
  • 网络data resource;data sources;data
  1. 基于WebServices的异构数据资源透明访问技术

    Research on Heterogeneous Data Resource Transparent Access Technology Based on Web Services

  2. ERP数据资源自动采集系统的设计

    Design an automatic collection system on ERP data resource

  3. 按照合作协议,双方将利用消费者数据资源将线下门店、商品、物流以及支付工具整合起来,提供更好的整体消费体验。

    Under the deal , the duo would leverage7 their troves of consumer data in order to integrate offline stores , merchandise , logistics and payment tools to deliver a better overall shopping experience .

  4. VISUALBASIC提供了从VISUALBASIC程序访问并操纵大量数据资源的能力。

    Visual Basic provides capabilities of calling and operating mass datum resources .

  5. 随着Internet技术的不断发展,Web数据资源迅速扩张。

    With the developing of Internet , data resources on Web are expanding rapidly .

  6. 其二、实现数据资源的共享,本系统的共享方式主要通过InternetExplore来实现。

    Secondly , the system has already realized the data share through the Internet Explore .

  7. 仅仅在资源共享方面,全球就有数千万的用户使用P2P系统分享海量的数据资源。

    Millions of users resort to P2P resource sharing systems to share their data resources .

  8. 通过允许Web服务器直接访问包含动态内容的其他数据资源(比如数据库),2层Web架构可以满足这些需求。

    The2-tier Web architecture addressed these requirements by giving Web servers direct access to other data resources ( such as a database ) that provide dynamic content .

  9. 结果就是图表的ID和正在被监视的各种数据资源的ID。

    The results are the ID of the graph and the IDs of the various data sources that are now being monitored .

  10. 在分布式OA系统中,数据资源的分布会影响整个OA系统的效率。

    In distributed OA system , a rational data resource 's distribution can improve the OA system efficiency .

  11. deepweb中蕴含了丰富的数据资源,但是Web数据半结构和无结构的特点,使这些资源难以被很好地利用,如何从deepweb中自动获取有用的信息是倍受关注的研究课题之一。

    Deep Web contains a wealth of data resources , but the web data are semi-structured or unstructured , as a result , these resources are difficult to make good use of .

  12. 它通过Web服务器,实现分布式数据库的数据资源共享;通过客户端配置的浏览器,实现通过局域网或远程Internet网的多用户应用服务。

    This mode realizes sharing of distributional database resources through the web server and realizes multiuser application service on local area network or the long-distance Internet net through the browser in client side .

  13. DB2数据库管理器在需要时锁定数据资源(如表空间、表和行)。

    The DB2 database manager acquires locks on data resources , such as table spaces , tables , and rows , whenever they are needed .

  14. 网格将分布在Internet上的各种计算资源、数据资源、存储资源联系起来,用户无论在何地都可以共享Internet这个超级计算机。

    Grid technology combines all kinds of computational resource , data resource , storage resource scattered in the Internet , and it enable users all over the world take Internet as a virtual super computer .

  15. 通过互联网环境数据库使厂商与设计人员能够互动利用数据资源,克服传统暖通CAD数据更新困难和难以保证数据时效性等缺点。

    The disadvantage of updating the data not on time can be overcome , because the designer and manufacturer can actively use data resource with the database on the server .

  16. 根据集团公司的整体目标,针对试点矿羊场湾煤矿的基础环境分析,设计了煤炭企业基于IP平台数据资源标准草案和数字化矿山的解决方案。

    According to the overall goal of the group company , a solution of draft which was based on IP platform about the data resource standard and digital mine were designed .

  17. GridDaEn利用Java平台无关特性,整合广域环境下异构存储的海量数据资源,自动转换不同的底层数据访问协议,为地理分布的网格用户提供了统一数据访问和进行高层应用开发的数据服务平台。

    It adopts Java mechanism , provides uniform access and management of the large-scale distributed scientific datasets and converts different bottom accessing protocols automatically , providing a service platform for high-level application development .

