
  • 网络interdisciplinary;Frontier Science;frontier branches of science;interdiscipline
  1. 多传感器信息融合是20世纪70年代以来发展起来的一门新兴边缘学科,并应用在越来越多的领域,如导航、国防、机器人、目标跟踪和GPS定位。

    Multi-sensor information fusion has been an interdisciplinary subject under consideration for more than three decades . There are rapidly growing applications of multi-sensor information fusion in various fields , such as guidance , defense , robotics , integrated navigation , target tracking and GPS positioning .

  2. 蛋白质晶体学是一门十分活跃的边缘学科。

    Protein crystallography is an active interdisciplinary subject .

  3. 宗教的社会学研究从社会学的中心学科变成了边缘学科。

    The sociological study of religion moved from the centre to the periphery of sociology .

  4. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为一门综合型边缘学科,在各个领域得到了应用。

    Geographical Information System is a new developing synthetically and marginal course .

  5. GIS是一门新兴的边缘学科。

    GIS is a new Frontier subject .

  6. GIS属于多学科和技术交叉的边缘学科,产生至今已经有40多年的历史。

    GIS belongs to multidisciplinary and the cross edge discipline , which has already been 40 years of history .

  7. 近年来,随着细胞生物学、生物材料科学、化学及工程学突飞猛进的发展和各学科间的交叉渗透组织工程学(TissueEngineering)作为一门新兴边缘学科应运而生,并得到了迅猛发展。

    In recent years , because of the enormous development and intersection between cytobiology and biomaterial engineering science , tissue engineering has forged ahead rapidly as a novel frontier science .

  8. 地理信息系统(geographicalinformationsystem)是在计算机科学、信息科学、数学、统计学、空间科学、遥感科学、遥测科学、环境科学、管理科学等学科基础上形成的边缘学科。

    Geographical Information System ( GIS ) is a new brink subject , which integrates computer science , information science , mathematics , statistics , spatial science , remote sensing science , telemetry science , environmental science , manage science and so forth .

  9. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为地理学、测量学、制图学、遥感学、图形图像学等学科发展形成的一门边缘学科,已经走向成熟并向社会化迈进。

    As a marginal subject formed by some other subjects such as Geography , Surveying and Mapping , Graphics , Remote Sensing , Geography Information System ( GIS ) has become mature and is going forward to socialization .

  10. 服装CAD技术是未来服装设计的重要手段,被人们称为艺术和计算机科学交叉的边缘学科,是以尖端科学为基础,不同于以往任何一门艺术的全新艺术流派。

    Clothing CAD technology is am important means of dress designing in the future , which called frontier branch of science that art and computer science crossed , it is a brand-new school of art of any art different from the past based on most advanced branches of science .

  11. 计算机辅助药物设计(CADD)涉及化学、生物学、计算机科学、信息学、数学和物理学等领域,是一门新兴的、快速发展的边缘学科。

    Computer aid drug design ( CADD ) is a rapid developing frontier branches of science involving Chemistry , Biology , Computer Science , Informatics , Mathematics and Physics .

  12. 我馆对一些新学科、边缘学科图书的归类

    Classification on Books of New and Frontier Disciplines at Our Library

  13. 会计哲学是一门新兴的介之于哲学与会计学之间的边缘学科。

    Accounting Philosophy is a brink subject between Philosophy and Accounting .

  14. 安全人机工程学是一门新兴边缘学科。

    Ergonomics in safety is a kind of new frontier science .

  15. 仿生学是一门综合性边缘学科。

    The bionics is a subject of a colligated frontier study .

  16. 21世纪,健康研究领域日益扩大并与相关学合作开展边缘学科的研究。

    Health research has become interdisciplinary field in the 21 st century .

  17. 它是法学和经济学科际整合的边缘学科。

    It is an interdisciplinary subject between jurisprudence and economics .

  18. 模糊语言学是一门新兴的语言学边缘学科。

    Fuzzy linguistics is a marginal subject in the making .

  19. 世界艺术与科学学会不同学科的合作可产生新的边缘学科

    Cooperation across different disciplines can develop new and fringe disciplines

  20. 道德心理学是一门新兴的交叉学科与边缘学科。

    Moral psychology is a newly-developed disciplinary and frontier subject .

  21. 修辞学是否属于边缘学科讨论述评

    A Review of the Discussion about Whether Rhetoric Is a Marginal Discipline

  22. 生态语言学是在生态语言观的基础上衍生出的新兴边缘学科。

    Biolinguistics is a newly developed frontier subject based on biological language .

  23. 考古地球物理学是一门自然科学与社会科学交叉的边缘学科。

    Archaeogeophysics is a marginal discipline between natural science and social science .

  24. 广告学在中国是一门新兴的边缘学科。

    The study of advertising is a relatively new subject in China .

  25. 交叉的边缘学科是新兴的学科增长点

    Edged Cross-discipline Is the Growth Point of New Interdisciplinary Subject

  26. 天文学哲学是近代出现的新的边缘学科。

    Astronomy & philosophy is a new scientific branch appearing in modern times .

  27. 这尚属边缘学科。

    This still belongs to no man 's land .

  28. 森林界面生态学是近十年发展起来的新兴边缘学科之一。

    Forest Boundary Ecology is a new science developed in about 10 years .

  29. 侦探小说的研究只是作为一种边缘学科而存在。

    The study of the detective story has been limited to the interdisciplinary field .

  30. 声表面波技术是声学和电学结合的一门边缘学科。

    SAW technology is the combination of acoustic and electrical edge of a discipline .