
  1. 第二章董事权力限制必要性分析。

    The second chapter is the necessity of director power restrain .

  2. 因为美国的管理权经理人不能取代债务人公司董事权力。

    Because the Possessory Manager can not replace the power of the company directors .

  3. 本文主要研究公司董事权力的限制。

    This thesis is a research mainly on the restrain of the power of corporation director .

  4. 这有利于防止董事权力的滥用和第三人利益的保护。

    This helps to prevent the abuse of director 's power and protect the third person 's interests .

  5. 董事权力限制制度是公司治理的重要一环,是公司内部利益制衡机制的重要组成部分。

    The restriction of director 's authority is key to the corporate governance and the balance of benefit in a company .

  6. 为完善公司治理机构,提高我国公司的国际竞争力,有必要在公司立法中对董事权力限制制度加以完善。

    In order to consummate the corporation governance and enhance the compatibility of corporation in the world , it is necessary to improve the legal system of restricting director 's authority in our law .

  7. NED的作用主要有:改进公司治理结构、对公司中某些特定利益的保护以及抑制董事滥用权力。

    The functions of NED include as followings : to improve corporate governance constructers , protect some specific interests in company and check the misuse of director 's power and rights .

  8. 但今年6月颁布的公司治理法规暴露了日本在赋予董事会权力方面的含糊不清,以及日本经济团体联合会(Keidanren)等传统人士的质疑。

    But the corporate code introduced in June betrays Japan 's ambiguity - and the doubts of traditionalists such as the Keidanren business federation - about empowering boards .

  9. 公司董事会权力行使的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on the Power of Board of Directors in Corporation

  10. 论董事会权力制约机制的完善

    On the Perfection of the Restrict Mechanism about the Power of the Board of Directors

  11. 股东大会与董事会权力分配的研究

    On the Distribution of Power between the Council of Stockholders and the Board of Directors

  12. 原来的董事会权力集中,董事会成员属于公司内部人员;

    In the past the power of company governance centralized in the internal personnel of directorate .

  13. 股东撤销董事的权力必须从小说变为现实。

    Shareholders ' power to remove directors must be turned from a fiction into a reality .

  14. 本文研究了各方利益群体对董事会权力结构的影响。

    In this paper , we make a research on how different interest groups influence board structure .

  15. 然而现今上市公司董事高管权力日益膨胀,董事高管信息披露违规现象愈演愈烈。

    However , nowadays the power of directors and senior management of listed companies are getting increasingly expanded .

  16. 再次从英美国家特殊的单层制董事会权力机制入手分析了该制度产生与发展的深层次原因。另外介绍了有关独立董事任命的几个问题:独立董事的资格、独立董事的提名和任期等。

    Moreover , this article deals with several relevant problems about the system : the qualification , term of office and dismiss of office of independent director and so on .

  17. 二是国有企业产权结构不合理,主要体现在股东大会、董事会权力弱化和内部人控制现象严重这两方面。

    The second one is poor arrangement of property right structure in state-owned enterprise , mainly reflects in the gradually reduced power of board of shareholders and board of directors ;

  18. 然而,董事会权力的日益膨胀使得董事会权力滥用的局面屡见不鲜,从而造成了对广大股东权利的侵害。

    However , the growing power of the Board of Trustees makes the situation of frequent abuse of power , resulting in the violation of the rights of the broad masses of shareholders .

  19. 尽管如此,一些分析师却表示,在香港,对小股东的保护和限制董事会权力的力度,弱于那些股东维权行动已成为一股强大力量的国家。

    But it is telling , say some analysts , that in Hong Kong the protection of minority shareholders and curbs on directors ' powers are weaker than in countries where shareholder activism has become a strong force .

  20. 然而现实的结果却令人沮丧,股东大会日益形式化,董事会权力日益被经理层架空,分权与制衡的理想始终无法实现。

    However , the actual results have been disappointing , the shareholders meeting growing formalized , the Board of managers of power increasingly being elevated , the ideal of the separation and restriction of powers has always been elusive .

  21. 笔者基于此现实问题,联系世界各国的立法潮流,提出了相反的观点:认为须对董事会权力进行制约,并应完善董事会权力的制约机制。

    Based on this actual problem , regarding to the world legislation tide , the authors put forward an opposite point , ie , we must restrict the power of board of directors and perfect the restrict mechanism about the power of board of directors .

  22. 完善董事会权力制约机制包括很多方面:1、在公司体系中,董事会作为一个权力整体,需由股东大会和监事会对其进行制约。

    The perfection of the restrict mechanism about the power of board of directors has many different aspects . The first , in the system of the company , as a whole with power , the board of directors should be restricted by the shareholders ' convention and supervisory board .

  23. 为了监控董事会权力的行使过程,使公司具备与董事会相制衡的机构,许多国家设立了董事会的监督机构。

    In order to exercise the powers of the Board of Trustees monitoring process , the company has to establish a new branch to check and balance the right of Board of Trustees . Also , many countries have set up a Board of Trustees of the corresponding oversight bodies .

  24. 有时任命一位首席董事去约束权力过大的高管就够了(不过我怀疑,面对一位执意往前冲的CEO兼董事长,他们是否能发挥作用)。

    It is sometimes enough to appoint a lead or presiding director to hold over-mighty executives in check ( though I am sceptical about their effectiveness faced with a CEO-chair who insists on charging ahead ) .

  25. 日本法律规定,股东大会具有任免和监督董事的最高权力。

    Japan 's law , the shareholders'meeting and supervision and director of the appointment with the highest power .

  26. 花旗集团默许交易,称该基金没有提名人员加入银行董事会的权力。

    Citigroup characterized the investment as passive and said the fund will not be able to name any board members to the bank .

  27. 绝大多数瑞士投票者支持对企业薪资实施限制,这一限制将剥夺公司董事会的权力,这是欧洲高管薪资在不到一周的时间内第二次遭到抨击。

    European executive pay has come under attack for the second time in less than a week after Swiss voters overwhelmingly backed curbs on corporate wages that snatch the power away from company boards .

  28. 整个事情归根结蒂无非是工会与董事们之间的权力之争。

    The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors .

  29. Booz的另一个发现是大西洋两岸的共同点:回顾最近几年,董事会怀疑和权力斗争导致了三分之一的总裁离职。

    Another Booz finding is common to both sides of the Atlantic : looking back over recent years , board disputes and power struggles lie behind a third of chief-executive firings .

  30. 董事会是公司权力分配中极为重要的环节。

    The board is vital important in the distribution of corporate power .