
  • 网络Seven connections and one leveling;seven accesses and site leveling
  1. 基地内土地已全部实现“七通一平”,为项目建设创造优良的基础设施服务环境。

    The areas in the base have all realized " Seven Connections and One Leveling ", providing a favorable infrastructure service environment for the development of projects .

  2. 而物流区基础配套设施为入园企业提供标准的七通一平,主要包括道路、给排水、污水、电力、通讯、燃气、热力及场地平整,且基础配套设施接至规划红线。

    The logistics area-based facilities for the joint venture provides a standard of " seven connections and one leveling ", including roads , drainage , sewage , electricity , telecommunications , gas , heat and site preparation , and infrastructure is connected to the red line plan .