
  • 网络director's fees;director’s fee
  1. 董事费按劳务报酬计征。

    The director fees should be paid according to remuneration .

  2. 董事费和受雇收入的处理是不一样的。

    Directors fees and income from employment are not treated the same .

  3. 董事费收入与受雇收入的处理是否一样?

    Are director fees treated in the same way as income from employment ?

  4. 税务局:剩下的收入要划分成董事费和工资两部分。

    Tax official : the remains of your income should be divided into director fees and the salaries .

  5. 纳税人:工资的计税方法我了解一些,董事费如何计征?

    Taxpayer : I know a little about levying tax on salary , but how do I pay tax on director fees ?

  6. 税务局:也就是说您的收入中实际包括了董事费、工资和股息三部分。

    Tax official : I mean your personal income actually include three parts : the director fees , the dividends , and the salaries of general manager .