
  • 网络Ho-Pin Tung
  1. 董荷斌第一次驾驶SRT01E时,令他吃惊的是头盔中风的声音。

    What caught Tung by surprise the first time he drove the SRT_01E was the sound of the wind in his helmet .

  2. 当地的赛车迷们对中国赛车队获得的结果颇为失望,董荷斌名列第16,他的队友小纳尔逊·皮奎特(NelsonPiquetJr.)名列第8。

    The local fans were disappointed by China Racing 's finish , as Tung placed placing 16th and his teammate Nelson Piquet Jr. placed eighth .

  3. 中国赛车队的荷兰籍华裔车手董荷斌(Ho-PinTung)说,这个系列车赛的最佳车手将是那些能完好地掌握电池能量使用的人。

    Ho-Pin Tung , a Dutch driver of Chinese descent on the China Racing team , said that the best drivers in this series would be those who mastered the ability to manage the battery 's energy .