
  • 网络Dong Fangzhuo;Fangzuo Dong
  1. 董方卓在美国不出名。

    Dong Fangzhuo is not famous in America .

  2. 科萨大概是觉得,董方卓现在和球队配合,还不能严丝合缝。

    Kossa is probably thought that Dong Fangzhuo now and the team coordinates , has not been able to fit together snugly or perfectly .

  3. 曼联俱乐部在星期三说,曼联队的这位中国前锋董方卓已经获得英国工作许可,显然他将在英格兰超级联赛中崭露头角。

    Manchester United 's China striker Dong Fangzhuo has been given a British work permit and is clear to make his competitive debut for the Premier League leaders , the club said on Wednesday .