  18. 一个具有3个JNDI注册的数据资源的JTA事务的容器环境是一种典型的配置。

    A typical configuration is a container environment for a JTA transaction with three JNDI-registered data sources .

  19. 这就意味着可以将EJB资源引用和数据资源引用定义在同一个地方,并且每个servlet或者JSP都可以访问它们。

    This means that I can define EJB resource references and data source resource references in one place , and every servlet or JSP has access to them .

  20. 这种B/S模式只需使用标准的浏览器就可以访问到存储于Web应用服务器上的各种应用程序,并且可以通过应用服务器到数据库服务器连接来存取各种数据库中的数据资源。

    Such B / S mode can access the application program on the Web application server by using the normative Web browser and can also access data resources in different kinds of data base by the data connection through the application server .

  21. 该技术主要优点在于能够使数据资源处于分布控制状态;对Agent组成的系统进行自然的描述,利于各有关人员对软件系统的理解;

    The major advantage of this technology lies in making resources of the data under distributed control , describing the system that Agent makes up naturally , which relevant personnel benefit from in understanding software system , helping to integrate existing software .

  22. 该系统利用已有SCADA系统的数据资源,组建和开发了数据通讯、数据库管理和图形处理平台的相应软、硬件;

    With the available data resource in the existing SCADA system , the hardware and software for data communication , database management and graphic supporting platform are developed .

  23. 本文运用软件工程技术设计开发基于Web的精品课程建设管理系统,从技术上实现精品课程建设的统一化、规范化管理,促进网络资源和数据资源的共享与维护。

    Based on the software engineering technology , this thesis focus on the design and development of web-based management systems of quality courses construction to technologically achieve a unified and standardized management , hence promoting the sharing and maintenance of web resources and data resources .

  24. Web服务的出现为解决上述问题提供了新的思路,它为实现Internet上计算资源、数据资源和服务资源的有效聚合和广泛共享提供了一种全新的方法。

    The appearance of Web Services technology provides a new idea to solve the problem mentioned above . The technology offers a new method to carry out effectively integrating and widely sharing of the computing resources , data resources and services resources in the internet .

  25. OPAC即联机公共书目查询系统,是利用计算机终端来查询馆藏数据资源的一种现代化检索系统。

    Online Public Access Catalogue ( OPAC ) is a modern retrieval system , which searches for collections with the computer terminal .

  26. 文章主要介绍有害生物风险分析(PRA)的研究进展,PRA数据资源获得途径,PRA主要的分析模式及软件。

    The progress of the PRA , the approach to the PRA data resource and the main analysis model as well as the software adopted are introduced .

  27. 双口RAM是采集接口和CPU共享数据资源的一个有效且成熟的构架,将用户逻辑与双口逻辑有机融合,与传统双口RAM相比具有更加灵活的总线协议接口。

    The dual RAM is an effective and mature framework between acquisition interface and the shared data of CPU , it fuses the user logic and dual logic more flexible bus protocol interface than traditional dual RAM .

  28. 系统采用一种P2P(peer-to-peer)多Chord(MultiChord)网格体系结构,实现数据资源的分布存储、查询处理和动态数据集成;

    DS_Grid adopts a P2P ( peer-to-peer ) Multi-Chord ( MultiChord ) architecture to realize the distributed storage , query processing and dynamic data integration of data resources .

  29. 企业应用集成(EAI)不可避免的要整合各种异构的数据资源,同时还需要集成业务过程,而JCA则是一种较好的基于J2EE的解决方案。

    EAI ( Enterprise Application Integration ) must integrate all kinds of heterogeneous data resources and different business process . JCA is one J2EE-based solution which can solve these problems quite well .

  30. 提出资源空间模型和结构化对等网络Chord模型相结合的新资源组织模型,统一、规范、有效地组织和管理分布的数据资源。

    The significant contributions of this dissertation are : ( 1 ) The R-Chord model by deploying the Resource Space Model above the Chord overlay for uniformly , normally and effectively organizing and managing resources distributed in P2P networks .