
  • 网络marine chemistry;Chemical Oceanography
  1. 建设海洋化学基地专业,促进海洋科学事业发展

    Build Marine Chemistry Base Speciality to Promote Development of Marine Sciences

  2. 海洋化学中的直线自由能关系&Ⅰ.海水体系

    Linear free energy relationships in marine chemistry I. sea water systems

  3. VISUALBASIC6.0和Matlab混合编程处理海洋化学实验数据

    Mixed-program of Visual Basic 6.0 and Matlab for ocean chemistry data processing

  4. 俄语科学语体中的术语及术语化问题GB/T15921-1995海洋学术语海洋化学

    Terminological Usage for Russian Science Language ; Oceanographic terminology & Marine chemistry

  5. 开设海洋化学综合性设计性教学实验的探索

    Exploration on Offering Comprehensive and Design Experiment in Marine Chemistry

  6. 海洋化学传感器研制的动态评述

    Progress in the development of marine chemical sensors

  7. 赤道西太平洋部分海域上层水的海洋化学

    Marine chemistry on the upper waters in the partial regions of the West equatorial Pacific

  8. 海洋化学中的线性自由能关系&Ⅲ.盐度效应和离子交换剂/配位体效应

    Linear free-energy relationships in marine chemistry & ⅲ . salinity effect and attacking reagent effect

  9. 指出具有特殊分离功能的离子交换膜电渗析技术是高度分离、富集海洋化学元素的关键技术。

    It is put forward that the ion exchange membrane ED process with special separation function is a key technique for highly separating and enriching oceanochemical elements .

  10. 从元古宙古海洋化学性质的变化着手研究将成为揭示臼齿碳酸盐岩成因的根本手段。

    Studies on the change of chemical features of ancient oceans in the Proterozoic will be the fundamental means to probe the origin for Molar Tooth carbonate rocks .

  11. 随着陆地资源的匮乏和海洋化学技术的蓬勃发展,海洋天然产物成为本世纪天然产物化学研究的重点。

    For limitation of land resoures and development of ocean chemical technology , the research on the marine natural product has become a highlight of natural product chemistry .

  12. 2010年夏天,正在厦门大学攻读海洋化学和经济学双学位的大四学生韩聪(音译)去了趟福建省的大梧村。

    In the summer of 2010 , Han Cong , a senior majoring in marine chemistry and economics at Xiamen University , went to Dawu village in Fujian province .

  13. 这种技术可能不能很快地阻止气候变化,但是,也许可以缩短气候变化的阶段,并且减少产生过多碳的海洋化学变化。

    it wouldn 't stop climate change any time soon , but it might shorten its lease , and reduce the changes in ocean chemistry that excess carbon brings about .

  14. 它是地球化学整体论的成果,是对地球化学、海洋化学、营养化学中的自然组合和趋势的综合,给地球化学普遍型式与趋势一种更清澈的多维标度下的透视。

    It is a geochemical holistic product synthesizing natural groupings and trends in geochemistry , marine chemistry and nutrient chemistry , and rendering general geochemical patterns and trends a clearer multiscale perspective .

  15. 疏浚物海洋倾倒化学控制水平研究

    Study on Chemical Control Level of Dredged Material Dumping at Sea

  16. 海洋原位化学探测核心技术的研究应用

    Core technology of in-situ chemical measurement in ocean : A review

  17. 海洋中化学过程的平衡和动力学;

    Equilibriums and kinetics of chemical processes in the sea ;

  18. 模式考虑了海洋表面化学和一个简单的生物过程。

    The ocean chemistry and a simple ocean biota model is included .

  19. 中国海洋地球化学探测技术的现状与发展

    A Review on Technologies of Marine Geochemical Detection and Analysis in China

  20. 海洋地球化学快速探测技术及其在天然气水合物勘查中的应用

    Marine Geochemistry Rapid Detection Technology and the Applications in the Gas Hydrate Survey

  21. 海洋资源化学中的某些新概念

    Some new concepts in the marine resource chemistry

  22. 中国海洋湖沼化学学术讨论会在昆明召开

    The Symposium of Chinese marine and fresh water chemistry held at kunming , Yunnan

  23. 海洋地球化学若干领域的研究进展

    Research development of several branches of Marine Geochemistry

  24. 海洋有机化学和海洋生物化学;

    Marine organic chemistry and marine biochemistry .

  25. 海洋水文化学实验室水气-温室效应反馈

    Marine hydrographic and chemical laboratory water-greenhouse feedback

  26. 细菌、病毒与浮游植物相互关系及其对海洋地球化学循环的作用

    Relationship between bacterium , virus and phytoplankton and their effects to geochemical cycling in ocean

  27. 海洋环境化学述评

    A review of Marine Environmental Chemistry

  28. 大洋钻探与海洋地球化学&微量元素及稳定同位素地球化学记录

    ODP and geochemistry of ocean - rare elements and isotope geochemistry records of marine geologic environments

  29. 海洋水文化学实验室

    Marine hydrographic and chemical laboratory

  30. 海洋物理化学进展

    Progress in marine physical chemistry