
  • 网络Tony Saich;Saich;Secchi;sager
  1. 这家由TallArquitectos进行设计的、名为“铜峡谷鸡尾”的酒吧,能够自上而下俯瞰墨西哥巴萨赛奇瀑布壮阔的景象。

    Designed by Tall Arquitectos , the Copper Canyon Cocktail Bar will overlook the stunning Basaseachic Falls in Mexico - from above .

  2. 香港全球赛奇公司(globalsage)的创始人约翰怀特(johnwright)称,目前的招聘环境是他见过最恶劣的。

    John Wright , founder of global sage in Hong Kong , said it was the worst hiring environment he had seen .

  3. 在各大金融中心设有办事处的猎头公司全球赛奇公司(GlobalSage)的首席执行官乔恩赖特(JonWright)表示,目前,监管机构正强迫银行大幅收窄业务,减少业务种类。

    The regulators are forcing the banks to become much more narrow and less diversified institutions , says Jon Wright , chief executive officer of Global Sage , a headhunting company with offices in the main financial centres .

  4. 赛奇:我们先别想太多。

    Serge : Let 's not get ahead of ourselves .

  5. 赛奇:你觉得你可能把它落在了酒店房间。

    Serge : You think you may have left it in the hotel room .

  6. 赛奇的课总会以拉伸运动或平缓的瑜伽活动作为结束。

    A session with Ms. Sage finishes with a stretch or a modified yoga routine .

  7. 赛奇:如果你的护照的确是被偷了,我们需要找到美国大使馆。

    Serge : If your passport has been stolen , we need to find the U.S. embassy .

  8. 夏天,当林恩夫妻二人跳跃着、做着弓步、快步行进和慢跑着上山回家时,赛奇会给他们加油鼓劲,为他们欢呼。

    In the summer , Ms. Sage cheers the two as they skip , lunge , march and jog up the hill to their home .

  9. 隆冬之际,赛奇会让夫妻中的一人在一辆动感单车上锻炼30分钟,而另一个人则同她一起进行重量与核心训练。

    In midwinter , Ms. Sage has one of the couple spend 30 minutes on a spin bike , while the other does weight and core exercises with her .

  10. 赛奇说:通过进行这些活动,鲍勃和亚历克斯跌倒的几率更低了,他们因为力气不够举不动东西而感到劳累的可能性也更小了。

    ' By doing this , Bob and Alex have a much lower chance of falls , as well as strains from not being strong enough to lift things , ' says Ms. Sage , who has been training the couple together for seven years .