
hǎi yáng xué
  • oceanography;oceanology;thalassography
海洋学[hǎi yáng xué]
  1. 更多的科学家现在能够接触到海洋学的最新技术。

    The latest techniques in oceanography are now available to many more scientists .

  2. 因此,来自英国南安普顿国家海洋学中心的卡茨亚·帕波尔茨亚娃博士(DrKatsiaPabortsava)带领了一支考察队去寻找漂浮在大西洋上所有分解得不见踪影的微塑料碎片,这些碎片的大小小于人类头发的直径。

    So , Dr Katsia Pabortsava , from the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton , led an expedition to find all that missing microplastic – particles , smaller than the diameter of a human hair – floating in the Atlantic .

  3. 在周五,B夫人解除了海军海洋学服务部门的领导干部的职务,因为没有提供很明确的海啸警报!

    On Friday , Mrs Bachelet dismissed the head of the navy 's Oceanography Service for failing to provide a clear warning of the tsunami .

  4. AutoCAD在海洋学绘图中的应用

    Application of AutoCAD to marine graphics

  5. 考虑到计算机辅助设计(CAD)应用软件在我国工程建筑、机械、电子设计等领域已得到了广泛的应用,笔者着手进行海洋学中计算机辅助绘图的工作,并取得了较好的结果。

    The computer aided design System AutoCAD , although widely used in fields of engineering , mechanics , and electronics , is seldom applied to marine sciences .

  6. 摩德纳岛是斯基达韦岛(SkidawayIsland)的一部分,岛上有一座由佐治亚大学的海洋学研究所和一座大型州立公园。

    Modena Island is a part of Skidaway Island , which has an oceanography research facility operated by the University of Georgia and a large state park .

  7. 美国的科研机构的实验已经利用人类废水成功地检验了这个理论。这些机构包括WoodsHole海洋学研究所和HarborBranch海洋学研究所。

    This idea has been tested successfully using human wastewater in experiments at US institutions , including the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution .

  8. 厦门湾水体中不同粒级颗粒物、Chl-a和~(234)Th随潮汐的变化及其海洋学意义

    Tidal effects on size-fractioned SPM , Chl-a and ~ ( 234 ) Th in the Xiamen Bay waters and its oceanographical implications

  9. 联合国政府间海洋学委员会(IOC)的UlrichWolf说,关键在于各国在分享敏感数据的问题上缺乏信任。

    Ulrich Wolf of the United Nations Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission ( IOC ) says the problem is a lack of trust about sharing sensitive data .

  10. 去进行满意的REA,水雷战团体和海洋学研究人员正在对AUV在这一个任务的使用进行广泛的研究。

    To carry out satisfactory REA , the mine warfare community and oceanographic researchers are carrying out extensive studies into the use of AUVs in this role .

  11. 目前主要研究Cr同位素,确定Cr对Jurassic-Triassic边界可能产生的影响事件,以及采用铀系列同位素进行海洋学研究。

    Examples of current projects being pursued are an investigation of Cr-isotopes to identify a possible impact event at the Jurassic-Triassic boundary , and the use of U-series isotopes in Oceanography .

  12. 美国海洋学教授南茜诺尔顿(NancyKnowlton)表示,放在酸性水质中的珊瑚,预计到2100年前其骨架就会完全消失。

    Nancy Knowlton , a marine science professor in the US , said corals put in water of the acidity expected by 2100 completely lost their skeletons .

  13. 在诸如较大规模的区域海洋学采样、侦察,多异构平台协作作业、高可靠性智能水下机器人(AUV)系统等领域,多水下机器人系统具有单机器人系统不可比拟的优势。

    In the large scale underwater applications such as oceanographic sampling and renaissance , heterogeneous cooperation and highly reliable Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ( AUV ) system , the multiple AUV system have more advantages than single AUV .

  14. 碳酸盐补偿深度(C.C.D)及溶跃面是海洋学中两个重要界线。

    Carbonate compensation depth ( C.C.D. ) and lysocline are two important boundaries in oceanography .

  15. 本文从海洋学现有的观测和研究成果出发,结合海浪的Gerstner模型,提出一种风力作用下的基于海浪谱的三维Gerstner海浪模型。

    Starting from the observation and research results of oceanography , combining with the 3D Gerstner waves model , we present a Gerstner waves model under wind force based on spectrum .

  16. 今后5年海洋遥感利用ESA的ERS-1海洋卫星资料后将会在海洋监测及其它海洋学研究领域起着重要作用。

    In coming 5 year the satellite remote sensing would play a great role in ma-rine surveillance and other oceanographic researches by us-ing the data from ERS-1 which is being launched by ESA in 1991 .

  17. 除科考队领队Turney外,其他科学家来自各个领域,包括海洋生态学、陆地生态学、鸟类学和海洋学。

    In addition to research team leader Mr. Turney , other scientists come from a range of disciplines , including marine ecology , terrestrial ecology , ornithology and oceanography .

  18. 目前,卫星高度计在远海测量的瞬时海面高度的精度可达到5cm,极大的促进了大地测量学、地球物理学、海洋学研究等领域的发展。

    At present , the accuracy of satellite altimeter measuring the sea surface instantaneous height over the deep ocean is better than ± 5 cm , this pushed the development of geodesy , geophysics , oceanographic greatly .

  19. 该研究是由来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Scripps海洋学研究所的云、化学和气候中心的科学家完成的。

    The research was conducted by a group at the Center for Clouds , Chemistry and Climate at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego , United States .

  20. 计算机技术在海洋学实践教学中的应用

    Preliminary Exploration on Applying Computer Technology to Practice Teaching of Oceanography

  21. 尽管困难重重,雷西诺斯还是决心要学习海洋学。

    Despite the constraints , Recinos was determined to study oceanography .

  22. 全球尺度海洋学研究对卫星遥感数据的需求

    Requirements of global scale oceanographic study for satellite remote sensing data

  23. 海洋学是一门有关所有海洋方面的科学。

    Oceanography is the science of all aspects of the ocean .

  24. 研究了深度基准面模型的建立方法,主要利用物理海洋学的海洋数值模式来进行解算。

    The methods to build depth datum modeling were studied .

  25. 国际海洋学数据和信息交换技术委员会;

    Technical Committee on International Oceanographic Data and information exchange ;

  26. 三维成像雷达高度计的工作机理及其可能的海洋学应用

    Imaging mechanism and possible oceanographic applications of China Imaging Altimeter

  27. 政府间海洋学委员会加勒比和毗邻区域协会

    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission 's Association for the Caribbean and the Adjacent Regions

  28. 国际卫生海洋学协会国际环境下大学生职业生涯规划研究

    Research on College Students ' Career Planning in International Environment

  29. 政府间海洋学委员会政府间海洋学委员会法律问题工作组

    Working Group of the Inter-Governmental Oceanographic Commission on Legal Questions

  30. 我骗爸妈要读一年的海洋学专业

    I had my parents convinced I was an oceanography major