
  • 网络Border Dispute;boundary dispute
  1. 两国的边界争端看来没有调和的余地。

    There seems to be no room for compromise in the border dispute between the two countries .

  2. 边界争端仍然是两国关系中的最大阴云。

    The border dispute remains the biggest cloud in the relationship .

  3. 有关中印边界争端的一些情况和背景

    Some facts about and the background of the Sino-Indian boundary dispute

  4. 边界争端一直是造成紧张局势的根源。

    The border dispute has been a continuing source of tension .

  5. 他们为解决边界争端所作的努力是值得赞扬的

    Their effort toward the settlement of the border dispute be praiseworthy

  6. 他刚解决完安尼森的边界争端回来。

    He 's just returned from a border dispute on ansion .

  7. 边界争端导致两国爆发了战争。

    War broke out between the two countries after a border dispute .

  8. 容易引发战争的边界争端。

    A border dispute that could easily become a war .

  9. 两国都呼吁和平解决边界争端。

    Both countries called for the peaceful resolution of the border dispute .

  10. 他们签定了一项解决所有边界争端的条约。

    They signed a treaty to settle all boundary disagreements .

  11. 两国由于尖锐的边界争端而打了起来。

    The two countries came to blows because of their acute boundary dispute .

  12. 两国之间的边界争端使他们几十年来的关系都很冷淡。

    The border dispute between the two countries chilled their relations for decades .

  13. 但是,中国已经与俄罗斯、蒙古、越南和缅甸解决了边界争端。

    But China has settled border disputes with Russia , Mongolia , Vietnam and Burma .

  14. 从地图在解决边界争端中的作用看我国对南沙群岛的主权

    The role of maps in solving border dispute and China 's sovereignty over the Nansha Islands

  15. 这两个国家正在谨慎地谋求和平解决边界争端。

    The two countries are feeling their way towards a peaceful solution to their border dispute .

  16. 论中国解决边界争端的模式&以中缅、中俄关系为例

    On the Models of Territorial Dispute with the Neighbouring Countries : Taking Sino-Burma and Sino-Russia Relations as Examples

  17. 自从开始边界争端的谈判以来,两国关系已趋缓和。

    The relationship between the two countries has eased since the beginning of the talks on the border conflicts .

  18. 一个悬而未决的问题是导致两国在1962年爆发战争的边界争端,这个问题仍然没有获得解决。

    One outstanding issue is a boundary dispute that led to war in1962 and still has not been settled .

  19. 此外中国继续与新的核邻居,也就是与之有边界争端的印度冷眼相向。

    Elsewhere China continues to have cold relations with its new nuclear rival , and old territorial rival , India .

  20. 其他国家遵循大量传统去帮助他们彼此有效地应对边界争端和表达不满。

    Other states observe a host of traditions to help see them work through border disputes and express their displeasure with one another .

  21. 一方面,受民族问题、领土边界争端等地区历史遗留问题的影响,地区冲突频发,外高加索三个国家也先后出现政局不稳、经济衰退。

    Affected by the historical issues , political instability , economic recession , area conflict-prone has appeared in all three countries of Transcaucasia .

  22. 受周边地区边界争端和平解决的影响,这一阶段也门和沙特先后进行了科莫谈判、萨那会谈、吉达谈判。

    Affected by other disputes solved peacefully , Yemen and Saudi make Lake Como talks , Sana ' a talks and Jeddah talks .

  23. 一家北京报纸援引一个中国学者的话说,这为解决中国同其它国家的边界争端提供了有用的经验。

    Chinese scholar quoted by a Beijing newspaper said the experience could be useful for solving some of the country 's other border disputes .

  24. 这一具有特殊意义的条约的签订,表明互谅互让是解决边界争端的重要因素。

    This unique treaty in the annals of modern treaties , indicated that mutual understand and benefit is the most factor when solved history leaved questions .

  25. 然而,因为中国和周边其他一些国家存在海洋边界争端,所以一些瓷器的归属权不是很明确。

    But it is not clear who actually owns some of the Chinaware as China and some other countries in the region dispute the sea borderlines .

  26. 11年后的1980年10月30日,两国签署了和平条约并将两国的边界争端交由国际法庭处理。

    Eleven years later the two nations signed a peace treaty on 30 October 1980 to put the border dispute before the International Court of Justice .

  27. 中印边界争端是一个富含法理、地理因素的历史遗留问题,也是中印关系进程中的障碍之一。

    China and India share a prolonged boundary line and there are complicated factors including international law , geopolitics and occurrences around the China-India border disputes .

  28. 1954年中印协定与中印边界争端&和平共处五项原则创立50周年回顾

    The 1954 Sino-Indian Agreement and the Sino-Indian Border Dispute : & A Review of the 50 Years since the Adoption of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

  29. 问题根源在于双方未能解决长期存在的边界争端,这种争端曾导致两国在1962年爆发一场短暂但血腥的战争。

    That is still hostage to the countries ' failure to resolve a longstanding border dispute , the cause of a brief but bloody war in 1962 .

  30. 论海洋边界争端与国际海洋法的发展&兼谈中日东海油气争端的解决

    On the Sea Boundary Dispute and the Development of International Law of the Sea & Proposals on resolving Gas Dispute between China and Japan in the East Sea