
  • 网络SYMANTEC;Symantec Corp;Symantec AntiVirus;SYMC;veritas
  1. 史蒂芬•吉列特(StephenGillett)以数码部负责人的身份在百思买(BestBuyCo.)工作了九个月之后,便于12月跳槽到赛门铁克(SymantecCorp.)担任首席运营长。

    Stephen Gillett , Best Buy Co. 's head of digital , stayed nine months before jumping ship to become chief operating officer of Symantec Corp.in December .

  2. 最新消息是,赛门铁克(Symantec)很可能会分拆为两家分别从事安全与数据存储业务的公司。

    And most recently , Symantec 's potential split into security and data storage .

  3. 不过,赛门铁克高级副总裁RowanTrollope称他们短期内并没有在iPhone上推出安全软件的计划。

    Symantec Senior Vice President Rowan Trollope told Reuters that his company has no immediate plans to introduce security products for the iPhone .

  4. “杀毒软件已死!”,就在一周前,赛门铁克公司(Symantec)信息安全部高级副总裁布莱恩o代伊在接受《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)采访时发表了这番简短的悼词。

    Just over a week ago , Symantec 's ( SYMC ) senior vice president of information security Brian Dye delivered a concise eulogy for anti-virus software . It " is dead , " he told theWall Street Journal .

  5. 本周,两家外国杀毒软件公司——俄罗斯的卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)和美国的赛门铁克(Symantec)——也被排除出中国的政府采购名单。

    This week , both foreign antivirus software companies in China , Kaspersky Lab of Russia and Symantec of the US , were also struck off the list .

  6. 赛门铁克(symantec)分析师保罗伍德(paulwood)表示,本月发生的有针对性的网络攻击事件旨在获取敏感信息、发送数量较少的恶意电子邮件中,28%发生在中国。

    This month , 28 per cent of all targeted attacks malicious e-mails sent in small volumes aimed at gaining access to sensitive data originated in China , says Paul wood , an analyst at Symantec .

  7. 计算机安全公司赛门铁克的欧洲分公司技术总监GregDay说,过去的网络犯罪多多少少有点“随机性”,不法分子只是在到处找寻他们可以突破的漏洞而已。

    Greg Day , the chief technology officer for security in the European business of Symantec , a computer-security firm , says that for years cybercrime was more or less " random , " as crooks looked for any holes they could find anywhere .

  8. 与此同时,迈克菲(McAfee)和赛门铁克(Symantec)等知名公司也纷纷推出了手机安全应用,这些公司在上世纪90年代都曾在PC机领域杀毒软件领域创造过佳绩。

    Big-name security companies like McAfee and Symantec who made their mark selling antivirus software for PCs in the 90s have also come out with security features for phones .

  9. 根据赛门铁克(symantec)旗下研究机构messagelabs的一份报告,上月,中国成为了有针对性黑客攻击的最大源头。

    Last month the country became the biggest source of targeted hacking attacks , according to a report by MessageLabs , a research arm of Symantec .

  10. 现在,该公司约有1000万个用户,遥遥领先于赛门铁克公司(Symantec)和迈克菲公司(McAfee)等传统数据安全公司,它们提供的手机安全应用程序下载次数已经高达数十万次。

    Today the company has about 10 million users , putting it ahead of traditional data-security companies like Symantec and McAfee , whose mobile security apps have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times .

  11. 据赛门铁克观察发现,2010年之前,没有任何网络受到过针对性攻击,后来,旨在攻击企业控制系统的蠕虫病毒Stuxnet出现了,这种情况就改变了,去年12月,每天就有154个系统受到这种病毒的攻击。

    Symantec observed virtually no targeted attacks before Stuxnet , a worm that attacked industrial-control systems , appeared in 2010 . Last December it spotted an average of 154 a day .

