
  • 网络research and development;R&D
  1. Al2O3陶瓷刀具材料的研究和发展

    The Research and Development of Al_2O_3 Ceramic Cutting Tool Materials

  2. 移动adhoc网络的节能问题研究和发展

    Research and Development of Energy Strategy about Ad Hoc

  3. Si3N4陶瓷摩擦学的研究和发展

    Developing Situation of the Tribological Research for Si_3N_4 Ceramic

  4. 最后介绍了军事标图系统的主要模块和功能,探讨了今后GIS研究和发展的方向。

    Finally , the paper introduces major modules and functions in this application system and the prospect of the GIS research and development .

  5. 目前,尽管X射线激光在很大程度上获得了发展,并且也进行了一系列的应用尝试,但需要继续研究和发展的内容还有很多。

    At present , there is still much farther research , though many developments of x-ray laser and its applications have been achieved .

  6. 最后阐述了CBD方法需待研究和发展的部分。

    Finally , this paper generalizes some aspects of CBD method that need further researched and developed .

  7. 论文从移动GIS在国内外研究和发展的状况出发,阐述了在移动获取地理信息方面存在的问题和开发移动GIS在该方面应用的意义。

    The problems of getting geographic information and the significance of the applications of mobile GIS in this field are expatiated . Then , this paper analyses the technologies relating to mobile GIS .

  8. 对今后的发展进行了展望,指出集成诊断、多传感器信息融合、多方法综合应用的集成智能决策系统,以及网络化远程诊断服务是FMS诊断系统研究和发展的方向。

    The paper points out that the diagnosis system will develop towards integration , multi-agent information synthesis , multi-method integrated intelligent decision-making systems and and remote-network diagnosis services .

  9. TD-SCDMA是我国自己研究和发展的产业,它在中国乃至国际的通信业上都有着重要的地位。

    The system of TD-SCDMA is developed by China , so it has the important pole in the Chinese telecommunication field , even in the international telecommunication field .

  10. 高性能、低功耗的32位ARMCPU的兴起,以及各种开放源代码的嵌入式操作系统、TCP/IP协议栈的出现,极大地推动了嵌入式WebSever的研究和发展。

    32 bit high performance low power ARM CPU is booming , and various embedded operating systems 、 TCP / IP protocol stacks emerged . All these have greatly propelled the research and development of embedded web sever .

  11. 虽然基于H.323的视频会议系统的研究和发展较为成熟,但由于其硬件成本过高,不适合中小企业及个人的使用。

    Although based on the H.323 video conferencing systems research and development is relatively mature , but because of its high cost of hardware , not suitable for small and medium enterprises and personal to use .

  12. 同时,PKI体系作为一个强有力的网络安全保障系统已被广泛地应用于各种商业网络环境,各种基于PKI应用的复杂安全协议也成为研究和发展热门,其中以SSL协议的应用最为成功。

    Meantime , PKI has been applied in various commercial network environments as a perfect security guarantee , and so many complex security protocols based on PKI application are also on hot way , in which SSL protocol is a most typical one .

  13. 国外C~3I系统互通性的研究和发展

    The Development Status of Foreign Military C ~ 3I System Intercommunication

  14. 三价铬镀铬的国内外研究和发展

    Researches and Developments in Trivalent Chromium Plating in China and Abroad

  15. 军用航空发动机加力控制系统的研究和发展

    Research and development of afterburner control system for military aeroengine

  16. 物流科学技术的研究和发展前沿

    Prospect of Research and Development on MF Science and Technology

  17. 简要介绍了自分层涂料及其研究和发展;

    This paper introduces the self-stratifying coatings and its research and development .

  18. 这将是本人未来研究和发展的方向。

    It will be the future research and development direction for author .

  19. 早期电报工业的研究和发展是如何日益科学化的。

    How research and development in the early telegraph industry became increasingly scientific .

  20. 软岩巷道支护理论及支护理论的研究和发展

    The research and development of theory of timbering soft rock laneway and mechanism

  21. 澳大利亚羊毛产业研究和发展动向

    The R & D Progress of Australian Wool Industry

  22. 半导体超晶格材料和光电子器件的研究和发展

    Development of Semiconductor Superlattice Materials and Opto-electronic Devices

  23. 压电陶瓷变压器研究和发展现状

    Review on development of piezoelectric ceramic transformer s

  24. 磁性材料的研究和发展趋势

    The research and developing trend of magnetic materials

  25. 国外医疗超声换能器的应用、研究和发展

    Medical Ultrasound Transducer-its Application , Research and Development

  26. 信用风险管理将成为我国商业银行今后一段时间内重点研究和发展的问题。

    Credit risk management will be a focal point of commercial banks in China .

  27. 逆向工程的应用研究和发展

    Research and Development of Application in Reverse Engineering

  28. 军事研究和发展专家组

    Group of Experts on Military Research and Development

  29. 中国激光玻璃的研究和发展

    Research and development of laser glasses in China

  30. 研究和发展的能力极为有限。

    Research and development capacities are extremely limited .