
Qī shí qī guó jí tuán
  • Group of 77;Seventy-Seven Group
  1. 中国参加哥本哈根气候时拥有两条防线外围防线是七十七国集团(g77)发展中国家,内层防线是印度、巴西和南非。

    China came to the Copenhagen climate conference with two lines of defence an outer layer of the G77 developing countries and an inner layer of India , Brazil and South Africa .

  2. 潘基文可能也是如此,一如他声称的,尤其是如果他想赢得七十七国集团(G77)信任的话,G77是发展中国家组织,如今正越发武断与任性。

    Mr Ban could do the same & especially if , as he claims , he wants to win the trust of the increasingly assertive and obstreperous group of developing countries known as the G77 .

  3. 中国代表团收到了秘书处印发的、七十七国集团提出的,题为“粮食问题”的决议草案。

    The Chinese delegation has received a document issued by the Secretariat and sponsored by the Group of77 , namely the draft resolution entitled " the Question of Food " .