
  • 网络celine;Celin;Cline
  1. 赛琳(Céline)选她来做新的广告宣传真是太酷了,我想买那些太阳镜。”

    How cool is it that C é line chose her for their new ad campaign ? I want those sunglasses .

  2. 他从1997年在巴黎的法国时装公司赛琳(Céline)工作时就养成了这个习惯。

    It started in Paris , in 1997 , when he was hired by the French fashion house C é line .

  3. 她道:菲比o菲络加入赛琳(Céline)担任创意总监就提高了这个品牌的转售价值。

    When Phoebe Philo joined C é line as the creative director , it added more resale value to the brand , she says .

  4. 还有那种精心裁剪的极简围裙,它们相当于烹饪版的赛琳(Céline)手袋,非常朴素,理解它们需要一定程度的鉴赏力。

    And there are tailored , minimal versions that are the culinary equivalent of , say , a C é line bag , so understated that they demand a level of connoisseurship to be understood .

  5. 最早开始同时为两个品牌效力的设计师中也有一些响亮的名字:迈克尔·科尔斯(MichaelKors)在1997年到2004年同时是赛琳(Céline)的创意总监;

    Meanwhile , of the first generation to embark on the two houses / one designer model - Michael Kors , who from 1997-2004 was also creative director of C é line ;

  6. 今年25岁的赛琳娜刚发布新歌《Wolves》,霉霉的专辑《reputation》也创下佳绩,周三霉霉迎来28岁生日,赛琳娜发布了一段视频,视频中两人嘻嘻哈哈装疯卖傻。

    The " Wolves " singer , 25 , celebrated the reputation hitmaker 's 28th birthday on Wednesday with a short video of the pair giggling and goofing off together .

  7. 这一配角由女星蕾雅·赛杜扮演,当年她还出演了普拉达的糖果香水广告。鲶鱼�赛琳Belt包的实际名称源自它的背带,这个背带下垂到两边,让包呈现独特的外观,就像鲶鱼的脸——于是便有了这款包众所周知的名称。

    The belt that gives Celine 's Belt bag its actual name dangles down on each side , giving the bag a distinctive look that resembles the face of a catfish - the name by which the bag is often known .

  8. 乐手、回忆录《乐队中的女孩》(GirlinaBand)的作者基姆·戈顿(KimGordon)喜欢琼·迪迪安(JoanDidion):“赛琳(Céline)选她来做新的广告宣传真是太酷了,我想买那些太阳镜。”

    The musician and author of the memoir " Girl in a Band " is a fan of Joan Didion : " How cool is it that C é line chose her for their new ad campaign ? I want those sunglasses . "

  9. LVMH已经开始对其品牌进行重新定位以应对这些变化,包括扩大带有不易察觉标识的路易威登产品的范围,并给予诸如赛琳(Céline)和芬迪(Fendi)等增长更快的子品牌更多的重视。

    LVMH is already moving to reposition its brand in response to these shifts , including an expansion of LV product ranges with subtler logos , as well as a greater emphasis on its faster-growing sub-brands such as C é line and Fendi .

  10. 值得一提的是,亚洲是LVMH服装及皮制品部门一季度增长最慢的地区,该部门包括LV及赛琳(Celine)和芬迪(Fendi)等更小的品牌。

    Remarkably , Asia was the slowest-growing region in LVMH 's fashion and leather goods division ─ which includes Vuitton as well as smaller labels such as Celine and Fendi ─ in the first quarter .

  11. 片中角色由有着淡褐色头发的黛安·赛琳顿扮演。

    The title role was played by ash blond Diane Celento .

  12. 顺便问一句,赛琳和孩子们好吗?

    By the way , how are Celine and the kids ?

  13. 在南非荷兰语中,她的名字发音为查理兹?斯隆,但她选择读成赛琳,因为她觉得这样发音更容易。

    In Afrikaans , it 's pronounced Shar-leeze Thrawn , but she 's opted for Ther-in as she thinks it 's easier to say .

  14. 玛百莉说,在二月的伦敦时尚周,从赛琳招募过来的新任创意总监-约翰尼可可,报刊和公司合伙人已经接纳了他的第一个作品集。

    Mulberry said the first collection from its new creative director , Johnny Coca , who was recruited from C é line , at London fashion week in February had been well received by the press and the company 's partners .

  15. 本季的华丽手镯登上了浪凡、爱马仕、克洛伊和赛琳等设计品牌的T台,样式从奢华且夸张的青铜、银质或金质手镯到装饰了铆钉、水钻的皮质手镯不一而足。

    This season 's luxe cuffs ― featured on the runways of designer brands like Lanvin , Hermes , Chloe and Celine ― range from sleek , oversized bangles in bronze , silver and gold , to leather pieces that blend studs , rivets and rhinestones .