
  • 网络Continental Army;American Continental Army
  1. 她女扮男装参加乔治·华盛顿的大陆军。

    She served , disguised as a man , in George Washington 's Continental Army .

  2. 1775年6月5日,华盛顿被任命为大陆军的最高总指挥。

    On June 15 , 1775 , George Washington was appointed the commander in chief of the Continental Army .

  3. 他从自己的信箱里取出一份叫《大陆军》的月报。

    From his box he extracted his monthly Grand Army paper .

  4. 大陆军接连取得的一系列胜利大大地重建了爱国士兵们的信心。

    These victories greatly restored the patriots'hopes .

  5. 在这场血腥战役中,英军丧失1054名士兵,大陆军则损失449人。

    The British lost 1,054 men to the colonists ' 449 in this bloodiest battle of the Revolution .

  6. 由于大陆军缺乏经验,在长岛、曼哈顿、纽约白原战役中战败。

    The inexperienced Continental Army was defeated on Long Island , Manhattan , and at White Plains , New York .

  7. 第一任美国总统;在美国独立战争中大陆军的首要指挥官(1732-1799)。

    1st President of the United States ; commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution ( 1732-1799 ) .

  8. 1779年,华盛顿下令将大陆军的军服上衣改为深蓝色,但是直到1821年,那种颜色才成为全国美军的官方颜色。

    Though Washington ordered the Continental Army into dark blue coats in 1779 , the color did not become official nationwide until 1821 .

  9. 然而英军没有乘胜追击,华盛顿和他的大陆军得以逃往新泽西,后来又穿过特拉华河,抵达宾夕法尼亚州。

    However , the British failed to push their advantage , and Washington and his men were able to escape to New Jersey and across the Delaware River to Pennsylvania .

  10. 1781年10月19日,乔治.华盛顿大陆军在约克镇战役中击败英国,下周四是该战役胜利236周年纪念日。

    Next Thursday , October 19 , marks the 236th anniversary of the day that George Washington 's Continental Army defeated the British at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781 .

  11. 这是献给在1917年和记忆的“耐心和保真度的大陆军士兵谁那里度过了1777年冬季”,根据国家公园服务。

    It was dedicated in1917 and remembers the " patience and fidelity " of the Continental Army soldiers who spent the winter of1777 there , according to the National Park Service .

  12. 2021年1月,特朗普总统签署了《黛博拉·桑普森法案》,使其成为法律,这是一项综合性法案,以独立战争期间为在大陆军服役而伪装成男性的一名女性的名字命名。

    In January 2021 , President Trump signed into law the Deborah Sampson Act , a comprehensive bill named after the woman who posed as a man during the Revolutionary War in order to serve in the Continental Army .

  13. 1775年6月17日,在距离波士顿不远的不理智山(也就是著名的邦克山)上,大陆军击退了英军的两次进攻,然而在弹尽撤退之际却遭遇困难。

    On June 17 , 1775 , at Breed 's Hill ( known as Bunker Hill ) near Boston , colonial militia were able to hold off British troops for two charges , but hard to retreat when they ran out of ammunition .