
  • 网络Septwolves;SEVEN WOLVES
  1. 七匹狼是一家在深圳上市的晋江公司,《21世纪经济报道》(21stcenturybusinessherald)曾援引该公司董事长周少雄的话称,他的公司先是模仿外国品牌,接着学会了如何自我创新。

    Zhou Shaoxiong , chairman of Septwolves , a Jinjiang company listed on the Shenzhen stockmarket , is quoted by the 21st Century Business Herald as saying that his company first imitated foreign brands , then learned how to innovate itself .

  2. 从七匹狼品牌管理案例看品牌个性的塑造

    The Shaping of Brand Personality : Fujian Septwolves ' Brand Management

  3. 七匹狼如今是如此成功,以至于催生了一整批狼的模仿者。

    Septwolves is now so successful that it has sired a whole lair of lupine copycats .

  4. 听他说完这些,我才发现他的上衣上有个明显的七匹狼的标志。

    He finished listening to these , I found that his T-shirt with a clear seven wolf signs .

  5. 这令一批听上去带有欧洲色彩的时装店名(从森马和七匹狼,到佐丹奴和美特斯邦威)迅速崛起。

    That has given rise to a number of fashion houses with European-sounding names , from Semir and Septwolves to Giordano and Metersbonwe .

  6. 到了一定阶段,这些年轻的仿冒者可能会侵蚀正牌公司的品牌价值,但就目前而言,七匹狼看起来是安全的。

    At some stage , such young pretenders may start to erode the brand equity of the company that inspired them , but for now Septwolves appears safe .