
fēi zhōu tǒnɡ yī zǔ zhī
  • Organization of African Unity
  1. 非洲统一组织难民安置与教育事务局

    Bureau for the Placement and Education of Refugees of the OAU

  2. 非洲统一组织南部非洲问题特设委员会

    Ad Hoc Committee of the Oraganization of Africa Unity on Southern Africa

  3. 非洲统一组织的历史地位

    The historical role of the Organization of African Unity

  4. 1990年联合国和非洲统一组织合作协定

    1990 Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity

  5. 非洲统一组织驻联合国执行秘书办事处;

    Executive Secretary of the organization of African Unity at the United nations ;

  6. 向非洲统一组织所承认的非洲区域民族解放运动提供援助

    Assistance to national liberation movements recognized in its area by the Organization of African Unity

  7. 非洲统一组织非洲难民安置和教育局所办各国通讯员研究班讨论会;

    Seminar of national correspondents of oau 's Bureau for the placement and education of African refugees ;

  8. 中国总理高度赞扬了非洲统一组织在帮助非洲国家赢得民族独立和获得政治解放当中所作出的杰出贡献。

    Chinese premier highly praised the significant contribution of Africa Union in helping African countries to win their national independence and political liberation .

  9. 穆.易卜拉欣董事会的几位成员也和他一起出席了这次记者会,其中有爱尔兰前总统和联合国人权主管玛丽.鲁宾逊,非洲统一组织的前主席,也是坦桑尼亚的前总理萨利姆.艾哈迈德.萨利姆。

    He was joined by several board members of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation . Among them were Mary Robinson , the former president of Ireland and U.N. Human Rights chief , as well as Salim Ahmed Salim , the former head of the Organization of African Unity and former prime minister of Tanzania .

  10. 非洲商业法统一组织

    Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa

  11. 还有非洲,非洲统一组织的强烈的普遍的呼声就是要求别国不要干涉他们的内政。

    The African countries too , through the Organization of African Unity , demand with one voice that no other country interfere in their internal affairs .

  12. 卡扎菲长期以来一直是非洲联盟及其前身非洲统一组织最大的赞助人。

    Colonel Gadhafi was long the single largest financier of the African Union as well as the Organization of African Unity before it .

  13. “非洲日”纪念的是1963年非洲统一组织的成立。

    It commemorates the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963 .

  14. 石油赋予了他权利,让他敢于蔑视破败不堪的祖国施加给他的限制。他开始自视为第三世界的领袖,世界穷人的发言人,非洲世界的国王(2009年他任非洲统一组织主席)以及世界革命的赞助人。

    Oil gave him power far beyond the confines of his dilapidated state . He began to see himself as the leader of the Third World , the voice of the world 's poor , the King of Africa ( when , in 2009 , he chaired the Organisation of African Unity ) and the patron of world revolution .

  15. 卡扎菲长期以来一直是向非洲联盟提供财源主要人士,非洲联盟是1999年在卡扎菲家乡举行的一个峰会上成立的,它的前身是非洲统一组织。

    Gadhafi has long been the African Union 's chief financier . Taking the place of the Organization of African Unity , the African Union was founded at a summit in Gadhafi 's hometown in 1999 .