
  • 网络the Church of England
  1. 英格兰教会发言人将莱福·保罗·威廉姆逊描述为一个一系列抗议者。

    A Church of England spokesman described Rev Williamson as a serial protester .

  2. 英格兰教会发言人将莱福·保罗·威廉姆逊描述为一个“一系列抗议者”。

    A Church of England spokesman described Rev Williamson as a " serial protester . "

  3. 他对新英格兰教会和政体的形成做出了很大的贡献。

    He made great contributions to the formation of New England church and political system .

  4. 17世纪早期,被称作清教徒的一群人想要改革并净化英格兰教会。

    Early in the 17th century , a group of people called the pilgrims wanted to reform and purify England 's churches .

  5. 亨利改革的目的是摆脱英国教会与教皇的联系,成立独立的英格兰教会。

    Henry 's reforms was to get rid of the English Church 's connection with the Pope , and to make an independent Church of England .

  6. 佛克斯不满英格兰教会由政府控制,认为个人追随上帝,不须要奉为神圣的建筑和特别委任的牧师。

    Fox rebelled against the state control of the Church of England , and argued that consecrated buildings and ordained ministers were irrelevant to the individual seeking God .

  7. 没有议会同意,英格兰教会不可随意改变“国教祈祷书”中规定的礼拜仪式。

    The church of England is not free to change its form of worship , as laid down in the Book of Common Prayer without the consent of Parliament .

  8. 目前的建筑也是自1534年英格兰教会创立以来的第一座大教堂,当时宗教完全控制在教皇的手里。

    The present building is also the first cathedral to have been built since the creation of the Church of England in1534 , when religion was brought under the direct control of the monarch .

  9. 如果你是英格兰教会的一个保守女人,“爱出风头”的女性获得权力的前景是相当可怕的,所以你当然要投票反对它。

    If you 're a conservative woman in the Church of England , the prospect of " pushy " women getting power is quite scary , so of course you 're going to vote against it .

  10. 从英国圣公会发布的记录数据来看这是明显的,表明女性让几乎一半的门外汉来投票反对允许女性担任英格兰教会的主教的立法。

    That much is evident from records released by Church House , which show that women made up almost half of the lay people who voted against legislation to allow female bishops in the Church of England .

  11. 大主教贾斯汀·韦尔比与部属一起敲了这座中世纪教堂的西门三次,然后进入教堂,开始登基仪式,成为英格兰教会的最高教士,以及全世界7700万圣公会教徒的精神领袖。

    Archbishop Justin Welby knocked with a staff three times on the medieval cathedral 's west door , entered and joined the ceremony enthroning him as the church of England 's top cleric and spiritual leader of some 77 million Anglicans worldwide .

  12. 英格兰国教会内部反对女性担任主教的派别之一,是一个保守的福音派团体,被称作改革宗(Reform)。

    One faction within the Church of England that opposes women as bishops is a conservative evangelical group called Reform .

  13. 伦敦&英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)周一通过最终投票,推翻了一个有着几百年历史的传统,允许女性担任主教。首批女主教的任命可能会在圣诞节前。

    LONDON & The Church of England overturned centuries of tradition on Monday with a final vote allowing women to become bishops , with the first appointments possible by Christmas .

  14. 伦敦——英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)周一通过最终投票,推翻了一个有着几百年历史的传统,允许女性担任主教。首批女主教的任命可能会在圣诞节前。

    LONDON - The Church of England overturned centuries of tradition on Monday with a final vote allowing women to become bishops , with the first appointments possible by Christmas .

  15. 英国商务部门发表声明谴责韦丹塔在奥里萨邦的所作所为。英格兰国教会(ChurchofEngland)旗下的投资基金抛售了该公司的股份以示抗议。

    The British commerce agency issued a rebuke of Vedanta 's actions in Odisha , and the Church of England 's investment funds sold their shares in the company in protest .

  16. 英格兰国教会的立法机构总议会(GeneralSynod)在进行了很大程度上是象征性的举手表决后,宣布通过了这一具有历史意义的变革。

    Approval of the historic change , which was first agreed to in July , was announced after a largely symbolic show of hands at the General Synod , the lawmaking body of the Church of England .

  17. 英格兰国教会和全球圣公宗(AnglicanCommunion)的精神领袖韦尔比大主教从一开始就支持该提议。他今年告诫教会的其他领袖,民众会认为将女性排除在外几乎无法理解。

    But Archbishop Welby , the spiritual leader of the church and the global Anglican Communion , who supported the vote from the start , had warned fellow church leaders this year that the public would find the exclusion of women almost incomprehensible .

  18. 英格兰国教会和全球圣公宗(AnglicanCommunion)的精神领袖韦尔比大主教从一开始就支持该提议。他今年告诫教会的其他领袖,民众会认为将女性排除在外“几乎无法理解”。

    But Archbishop Welby , the spiritual leader of the church and the global Anglican Communion , who supported the vote from the start , had warned fellow church leaders this year that the public would find the exclusion of women " almost incomprehensible . "

  19. 尽管许多早期的毕业生成为新英格兰清教教会的高级官员。

    Although many of its early graduates became ministers in Puritan congregations throughout New England , the college never formally affiliated with a specific religious denomination .

  20. 韦尔比大主教在周一的投票后预测,十年之内,英格兰国教会一半的主教职务将由女性担任,也就是说,可能会有大约50个主教教区由女性领导。

    Archbishop Welby predicted after Monday 's vote that half the Church of England 's bishops could be women within a decade , which would mean that about 50 dioceses could be led by women .