GDP ;

  5. 到2020年,中国的研发支出肯定能达到GDP的2.5%,高于许多发达国家。

    by 2020 , it will certainly reach 2.5 per cent , higher than in many advanced countries .

  6. 美国的研发支出占gdp比例在经合组织(oecd)国家中仅列第8。

    The US now ranks eighth among OECD countries in R & D as a share of GDP .

  7. X奖基金会宣称,安萨里X奖直接激发了1亿美元的研发支出,是奖金自身价值的10倍。

    The X Prize foundation claims that the Ansari X Prize directly stimulated $ 100m of spending on research and development , 10 times the value of the prize itself .

  8. 最近一项权威研究表明,按照目前的趋势,中国的研发支出将在4年后超过欧盟(EU),在7年后超过美国。

    An authoritative recent study shows that if current trends continue , China 's R & D spending will pass the European Union in four years and the US in seven .

  9. 最近的数据显示,欧盟2005年的研发支出占GDP的比例为1.84%,远少于美国和韩国。

    The most recent figures , for 2005 , show that the EU spent 1.84 per cent of GDP on R & D , substantially less than the US and South Korea .

  10. 这在很大程度上要取决于ModelX是否有能力维持当前的势头。特斯拉已经大大提高了资本和研发支出,以确保ModelX的顺利发布(虽然已经推迟了一年)。

    Much will depend on the ability of the Model X to maintain the current momentum – and mystique . Tesla has steeply ramped up spending on capital expenditures and RD to make sure the launch , already a year behind schedule , is a success .

  11. 过去10年来,中国的研发支出在国内生产总值(gdp)中所占比例已上升一倍,在2005年达到1.34%,而当时中国经济的年增长速度约为10%。

    Its R & D to gross domestic product ratio had doubled over a decade to 1.34 per cent in 2005 , at a time when the economy was expanding by about 10 per cent a year .

  12. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)的首席经济学家马可•安农齐亚塔(MarcoAnnunziata)担心,由于缺乏冒险活动、研发支出较低以及劳动市场缺少灵活性,欧洲可能存在结构性问题。

    Marco Annunziata , the chief economist at General Electric , worries there is a structural problem in Europe due to a lack of risk-taking , low RD spending and inflexible labour markets .

  13. 在所有中间变量中,人力资本与基础设施是间接影响FDI技术外溢效果的重要因素,而政府研发支出,政府引资政策的间接影响作用并不明显;

    Among all the middle variables that indirectly influence the technology spillover , human capital and infrastructure are key points . While the effect of R & D input by government and policy of inward FDI is less distinct .

  14. 该报告显示,中国、日本和韩国已大幅提高了研发支出在国内生产总值(gdp)中所占的比例,而欧盟(eu)从90年代中期至今,未能迅速增加在研究方面的投资。

    China , Japan and South Korea have substantially boosted the proportion of gross domestic product they spend on R & D while the European Union , since the mid-1990s , has failed to ramp up its investment in research , according to the report .

  15. 即使是在大萧条期间,杜邦(DuPont)也维持了研发支出,发明了尼龙、氯丁橡胶等产品,它们在之后的几十年里为公司赚得了数十亿美元。

    DuPont ( DD ) maintained R & D spending even through the great depression , inventing nylon , neoprene , and other products that would earn billions for decades thereafter .

  16. 经合组织(OECD)发现,中国的研发支出正以每年超过20%的速度增长,但在美国,这一增速只有4%。

    The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development finds that R & D spending is rising by over 20 per cent a year in China , but only by 4 per cent a year in the US .

  17. 经合组织(oecd)在最近一份报告中指出,在从1995年开始的10年中,中国的研发支出以每年19%的“惊人”速度增长。

    In a recent report , the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development said spending on R & D in China had increased by a " stunning " 19 per cent a year in the decade from 1995 .

  18. 登上Strategy&全球创新1000强(GlobalInnovation1000)榜单的总部位于中国的公司数量从2005年的8家增至2014年的114家;中国公司去年的研发支出增长46%,而北美和欧洲的这个增速仅为个位数。

    The number of companies with headquarters in China represented on Strategy & " s Global Innovation 1000 list has multiplied from just eight in 2005 to 114 in 2014 , and Chinese companies increased their R & D spending by 46 per cent last year compared with single-digit growth rates in North America and Europe .

  19. 通过构建回归方程和运用SWOT优劣分析,结果表明减免税、从业人员数、研发支出、技术筹集额与服务外包收入呈正相关。

    Meanwhile , through building regression equations and disadvantages of SWOT analysis , the results showed that the tax reductions or exemptions , employment number , research and development spending , raise the forehead and technical service outsourcing income were positively correlated .

  20. 凭借微处理器每台电脑的中央引擎市场约70%的份额,英特尔可以从自我强化的规模优势中受益,让它能够比AMD多投入逾3倍的研发支出。

    With about 70 per cent of the market for microprocessors the central engine of every computer Intel benefits from a self-reinforcing scale advantage that allows it to outspend AMD on research and development by more than four to one .

  21. BTIGResearch的分析师沃尔特•佩西克(WalterPiecyk)指出,苹果的研发支出与收入的比例在今年第二季度达到了创纪录的6%,相比之下该比例在2015年为3.5%,在2013年为2.6%。

    Walt Piecyk , an analyst at BTIG Research , noted that Apple 's R & D spending as a percentage of revenues hit a record 6 per cent in the quarter , compared with 3.5 per cent for 2015 and 2.6 per cent in 2013 .

  22. 因此,在所有类型的企业中高新技术企业的研发支出更具有代表性。

    Consequently , high-tech enterprises are typical of all kinds of enterprises .

  23. 目前,苹果的年研发支出接近100亿美元。

    Its annual R & D spending is now approaching $ 10bn .

  24. 但目前我国国内对研发支出价值相关性的研究还处于探索阶段,存在各种局限。

    At present , the study in China is still in an exploratory stage .

  25. 全社会研发支出占国内生产总值比重超过2%。

    China 's R & D spending accounted for over 2 % of its GDP .

  26. 其结果是,私人部门的研发支出如今高于政府投入。

    As a result , private RD spending is now higher than that by the government .

  27. 生命科学的研发支出增长迅速,这是对未来合理的投资。

    Spending on the life sciences is increasing rapidly , a reasonable bet on the future .

  28. 我们必须把绿色能源研发支出增加到现在的50倍。

    We need to increase spending on green-energy R & D by a factor of 50 .

  29. 探讨了高科技企业战略联盟模式、技术研发支出对长期无形资产价值的影响。

    This article examines how strategic alliances and R & D expenditures affect corporate long-term performance .

  30. 从管理会计角度分析石油石化企业的研发支出

    Analysis on Research and Development Expenditure in Petroleum and Petrochemical Enterprises from the View of Managerial Accounting