
qī dà zhōu
  • the seven continents
  • seven continents
七大洲 [qī dà zhōu]
  • [seven continents] 全球大陆(包括其附近岛屿)的总称。地球上共有七大洲:亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲和南极洲。亚洲、非洲、欧洲、大洋洲主要在东半球,北美洲和南美洲在西半球;南极洲绝大部分在南极圈内。亚洲面积最大,为4400万平方公里;大洋洲面积最小,为900万平方公里

  1. 学习国家,首都,国籍的单词,世界七大洲的名称。

    Learn some words about nations , capitals and nationalities , the seven continents .

  2. 自由女神头戴光芒四射的冠冕,有代表世界七大洲及七(应该是四吧!)大洋的七道尖芒。

    On her head is a crown of seven points that represent the seven continents and the seven seas .

  3. BBC1台主管夏洛特·摩尔(CharlotteMoore)说:“贝克汉姆重回BBC1频道参与一部特别的纪录片的摄制。这部纪录片将追随他完成一直以来的夙愿:在世界七大洲踢七场球——从尼泊尔、巴布亚新几内亚、智利到南极洲。”

    Charlotte Moore , Controller of BBC One , said : " David Beckham returns to BBC One for a special film following his long held personal ambition to play seven games of football in every continent around the world from Nepal , Papua New Guinea , Chile to Antarctica .

  4. 盲角:攀登七大洲最高峰历险记

    Blind Corners ; Adventures on the Peaks of Seven Continents

  5. 世界被分成七大洲。

    The world is divided into seven continents .

  6. 世界上有七大洲。

    There are seven continents in the world .

  7. 我们经常谈到七大洲。

    We often speak of seven continents .

  8. 在最近的几十年里,七大洲中仅仅只有一个大洲还没有变现出一致的气候变暖现象:南极洲。

    Of the seven continents , only one has not shown a consistent warming in recent decades : Antarctica .

  9. 七大洲中最后一个有孩子出生的是南极洲,那个孩子是在阿根廷一个军事基地出生的埃米利奥·马可·帕尔马。

    The last of the seven was Antarctica-with the birth of Emilio Marco Palma , on an Argentine military base .

  10. 世界七大洲最高峰均位于全球或巨型经向或纬向构造带中,暗示山脉形成和地球自转之间有内在联系。

    The highest peaks in the seven continents in the world occupy an important place in the study of global tectonics .

  11. 在地球上的七大洲中只有亚洲,北美洲和南美洲有比阿里二号所在位置更高的山峰。

    Of the seven continents on Earth only Asia North America and South America have mountains higher than Ngari No. 2 .

  12. 同年下旬,他横越包括南极洲在内的地球七大洲,27天内完成七场马拉松挑战,创下世界最快纪录。

    Later in the same year , he became the fastest person to accomplish seven marathons across seven continents including Antarctica in27 days .

  13. 我们经常谈到七大洲,但你会看到,欧洲,亚洲和非洲实际上是一大块陆地。

    We often speak of seven continents , but you can see that Europe , Asia , and Africa are really one landmass .

  14. 她还通过她的七大洲马拉松从肯尼亚到蒙古提高了对于前列腺癌的全球意识。而且美国也提供给她这样的会谈机会。

    She has also taken prostate cancer awareness worldwide from Kenya to Mongolia through her seven continents marathons.And US by giving talks like this one .

  15. 罗梅罗称,他的目标是登上世界七大洲的最高峰,位于尼泊尔和中国交界处的珠穆朗玛峰是他的目标之一。

    Romero said Mount Qomolangma , that straddles Nepal-China border , was part of his goal to climb the highest mountains on all seven continents .

  16. 事实上,它是我去过的最有趣的地方;我可是什么地方都去过,包括七大洲。

    In fact , it 's the most interesting place I 've been to , and I 've been everywhere , including all seven continents .

  17. 她和她的丈夫计划去完成他们遗愿清单中的项目-旅游所有的七大洲-未来即将前往澳大利亚。

    She and her husband plan to complete one of the items on their bucket list-travel to all seven continents-with a trip to Australia in the future .

  18. 大卫·贝克汉姆将在一部新电视记录片上进行环球旅行,他要在七大洲踢七场足球比赛——包括一场在南极洲进行的前所未有的比赛。

    David Beckham is to go around the world for a new TV documentary playing seven football games in seven continents - including the first ever game in Antarctica .

  19. 接下来你会看到:全国218个地区,8362个旅游目的地及全世界七大洲12561个旅游目的地的2万多条旅游攻略。

    Then you will see more than 20 thousand travel guides which covers 8362 destinations from 218 regions all over the country as well as 12561 destinations from 7 continents .

  20. 它还成为世界上第一支克服七大洲所有最高峰、徒步往返南北极地的大学登山队。

    It has also become the first university mountaineering team in the world to overcome the highest peaks in all seven continents , and to travel on foot to both the North and South Poles .