
  • 网络British Gas
  1. 英国天然气公司股价上涨1便士,以287便士收盘。

    British Gas shares ended the day 1p up at 287p

  2. 我还是没有什么明确的目标,于是就去了英国天然气公司的秘书处做临时雇员。

    I was still fairly directionless , and went into secretarial temping for British Gas .

  3. 英国天然气集团(BritishGas)是第二个客户。他们将阀门用于海底输油管道与钻井设备中。

    British Gas was the next customer , using the valve on undersea pipelines and rigs .

  4. 荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)正着手争取股东支持拟议中的收购英国天然气集团(BGGroup)的交易。此前,中国监管机构在周一批准了这一交易。

    Royal Dutch Shell moved to bolster shareholder support for its proposed takeover of BG Group after Chinese regulators on Monday gave the deal their approval .

  5. 壳牌是全球液化天然气领域的领军企业,但在利用非常规天然气生产液化天然气的计划方面,它却落后于英国天然气集团(bggroup)等竞争对手。

    Shell is a world leader in liquefied natural gas , super-cooled so that it can be transported by tanker , but it has lagged behind its rivals , including BG Group , in plans to use unconventional gas to produce LNG .

  6. 至于其它煤层气液化天然气开发计划,英国天然气集团与中国中海油(CNOOC)、澳大利亚Santos与马来西亚国家石油公司已经纷纷建立合作关系。

    Of the other planned coal bed methane LNG developments , BG has tied up with CNOOC of China , and Santos of Australia with Petronas .

  7. 来自巴西国家石油公司的消息,推高了英国天然气集团(BG)和西班牙石油公司Repsol的股价。这两家公司均是开发Guara油田的合作伙伴。

    The news from Petrobras pushed up the share prices of BG and Repsol , the UK and Spanish oil companies that are partners in developing Guar .

  8. 英国天然气集团是Tupi油田的合资开采伙伴。

    BG is a joint venture partner at Tupi .

  9. 英国天然气工业发展的启示

    Learning from the Development and Structural Transformation Of the British Gas Industry

  10. 英国天然气行业政府管制及立法

    British Government Control and Legislation of Natural Gas Industry

  11. 英国天然气工业的改革发展及对我国的启示

    The Progress of Reform in Britain 's Gas Industry and Lessons for China

  12. 英国天然气供应方式对我们的启示

    Gas Supply Solution in Britain and Its Enlightenment

  13. 对英国天然气配送网络进行合作爆炸是一个美丽然而困难的计划。

    Co-ordinated explosions on Britain 's gas-distribution network were a " beautiful plan ", but difficult .

  14. 这次收购需要得到壳牌多数股东和英国天然气集团75%的股东的支持。

    The takeover requires the support of a majority of Shell shareholders and 75 per cent of those at BG .

  15. 对于英国天然气用户而言,去年冬天显得尤其艰难,由于天气出人意料地寒冷,天然气价格在去年11月份和今年3月份大幅上涨。

    Last winter was particularly tough for UK gas users , with sharp price rises in November and March , during unexpectedly cold weather .

  16. 由于市场认为俄乌天然气争端现已获解决,英国天然气交易价格出现波动。

    UK natural gas prices saw volatile trade as the market took the view that the row between Russia and Ukraine over gas supplies had been resolved for now .

  17. 周二晚些时候,英国天然气集团在一份声明中确认,正与壳牌开展深入磋商。不过该公司表示,壳牌公司目前可能仍未确定会提出收购要约。

    BG confirmed in a statement late on Tuesday that it was in advanced discussions with Shell , though it said there could be no certainty that the Anglo-Dutch major would make an offer .

  18. 英国天然气行业合理的政府管制及法律法规体系的不断完善使其天然气市场逐步发展成为一个完全竞争性的市场,成为世界上其它国家自由化过程的典范。

    British natural gas market gradually becomes a completely challenging market due to the reasonable government regulation and the improving law and rule system . That makes it the good model of liberalization process for other countries .

  19. 英国天然气工业的发展历程在产权制度的变革、政府职能的转变及建立公平竞争的天然气市场等方面能够给我们一定的启示。

    China can learn a great deal from a study of the development of the British gas industry in particular the transformation of property rights and government function as well as the establishment of a gas market with open competition .

  20. 周一,英国天然气集团的股价下跌0.7%,收于每股9.2英镑,比壳牌以现金和换股方式开出的价码中给出的大致价格低了大约10%,这在一定程度上反映出某些人对股东可能不会批准这一交易的担忧。

    Shares in BG fell 0.7 per cent on Monday to close at 9.20 , and are about 10 per cent lower than the price outlined by Shell in its cash-and-stock bid , partly reflecting some concern that shareholders might not approve the deal .

  21. 英国石油天然气集团&英国石油(BP)表示,发达国家去年石油消耗量下降数量创1983年以来最高水平,这一迹象表明,油价不断上涨对需求的影响越来越大。

    Oil consumption in developed countries fell last year by the largest amount since 1983 , a sign of the growing impact of rising prices on demand , according to BP , the UK oil and gas group .

  22. 英国石油天然气会计规范:评价与启示

    Accounting Standards for Oil and Gas Industry in Great Britain : Comment and Inspiration

  23. 为此,本文对英国的石油天然气会计规范进行评价,并从中得出一些对我们的启示。

    In order to learn from other countries , the paper makes comment on ASOGI in Great Britain and finds some helpful ideas .

  24. 英国的石油和天然气

    Britain 's oil and natural gas

  25. 英国等国家用天然气为家庭供暖,但真正的全球增长将来自天然气发电。

    Countries like Britain use it to heat homes but the real international growth will come from its use to generate electricity .

  26. 虽然近年对新项目的投资达到创纪录水平,导致连续数年高于通胀的薪酬上调,但英国的石油和天然气产量有所下降,勘探成果也不好。

    Although investment in new projects recently hit record levels , leading to several years of inflation-beating pay increases , UK oil and gas output has declined and exploration has been poor .

  27. 协议虽然没有确定天然气供应地,但英国石油公司液化天然气供应地遍布全球,甚至包括墨西哥湾天然气管道终端。

    It 's not yet fixed where the gas will come from , but BP has a global portfolio of LNG assets , including the opportunity to export from terminals in the Gulf of Mexico .

  28. 香港亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗下的英国公用事业企业又多了一家,此前由长江实业(CheungKongHoldings)牵头的一个财团同意斥资6.45亿英镑收购英国天然气公司WalesandWestUtilities(WWU)。

    Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing has added to his collection of British utilities after a consortium led by his flagship Cheung Kong Holdingsagreed to buy Wales and West Utilities , the UK gas company , for £ 645m .