
  • data fraud
  1. 与希腊不同,爱尔兰的危机,并非因为过度举债、逃税漏税或国家统计数据造假所致。

    The Irish have been hurt not by the excessive borrowing , tax evasion or false national statistics that troubled the Greeks .

  2. 中国和西方的学者都认为,国内的欺骗依然泛滥:从数据造假到学历撒谎,从考试作弊到大量剽窃,不正当的学术行为影响广泛。

    Scholars , both Chinese and Western , say that fraud remains rampant and misconduct ranges from falsified data to fibs about degrees , cheating on tests and extensive plagiarism .

  3. 一直以来,内部控制理论与实践的发展就受到各主要发达国家的重视,近年来由于国内外一些著名公司的财务数据造假事件曝光,使得内部控制问题更是引起全球性的关注和重视。

    For a long time , the theory and practice of internal-control are valued by the some developed countries . And in recent years , the exposures of finance data deceits of some famous domestic and international companies make the internal-control problems cause the global concern and values .