  12. 赛门铁克(Symantec)产品与服务总裁弗朗西斯?德苏扎(FrancisdeSouza)称这种方法为“大情报”,即以对网络情况和正常行为模式的更强把握构成主要防御阵线。

    The result is what Francis deSouza , president of products and services at Symantec , calls " big intelligence " - in which a stronger situational awareness and a better sense of behavioural norms are the main lines of defence .

  13. 这份2011年的文件显示,F7还与美国数字安全公司赛门铁克(Symantec)成立了合资企业,但2012年美国公司解散了这个企业。

    F7 also has a joint venture with the American digital security company Symantec , the 2011 document says . Huawei had a joint venture with Symantec before the American company dissolved it in 2012 .

  14. 赛门铁克希望向企业用户报告安全威胁、分析黑幕活动网络以及检测漏洞,借此与FireEye等竞争对手正面交锋。

    The company wants to go head-to-head with competition like FireEye by briefing companies on threats , analyzing networks for shady activities and detecting breaches .

  15. 美国软件安全集团赛门铁克(Symantec)的研究显示,对于电子邮件、即时信息软件和网络语音通讯等工具的使用和管理,54%的企业没有制定相关的具体政策。

    According to research from Symantec , the software security group , 54 per cent of businesses have no specific policies in place relating to the use and management of e-mail , instant messaging and voice over internet protocol .

  16. 美国互联网安全公司赛门铁克(Symantec)的最新安全报告显示,一张美国信用卡售价仅为1美元,一张英国信用卡约为2美元,花300美元就可以进入另一个人的网上银行账户。

    A US credit card costs just $ 1 , a UK credit card about $ 2 and access to someone else 's online bank account can be had for $ 300 , according to the latest security report from Symantec , the US internet security company .

  17. 赛门铁克事件管理器(symanteceventmanager)可实现集中记录、报警和报告。

    The Symantec event manager enables centralized logging , alerting and reporting .

  18. 退出注册表编辑器和现在,您可以卸载赛门铁克防病毒客户端。

    Exit Registry Editor and now you can uninstall Symantec AntiVirus Client .

  19. 赛门铁克揭示的一些价格令人吃惊。

    Some of the pricing uncovered by Symantec was surprising .

  20. 到如今,赛门铁克业已成为电脑安全领域响当当的品牌。

    Today , Symantec is known for computer security .

  21. 我打电话给赛门铁克公司和他们重新激活它。

    I called Symantec and they re-activated it .

  22. 赛门铁克仍然有40%以上的营收来自杀毒软件,但这块业务如今每况愈下。

    Symantec still rakes in more than 40 % of its revenue from anti-virus products .

  23. 他在赛门铁克这家电脑安全公司整整担任了10年的首席执行官。

    He served for 10 years as chief executive of Symantec , the computer security company .

  24. 我询问赛门铁克如何做到不用特征来做到的。

    I asked Symantec how it could do that , given that it doesnt use signatures .

  25. 微软和赛门铁克由汤普森着手再造时的情况类似,现在也很需要进行业务聚焦。

    Like Symantec , when Thompson started , Microsoft ( MSFT ) is now in need of focus .

  26. 过去6个月,赛门铁克的一个团队对互联网聊天进行了监控,编制出一个粗略的价目表。

    A Symantec team monitored Internet chats over the past six months to compile a rough price list .

  27. 赛门铁克防毒程序启动你做到这配置为扫描所有档案。

    Start your Symantec antivirus program and make sure that it is configured to scan all the files .

  28. 换言之,为了保持自身地位,赛门铁克选择了跟着钱走。

    In other words , in order to remain relevant , Symantec has chosen to follow the money .

  29. 赛门铁克表示,攻击者使用看似平常的电子邮件在目标公司的电脑上放置恶意软件。

    Symantec said the attacks used innocent-seeming emails to place malicious software on computers at the target companies .

  30. 例如,赛门铁克公司的工程师改进了与主动威胁扫描功能的产品的安全性。

    For example , the Symantec engineers improved the security of the products with the Proactive Threat Scan feature .